Evangelical devotion to Trump

Because Trump has a history of enacting policies which are not hostile to Christian’s / evangelicals. When it comes to policies they support, Trump’s deeds matched his words.

Wrong winger isn't interested in discussing with common sense and logic, he's just on a christian bashing fest, that's all he wants out of this.
This thread is a biased double standard against conservatives

It belongs in the Badlands or

“Black failure is caused by liberalism”​

belongs in Current Events

Literally every mod on this board is a Trump hater, complete bias.
Based on the nonstop chaos of Trumps first term, what makes you think he will not be worse?

2 Impeachments
4 Indictments on 85 felony charges
Felony conviction
Civil judgements for sexual assault and Business fraud

Trump will only get worse
We want more. Do it! Do it! Do it! We will make medals up if needed. And you are proving DEI induced pure hate while you're at it. The Progs are on a permanent stage with the non progs in the audience endlessly attacked from them as haters while the Prog actors are slowly eating their own.
But anyone who’s so much as set foot in an evangelical church over the last eight years knows that Christians don’t describe Trump as an unfortunate necessity, but a literal God-send. Political convenience alone doesn’t explain that.
And millions of Americans are living in Tent cities that will now be called Bidenvilles.

Evangelicals / Christian’s are supporting Trump because his policies are in their best interests. Not because the think he’s a devout Christian.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
They support him because of his policies.
Seeing the Christian love for evangelicals that Joe is showing you really cannot blame them. Joe pretends to be a Catholic. There are varying degrees of Religion. However, from what we were taught, and Joe was taught, he is going to hell. Nancy and Jill right there with him.
There’s been a great deal written about Trump and Evangelicals – this bizarre embrace of Trump by ‘Christians.’

The truth is it has little to do with religion – where ‘evangelicalism’ has become about the culture wars, partisan politics, and advancing the Christo-fascist right’s authoritarian agenda by blindly supporting Republican candidates and politicians – such as Trump – having nothing to do with ‘god,’ the bible, or Christian ‘values.’
It’s a bizarre manifestation of cognitive dissonance among Christian conservatives and Evangelicals.

Evangelicals believe that Trump is an ‘agent’ of ‘god’ – regardless how sinful and imperfect.

Indeed, this is consistent with Christian mythology where a sinful, wicket individual is moved by ‘god’ to realize a ‘greater good’ and perhaps ends his sinful ways.

And much of it is that Evangelicals are hypocrites and blind partisan Republican hacks.

Anyone put into a position of authority is an 'agent of God', so your comment is meaningless bullshit.

If you believe what you posted, then God has a reason that Biden is in the WH, and it may not comport with what you think the reason may be. Putin is in a position of leadership as well, so was Hitler, if you have faith according to what the Bible teaches, then you know there is an underlying reason for it.

If you want to see a hypocrite and a blind partisan hack, take a look in the mirror.
What’s interesting is that Evangelicals – and Christian fundamentalists in general – have long fallen prey to con men, charlatans, and grifters; Trump is the most recent example.

Based on what? Your charlatans, con men, and grifters are your corrupt leftist pols, you worship at their feet.
The truth is it has little to do with religion – where ‘evangelicalism’ has become about the culture wars, partisan politics, and advancing the Christo-fascist right’s authoritarian agenda by blindly supporting Republican candidates and politicians – such as Trump – having nothing to do with ‘god,’ the bible, or Christian ‘values.’

And there is it, that's what they'll be spewing about any Christian that's running for office, they can't stand that it's the one thing they can't smear Trump with.

Apparently leftists think there is some rule that Christians have to follow where they can only vote for other Christians, or they lose their 'Christianity' somehow. :cuckoo:
You have seen videos of Biden hugging kids while your sick fuck propagandists voice over a narrative of their own sexual fantasies.

That's what you've seen.
What I actually see is an apologist for a guy who gropes kids, good for you. You should be a shamed of yourself but you don't know any better!


pay close attention to 1:02 to 2:53 At 4:26 he touches the little girls breast you sick freak
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It makes plenty of sense considering the Dem's position on things near and dear to evangelicals.

They aren't letting Trump marry into their families, they are voting for him for President, because he matches their political goals more than Dems do.
They are populists. Populists don't stand for anything.

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