Evangelical devotion to Trump

The Evangelical view of Trump as a godly man tells you everything you neeed to know about the Evangelical conceptoin of Godly.

I don't know how many fingers and toes I would need to count the number of Evangelical kids I've seen walk away from their faith over stuff like this. Especially the charismatic ones.

With even evangelical pastors facing ire from their congregation about all the 'woke shit' that the pastors are trying to push on them by quoting Jesus.

Show where they view him as 'godly'? :cuckoo:
They used to. No longer a valid take in 2023. Now magaturds donate to an orange bag O' shit hawking bibles prefaced with the lyrics to God Bless America. :rolleyes: They donate their social security money to him as well, as if he's a televangelist. Apparently you've bought into it too.
Apparently, you can't read.

Try again, Simp.
Once again for the extra slow, people vote for a President. They don't vote for a spiritual leader.

I have never voted for a person based on their religion, or view of abortion. I vote based on their policies for the country.

This entire thread is based on a false premise, which isn't surprising given who the idiot is who started it.
You clearly haven't been any evangelical churches lately. They are pushing the man as anointed and chosen by God. As a 'godly man'.

I listened to a sermon the Sunday before last on just such a topic when I was visiting central Texas. And I spent a fair amount of last week sitting with and listening to a young ex-evangelical woman trying to process how a church she loved and people she looked up to had failed to live up to the standards of a Christian that she'd been raised to believe.

She and many people her age were profoundly repulsed by the fawning praise of Trump as an example of a godly man.

She'd decided to leave the faith before I got there. But I think I helped a little, getting her to see the differences between the men and women who were practicing the faith with such hypocrisy and without love in their hearts..... and her belief in God itself. Last I spoke with her, her relationship with God was still her most fundamental one. But she'd realized that her church was no longer a place to help that relationship grow.

She's not alone. I've literally run into dozens of the same general story. And I help these kids process when I can. When we're lucky, they're able to leave the church behind without losing their faith.
You're bought in 100% behind the orange bag O' shit.
I vote for Trump based on his policies and positions on issues, Dumbass. And the fact he loves sticking it to the deep state swamp and corrupt media.

Don't give two shits about his religious views.

Man, you really are slow.
I vote for Trump based on his policies and positions on issues, Dumbass. And the fact he loves sticking it to the deep state swamp and corrupt media.
And I'm telling you it's meaningless entertainment for you. You are conditioned to believe these 'policies' affect you personally.
These kids are nothing short of motherfucking courageous. That kind of real assessment of what you were taught, and finding a path forward with you faith intact is heroic. I am always a little in awe of them.
Me too. My faith didn't make it, sadly.
Me too. My faith didn't make it, sadly.
Yeah, it happens. And I get it.

I do what little I can to help them preserve it not because I necessarily believe exactly what they do. But because its precious and important to them. Its their journey. And I'll follow their lead on what is best for them.
Yeah, it happens. And I get it.

I do what little I can to help them preserve it not because I necessarily believe exactly what they do. But because its precious and important to them. Its their journey. And I'll follow their lead on what is best for them.
You're one of the good guys.
And I'm telling you it's meaningless entertainment for you. You are conditioned to believe these 'policies' affect you personally.
You have no clue what it is to me, Simp.

You have demonstrated your ignorance on a massive scale in this thread.
Sounds like you have something against the man who challenges the systemically racist judicial system in the US.

Why is that?

Are you a racist as well?

Trump likes to dominate and humiliate other men. Don't you get it yet?
True enough.
Kinda like you guys and biden groping children, sexualizing his own daughter, and multiple accusations of sexual assault. With one that led to him almost getting his ass kicked by his own SS detail.. yall ignore all that.
So yall have something in common.
Multiple accusations of sexual assault, by who? Tara, and who else? :dunno:

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