Why Trump is at a disadvantage in this election...

Let me put a stake in the ground.
I personally don't like Trump. I think is is loud, boisterous, braggart, narcissistic, all those personal characteristics people use to justify their support of Biden.
I use two statements by the two candidates to illustrate who I support.
I'm not going to identify but let you the reader determine who said this:
The New York times said: "....Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented ..."
The Time article says, would be a massive deportation operation that would target millions of people

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Who said what?

we are going to drill, baby, drill” once elected,
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Now to help you potential voters further food for thought:
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Same old spam.
Here's Trump...

I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail, and TOOK MY MUGSHOT. So guess what? I put it on a mug for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!” the fundraising email said.
Right... Let's see...


Inflation “was 9% when I came to office.”
"China's in a situation where they have more retired than working."
Says he “got arrested” while protesting in favor of desegregation.
On classified documents in his possession, “none of it was high classified.”
"There are a thousand billionaires now and you know what their average tax rate is? 8%."
“Under the Obama-Biden administration, we invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the state of Florida replacing wooden power poles with steel poles and we buried these electric lines."
“Ground zero in New York — I remember standing there the next day.”
“I’ve already” declared a national climate emergency
"We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean."
“More cops are killed responding to domestic violence calls than anything else.”
The “average tax” for billionaires is “about 3%,” which is “a lower tax than a schoolteacher or a
“In the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker. Autocracies have grown weaker, not stronger.”
After Joe Biden became vice president, at the behest of his father, he gave his uncle, Frank H. Biden, a Purple Heart for serving in the U.S. military during World War II.
Says he has been to “Afghanistan, Iraq and those areas” twice as president.
The price of gas is “down from over $5 when I took office.”
Student loan forgiveness is “passed. I got it passed by a vote or two. And it’s in effect.”

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There are plenty more LIES proven false by Politifact.org... a very left wing biased organization owned
by the left wing Poynter Institute of St. Petersburg, FL

US oil production doubled during the Obama administration because the increase in the price per barrel made it profitable to invest in exploration and drilling.
Who the hell are YOU? Where are your FACTS.... as you are just guessing!
Get me links that I can verify your dumb ass personal comments!
Now here are the facts as to what a President can do about gas prices DIRECTLY by signing
leases for oil exploration on Federal lands. That is the ONLY direct way on a daily basis of affecting gas prices. Under Obama only ONE year of 8 did he increase lease signings. Under Biden the records show a total decline of the ONLY place that affected gas prices, FEDERAL LAND leases!
Trump did a great job. He had to work hard on the Obama mess. And look at the border he protected. Biden nor Obama did a good job protecting our country.

It amazes me after the TDS Trump lived with in his 4 years and how much worse Biden made it that some worry Trump will get even. They attacked him first and for many years. I wish he would go after all of them.

What "mess" did Obama leave, exactly?
  • longest period of growth in US history (which Trump took credit for)
  • record lows in unemployment (which Trump took credit for)
  • 80% increase in gas and oil production (which Trump took credit for)
  • Record high for the DOW (which Trump took credit for)
  • ISIS on the verge of total defeat (which Trump took credit for)
  • declining trade deficits (which Trump blew up);
  • declining budget deficit (which Trump blew up)
  • lowest illegal immigration in decades (which Trump blew up)
  • saved the world economy after the 2008 crash
  • universally respected around the world
Trump crashed the economy, blew up the national debt, mismanaged covid, created a National Emergency at the Southern Border, and fractured NATO started disastrous trade wars, alienated your friends and cozied up to your enemies. And he took credit for everything Obama did with the economy.

Trump is already taking credit for the Biden economy, saying Biden's economic success is running on the "fumes" of the Trump economy. The American Recovery Act, The Chips Act, the Infrastructure Act, The Inflation Reduction Act. The Biden economy is working for the American people, funding the things the nation needs to complete with other first world nations, and to help the American economy achieve its potential.
  • longest period of growth in US history (which Trump took credit for)
  • record lows in unemployment (which Trump took credit for)
  • 80% increase in gas and oil production (which Trump took credit for)
  • Record high for the DOW (which Trump took credit for)
I do not believe those claims. Even were they facts, presidents have no authority over those items.

Presidential authority is to manage the workers working for Government. Presidents have no legislative authority at all.
And Obama fought to stop the increased production.
Totally agree as this chart of Federal oil exploration leases shows Obama/Biden reduced the number of leases signed. Obama signed fewer and fewer leases, while Trump signed more other than Covid 2020.
Biden signed fewer and fewer leases.
Trump crashed the economy, blew up the national debt, mismanaged covid, created a National Emergency at the Southern Border, and fractured NATO started disastrous trade wars, alienated your friends and cozied up to your enemies.
You must have been in a different country. Trump had no tools to crash the economy. Debt is first managed by congress. Do you recall Nancy Pelosi? NATO has little to do with our debt or trade. Why did Obama release the russian report days prior to Trump being sworn in? Surely you read that report since the news plastered it all over America.

