Evangelical devotion to Trump

When people are actively advocating to suppress my faith, and there's a veritable asshole saying he will do what's in his power to counter that, and create an environment where I can practice it freely, yeah, I'll vote for him. Is that a betrayal of my values? Absolutely not.
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I know what faith is. If you find it has value, so be it.

Correct. Magaturds arrogantly assume what they want is universal in this country. They brazenly decided the 2020 election was corrupted before it even happened, and when it didn't go their way, they decided they would attempt to override the will of the voter in 2020. Magaturds deserve derision, scorn and a pound of flesh taken from the orange bag O' shit they worship.

Your observations aren't my problem.

No, it was suspect after it happened. Too many questions, not enough real answers.

There's that unearned sense of self worth again....
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
Got to get those Christians!!!!!
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

The Evangelical view of Trump as a godly man tells you everything you neeed to know about the Evangelical conceptoin of Godly.

I don't know how many fingers and toes I would need to count the number of Evangelical kids I've seen walk away from their faith over stuff like this. Especially the charismatic ones.

With even evangelical pastors facing ire from their congregation about all the 'woke shit' that the pastors are trying to push on them by quoting Jesus.
Not what it looks like today. Do you have anything other than dumb questions?
Since you can't even address simple questions, it would seem you don't have any idea what it looks like. You just want to bitch and complain about the issue and use it as a political football. How sad and superficial. :rolleyes:
When people are actively advocating to suppress my faith, and there's a veritable asshole saying he will do what's in his power to counter that, and create an environment where I can practice it freely, yeah, I'll vote for him. Is that a betrayal of my values? Absolutely not.
I believe it seems like a complete betrayal of your alleged values. You are following the word of a non religious orange bag O' shit who doesn't care a whit about them. :rolleyes: But you believe he's going to 'protect' them for... reasons. You're a mark, dude. Your vote is all that matters, then he will do whatever the fuck he wants. I hope you wake up someday.
The Evangelical view of Trump as a godly man tells you everything you neeed to know about the Evangelical conceptoin of Godly.

I don't know how many fingers and toes I would need to count the number of Evangelical kids I've seen walk away from their faith over stuff like this. Especially the charismatic ones.

With even evangelical pastors facing ire from their congregation about all the 'woke shit' that the pastors are trying to push on them by quoting Jesus.
Once again for the extra slow, people vote for a President. They don't vote for a spiritual leader.

I have never voted for a person based on their religion, or view of abortion. I vote based on their policies for the country.

This entire thread is based on a false premise, which isn't surprising given who the idiot is who started it.
I believe it seems like a complete betrayal of your alleged values. You are following the word of a non religious orange bag O' shit who doesn't care a whit about them. :rolleyes: But you believe he's going to 'protect' them for... reasons. You're a mark, dude. Your vote is all that matters, then he will do whatever the fuck he wants. I hope you wake up someday.

This is a pot roast scenario. It makes its own gravy. I help the evangelical kids when I can, talking them through the dissonance between what they were fervently taught and desperately want to believe about the church, Christ and the gospel..........and how that that is expressed in the Evangelical support of Trump, a fairly vile man who is antithetical to the stated goals of their faith.

These are hard conversations. I usually don't try to lead them to any particular conclusion, but mostly sit with them and listen to them as they process their own resolution to the dissonance. They usually come out the other side with their faith in god and scripture intact, but their trust in evangelicalism shattered by the movement's own hypocrisy.

And the painful irony is that these kids are usually the ones that are the deepest thinkers, the truest believers and the longest striders. They genuinely want to grow their faith. So much so, they outgrow evangelicalism.

And these Christian churches only have themselves to blame for plummeting numbers. They truly do deserve to lose their brightest stars.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

I dunno, I suppose first you’d have to reconcile that your claims are based on lies and lawfare..beyond that, you have to understand that nobody is perfect and nobody expects them to be perfect.

Beyond that, you’d have to realize that, for all of the shitty things trump has done, Biden has done shitty things too. So, the answer is to not vote at all, or vote for one candidate whom you think is the least worst.
people vote for a President. They don't vote for a spiritual leader.
They used to. No longer a valid take in 2023. Now magaturds donate to an orange bag O' shit hawking bibles prefaced with the lyrics to God Bless America. :rolleyes: They donate their social security money to him as well, as if he's a televangelist. Apparently you've bought into it too.
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This is a pot roast scenario. It makes its own gravy. I help the evangelical kids when I can, talking them through the dissonance between what they were fervently taught and desperately want to believe about the church, Christ and the gospel..........and how that that is expressed in the Evangelical support of Trump, a fairly vile man who is antithetical to the stated goals of their faith.

These are hard conversations. I usually don't try to lead them to any particular conclusion, but mostly sit with them and listen to them as they process their own resolution to the dissonance. They usually come out the other side with their faith in god and scripture intact, but their trust in evangelicalism shattered by the movement's own hypocrisy.

And the painful irony is that these kids are usually the ones that are the deepest thinkers, the truest believers and the longest striders. They genuinely want to grow their faith. So much so, they outgrow evangelicalism.

And these Christian churches only have themselves to blame for plummeting numbers. They truly do deserve to lose their brightest stars.
Good on you. At one time in my life, I was one of those kids. Self reflection can be a difficult, life changing thing.

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