Evangelical devotion to Trump

Who died and made you god? LOL

C.S. Lewis would disagree. So would Tolkien, I suspect. Absolutely Paul Tillich
You are correct, God allowed it, he didn't put them there, but sometimes God does things to push us to the edge, where we are now to show us our mistakes.
They stand for what they believe in, and they stand for not letting elite assholes tell them hypocritically what to do while the elites themselves don't do it.
Pretty much the opposite. Populists believe what an elitist orange bag O' shit tells them what to do. They believe what they are told to believe. No critical thinking among populists.
You are correct, God allowed it, he didn't put them there, but sometimes God does things to push us to the edge, where we are now to show us our mistakes.
Not all christians agree God does things to push humans one way or the other. Some of us believe God put free will into play for us to ... CHOOSE
Not all christians agree God does things to push humans one way or the other. Some of us believe God put free will into play for us to ... CHOOSE
Yes and free will allows us to make bad decisions, like voting for scum democrats. Then he guides us to make better decisions
Pretty much the opposite. Populists believe what an elitist orange bag O' shit tells them what to do. They believe what they are told to believe. No critical thinking among populists.

He isn't the one trying to lower their standard of living, shove elite morality on them, and subvert their children.

All things Dems are doing in the name of AGW and LBGT+-12345.
He isn't the one trying to lower their standard of living, shove elite morality on them, and subvert their children.

All things Dems are doing in the name of AGW and LBGT+-12345.
Talking points. All things populist deny and/or doesn't really affect them personally. Just complaining and full of shit 24/7.
Talking points. All things populist deny and/or doesn't really affect them personally. Just complaining and full of shit 24/7.

It's how they see things. And your smarmy "Me so soes smartzers than they" SJW bullshit won't change that.

You lack the ability to see things through people who don't think like you. Or you suppress it like SJW idiots do.
It's how they see things. And your smarmy "Me so soes smartzers than they" SJW bullshit won't change that.

You lack the ability to see things through people who don't think like you. Or you suppress it like SJW idiots do.
Then apparently, magaturds lack the same ability. Hypocrite much?
75 million racists…we know.

Did you see the racist black guy Kevin Holland go over to Trump after he won Saturday?


I don’t think Trump is personally a racist.

But he clearly has no problem pandering to the racists within his base when it’s politically convenient to do so
That doesn't change my accusation towards you.

The unearned hubris of the left on matters of politics is one of the most disgusting things about you hacks.
Your accusations are meaningless, hypocrite.

The arrogance of magaturds is unearned and astounding. You are no different than an extremist left winger.

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