Evangelical devotion to Trump

We vote for him

We don’t fly Biden Flags, buy Biden Sneakers or NFTs showing Biden as Superman

That is worship

More of a cult of personality, same as Obama had.


It is the forgiveness factor and the lessors of two evils.

No matter what he does he can be forgiven. Thus Trump who was a democrat became a born again republican.

He is the incarnation of walk like a duck, talk like a duck and named donald

He became a beloved cartoon. There is even talk of him minting his own 20 dollar bill with his likeness.


Can u just given me one dollar bills instead!
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We vote for him

We don’t fly Biden Flags, buy Biden Sneakers or NFTs showing Biden as Superman

That is worship
I think I have seen maybe a dozen, at most, Trump flags around here in the past 7 years.
Never tshirts or anything else.
Numerous bumper stickers for both.
You aren't criticizing, you are dismissing out of hand without giving any alternative you think they should follow.

Why should evangelicals vote for Biden?
First, don't make it about me personally. I avoid religious discussion.

I can dismiss a whole worldview and it doesn't affect the individual that may hold it.

I've never dictated to anyone what their personal beliefs should be.

I'm not voting for Brandon, yet you want me to sell him to evangelicals for you. Are you an idiot?
First, don't make it about me personally. I avoid religious discussion.

I can dismiss a whole worldview and it doesn't affect the individual that may hold it.

I've never dictated to anyone what their personal beliefs should be.

I'm not voting for Brandon, yet you want me to sell him to evangelicals for you. Are you an idiot?

That's called faith. Another point of evidence you can't see anything beyond your own limited mind.

Welcome to our Binary solution election. You claim you won't vote for Biden, yet all your scorn is only heaped on Trump supporters, and what you call "populists". I've never seen you on any post here take or defend a concrete identifiable position on anything.

If the afterlife were like Dante's Divine Comedy, you would be one of the directionless wretches following the banner around for eternity, pestered by biting insects.
Trumpsters -- of all people on the planet -- accusing others of being cultish may be the ultimate in projection.

But I think they're serious. They appear to believe it.

Leftists are collectivists by nature, and often authoritarian by nature. Maybe not the one big strongman, but the party, the board, the government, etc.

You use the term cultish as a default because of your inherent disdain for religion, and your association of cults with religion.

Cult of personality for sure, but we saw the same shit with Obama.
That's called faith. Another point of evidence you can't see anything beyond your own limited mind.
I know what faith is. If you find it has value, so be it.
You claim you won't vote for Biden, yet all your scorn is only heaped on Trump supporters, and what you call "populists".
Correct. Magaturds arrogantly assume what they want is universal in this country. They brazenly decided the 2020 election was corrupted before it even happened, and when it didn't go their way, they decided they would attempt to override the will of the voter in 2020. Magaturds deserve derision, scorn and a pound of flesh taken from the orange bag O' shit they worship.
I've never seen you on any post here take or defend a concrete identifiable position on anything.
Your observations aren't my problem.

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