Evangelical devotion to Trump

They most certainly are devoted to Trump. Ted Cruz is an ardent Dominionist and he's devoted to Trump in spite of Trump calling his wife ugly and claiming his father was part of JFK's assassination. So is Rubio.
try something new.

READ my post before you respond to it.
Even Republicans in Congress admit they have no such evidence

You are making shit up
the evidence has been shown to congress and the entire world, come out of your cave and see what is really going on. Biden's sniffing of little girls and his daughter's diary plus the bank records proving bribery and treason are solid and real. Wake up
the evidence has been shown to congress and the entire world, come out of your cave and see what is really going on. Biden's sniffing of little girls and his daughter's diary plus the bank records proving bribery and treason are solid and real. Wake up

You double down on making shit up
the evidence has been shown to congress and the entire world, come out of your cave and see what is really going on. Biden's sniffing of little girls and his daughter's diary plus the bank records proving bribery and treason are solid and real. Wake up

His brother paid back a short term loan. His daughter's diary is about a toddler memory and a if that's the reason she played doctor with other children.

Be realistic, sober and decent.
The reality is, people see the sort of person xiden is, crack head kids, tax cheating, stealing and selling classified material, And just don’t like him

Who has Biden sold classified information to? That's a very serious charge. It's treason like Johnathan Pollard. Produce your evidence. You're a serious person, aren't you?
Do lefties even understand that their bias and hatred is illustrated when they use the term "evangelical devotion"? Is it possible that insulting Christian beliefs is the new political direction of the democrat party? Evangelicals support Trump for sure but evangelicals are like the rest of normal Americans who think Trump is the best candidate. On the other hand the support for Biden is puzzling and the word "devotion" might be appropriate for fools who worship a mentally impaired politician because they suffer from TDS.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
A serious, interesting, and scary piece here:

Do lefties even understand that their bias and hatred is illustrated when they use the term "evangelical devotion"? Is it possible that insulting Christian beliefs is the new political direction of the democrat party? Evangelicals support Trump for sure but evangelicals are like the rest of normal Americans who think Trump is the best candidate. On the other hand the support for Biden is puzzling and the word "devotion" might be appropriate for fools who worship a mentally impaired politician because they suffer from TDS.

Are you an evangelical?
It’s all true.

That Trump supporters – including Evangelicals – refuse to acknowledge the truth about Trump is what’s idiotic.
the truth about Trump = low inflation, sealed border, low unemployment, energy independent, no new wars, stable economy, rising stock market, safe streets. respected in the world, strong military and police

the truth about Biden = high inflation, open border, high unemployment, dependent of enemies for energy, unstable economy, laughed at by the world. senile. war in Ukraine and Israel, China threatening Taiwan. weak military and police with hands tied.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post in December 2022.
the dems violated the constitution and our body of law, why was that tolerated?

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