Evangelical devotion to Trump

Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?
They have sold their souls. Trump is the most unChrist-like person to ever occupy the Oval Office. They wonder why church attendance is declining and people are abandoning organized religion.
They have sold their souls. Trump is the most unChrist-like person to ever occupy the Oval Office. They wonder why church attendance is declining and people are abandoning organized religion.

Its a very real issue. As evangelical leaders are proving that power is more important to them than the gospel.

And their young people are absolutely noticing.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

Because he doesn't hate us like you do
Because he doesn't hate us like you do

Trump calling for the termination of the constitution, asking about assassinating his political rivals as president, his sending his supporters to attack the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power, his waiting and doing nothing as his supporters beat cops......is a demonstration that he DOESN'T hate us?

Laughing....no wonder they won't let you teach kids anymore.
they are no more devoted to Trump than you are.

few threads are posted that you don't bring him up.

They most certainly are devoted to Trump. Ted Cruz is an ardent Dominionist and he's devoted to Trump in spite of Trump calling his wife ugly and claiming his father was part of JFK's assassination. So is Rubio.
Trump calling for the termination of the constitution, asking about assassinating his political rivals as president, his sending his supporters to attack the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power, his waiting and doing nothing as his supporters beat cops......is a demonstration that he DOESN'T hate us?

Laughing....no wonder they won't let you teach kids anymore.
except that none of those things are true. you are truly an idiot.
Then why choose him over a man of unquestioned Christian values like Mike Pence?

They put no caveat on their devotion to Trump such as……I oppose his moral decisions but support his candidacy
What happened? Mike Pence was once a sexual predator because he refused to date other women.

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