Evangelical devotion to Trump

I would get banned. Ain't happening
So you're lying. Of course.

Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
You convinced me, Trollwinger. I will now vote for your Vegetable Messiah who molested his own underage daughter.:auiqs.jpg:
Have you seen the way Trumptards talk about Biden?



"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."
Take it up with them :itsok:
Based on the abject failures of the last three plus years, only a complete idiot could believe another Biden term would be anything less than a complete disaster.

If you ask any Biden supporter to give you two reasons they support him, they can only invoke Trump. They have nothing positive to tell you about Biden.

If Biden is reelected within a year Kamala Harris will be the POTUS and there’s no telling what type of disaster that will lead to.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
You Dimtards are hilarious…..


Republicans don’t vote based on religion! WHAAA……WHAAAAA…..

What a pathetic troll thread, Trollwinger. :auiqs.jpg:
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
It’s a bizarre manifestation of cognitive dissonance among Christian conservatives and Evangelicals.

Evangelicals believe that Trump is an ‘agent’ of ‘god’ – regardless how sinful and imperfect.

Indeed, this is consistent with Christian mythology where a sinful, wicket individual is moved by ‘god’ to realize a ‘greater good’ and perhaps ends his sinful ways.

And much of it is that Evangelicals are hypocrites and blind partisan Republican hacks.
Based on the abject failures of the last three plus years, only a complete idiot could believe another Biden term would be anything less than a complete disaster.

If you ask any Biden supporter to give you two reasons they support him, they can only invoke Trump. They have nothing positive to tell you about Biden.

If Biden is reelected within a year Kamala Harris will be the POTUS and there’s no telling what type of disaster that will lead to.

Based on the nonstop chaos of Trumps first term, what makes you think he will not be worse?

2 Impeachments
4 Indictments on 85 felony charges
Felony conviction
Civil judgements for sexual assault and Business fraud

Trump will only get worse
It’s a bizarre manifestation of cognitive dissonance among Christian conservatives and Evangelicals.

Evangelicals believe that Trump is an ‘agent’ of ‘god’ – regardless how sinful and imperfect.

Indeed, this is consistent with Christian mythology where a sinful, wicket individual is moved by ‘god’ to realize a ‘greater good’ and perhaps ends his sinful ways.

And much of it is that Evangelicals are hypocrites and blind partisan Republican hacks.
Or…..people vote in who they want running the country based on their policies, and are not voting for a spiritual leader.
I provided a link

What else ya got?
Your link was based on one guy's opinions, never specifies a damn thing, other than 'evangelicals' or 'christians', and doesn't state what the basis is for any of his 'opinions'.

Your only 'point', other than the one on your head, is to bash Christians, as usual. But I'm guessing about 100% of them don't give a fuck what you think. :dunno:
It’s a bizarre manifestation of cognitive dissonance among Christian conservatives and Evangelicals.

Evangelicals believe that Trump is an ‘agent’ of ‘god’ – regardless how sinful and imperfect.

Indeed, this is consistent with Christian mythology where a sinful, wicket individual is moved by ‘god’ to realize a ‘greater good’ and perhaps ends his sinful ways.

And much of it is that Evangelicals are hypocrites and blind partisan Republican hacks.
Seeing the Christian love for evangelicals that Joe is showing you really cannot blame them. Joe pretends to be a Catholic. There are varying degrees of Religion. However, from what we were taught, and Joe was taught, he is going to hell. Nancy and Jill right there with him.
I could see that…..End justifies the means

But these evangelicals are truly devout Trump followers and consider him one of their own.

Why endorse Trump over Republicans with the same platform who are devout Christians?

Link to where they 'consider him one of their own'. You just make these arbitrary statements and expect them to be refuted as if they are fact. Strawmen are your best friends.

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