Evangelical devotion to Trump

Obama was called a messiah. They said he was sent by god. They had school kids singing creepy songs praising him as if he was god. But that was different.

During the Soul Train Awards in 2012, comedian and actor Jamie Foxx exhorted a wildly cheering crowd to "first of all (give) honor to god, and our lord and savior Barack Obama," exhibiting the all-too-widespread hero worship that casts rational thought aside and labels even legitimate criticism as virtual blasphemy.

Oh yeah, and then they would faint during his rallies.
You mean your issues. Issues vary from person to person. Would you say your issues align more with the democrats or with the magaturds?
Yes. Issues which are important to me you retard. Should I vote based on issues which are important to dumb asses like you?
He was mocking those on the Right who called Obama the messiah.
No he wasn’t. Just as the teachers who had their student sing eerie songs praising Obama weren’t doing to to mock conservatives. They worshipped the man.
Yes. Issues which are important to me you retard. Should I vote based on issues which are important to dumb asses like you?
Issues. I agree that is what matters.

The debt. My number one issue. The GOP doubled the deficit. Trump added $8 trillion to the deficit in half the time it took Obama.

It is at this point a tard comes along and says, "Because Covid!" But that's because they are tards. Trump doubled the deficit before Covid. Trump submitted the largest government spending bill in history before Covid. Trump also asked for more stimulus spending than even the Democrats wanted. He was trying to buy votes.

The Trumptards whined and whined for TEN YEARS about Obama's debt, well into Trump's presidency, And sometimes they still do. Yet they were DEAD SILENT as Trump ran up the tab even faster.

Family values. That's a big one for me. Trump is the polar opposite of family values. Thanks to him, the organization formerly known as the Republican party threw Family Values right out the window with all the force they could muster, all in obedience to their cult leader.

Our democracy. Yes, we are a democracy. I don't know who or where this "We aren't a Democracy" bullshit came from, but you have to be one seriously stupid person to say we are not a democracy. Trump himself called this "our democracy" no less than four times on the day he attempted to overthrow our democracy. That one thing alone, and the cult's not only acceptance but protection of the motherfucker has ensured I will never vote Republican again for as long as I live.

Foreign affairs. One of the president's primary duties. The cult's support of Putin over Ukraine would kill Reagan if he wasn't dead already. They cult whines about corruption in Ukraine while ignoring the fact Russia is more corrupt on EVERY list of corrupt countries. And a great deal of Ukraine's corruption was due to the behaviors of Putin's puppets in Ukraine. You don't hear of journalists and critics falling out of windows or being poisoned or being sent to prison in Ukraine. Just Russia.

The same dipshits who claim about "rigged" elections are completely oblivious to the fact Putin has been in power for over 25 years, all due to ACTUAL rigged elections and because he had their Constitution re-written so he could stay in power. Not a fucking PEEP out of the hypocrites about that.

And the willingness of the dipshits to listen to a guy who wants to disband NATO, in accordance with his idol's wishes, is the kill stroke for me.

I was a Republican until 2017. No matter how much longer Trump lives, I will have been a Republican longer than that grifting lying asshole has been.

Ronald Reagan explained the reason he switched from being a Democrat to being a Republican this way. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me."

Exactly. I didn't leave the GOP. The GOP left me.

They are so far off the reservation, I can't even see them any more. All I see in their place is a cult of madmen.
When it comes to the accumulation debt, most liberals have earthy clue who’s responsible for that.

They think that when we have a Democrat Congress and a Republican president it’s all the presidents fault. When we have a Democrat Congress and a Democrat president, it’s all Republican minorities fault. Democrats are never held responsible.

They are hypocrites.

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