I can easily spot Democrat frauds by the fact they do not understand how the Federal Government actually works.
What "mess" did Obama leave, exactly?
  • longest period of growth in US history (which Trump took credit for)
  • record lows in unemployment (which Trump took credit for)
  • 80% increase in gas and oil production (which Trump took credit for)
  • Record high for the DOW (which Trump took credit for)
  • ISIS on the verge of total defeat (which Trump took credit for)
  • declining trade deficits (which Trump blew up);
  • declining budget deficit (which Trump blew up)
  • lowest illegal immigration in decades (which Trump blew up)
  • saved the world economy after the 2008 crash
  • universally respected around the world
Trump crashed the economy, blew up the national debt, mismanaged covid, created a National Emergency at the Southern Border, and fractured NATO started disastrous trade wars, alienated your friends and cozied up to your enemies. And he took credit for everything Obama did with the economy.

Trump is already taking credit for the Biden economy, saying Biden's economic success is running on the "fumes" of the Trump economy. The American Recovery Act, The Chips Act, the Infrastructure Act, The Inflation Reduction Act. The Biden economy is working for the American people, funding the things the nation needs to complete with other first world nations, and to help the American economy achieve its potential.

  • 80% increase in gas and oil production (which Trump took credit for)
Why did Obama deserve credit for the increase?
What Obama policy helped oil and gas production?
Be specific.
Who the hell are YOU? Where are your FACTS.... as you are just guessing!
Get me links that I can verify your dumb ass personal comments!
Now here are the facts as to what a President can do about gas prices DIRECTLY by signing
leases for oil exploration on Federal lands. That is the ONLY direct way on a daily basis of affecting gas prices. Under Obama only ONE year of 8 did he increase lease signings. Under Biden the records show a total decline of the ONLY place that affected gas prices, FEDERAL LAND leases!
View attachment 968078

Your "Data from Public Lands" have absolutely no relevance to gas and oil production in the Obama Administration since virtually all of the increased drilling and exploration took place on privately owned lands.

So much oil and gas is now produced on privately owned lands because the oil companies own the land and don't have to pay royalties to the government on the oil produced. In free market terms - it's more profitable to drill on private lands. The percentage of oil and gas being produced on public lands, not because people aren't still exploring or producting oil from these lease, but rather because so MUCH MORE new production is on private lands.

If you have 100 oil wells, 75 on private land, and 25 on public land, and you drill 80 more wells with 75 of the new wells on private land, and 5 on public land, that means that even though there are now 30 oil wells on public lands (more than before), only 17% of oil production takes place on public lands, versus 25% before the increase.

This is what your trying to tell is is a "decrease of oil production under Obama", a small increase of oil production on public lands, versus a massive increase in drilling on private lands, lowering the percentage of production on public lands, overall.

We've posted these links on Obama's production increases, and reductions in gas prices, over and over and over, but you continue to try to portray the Democrats policies on climate change issues and energy production, as "endangering the US economy" or "economically unsustainable", when in fact it's your refusal accept that carbon fuels are costing the US economy $200 billion per year in wild fires, flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather events.

Biden is continuing the Obama legacy:

You continue to prove the old adage "Figures never lie, but liars often figure".
Your "Data from Public Lands" have absolutely no relevance to gas and oil production in the Obama Administration since virtually all of the increased drilling and exploration took place on privately owned lands.
Obama damaged oil production in the USA and also in Canada when he banned the keystone pipeline. That shows what he believed had to be done to oil firms.
Your "Data from Public Lands" have absolutely no relevance to gas and oil production in the Obama Administration since virtually all of the increased drilling and exploration took place on privately owned lands.

So much oil and gas is now produced on privately owned lands because the oil companies own the land and don't have to pay royalties to the government on the oil produced. In free market terms - it's more profitable to drill on private lands. The percentage of oil and gas being produced on public lands, not because people aren't still exploring or producting oil from these lease, but rather because so MUCH MORE new production is on private lands.

If you have 100 oil wells, 75 on private land, and 25 on public land, and you drill 80 more wells with 75 of the new wells on private land, and 5 on public land, that means that even though there are now 30 oil wells on public lands (more than before), only 17% of oil production takes place on public lands, versus 25% before the increase.

This is what your trying to tell is is a "decrease of oil production under Obama", a small increase of oil production on public lands, versus a massive increase in drilling on private lands, lowering the percentage of production on public lands, overall.

We've posted these links on Obama's production increases, and reductions in gas prices, over and over and over, but you continue to try to portray the Democrats policies on climate change issues and energy production, as "endangering the US economy" or "economically unsustainable", when in fact it's your refusal accept that carbon fuels are costing the US economy $200 billion per year in wild fires, flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather events.

Biden is continuing the Obama legacy:

You continue to prove the old adage "Figures never lie, but liars often figure".

Your "Data from Public Lands" have absolutely no relevance to gas and oil production in the Obama Administration since virtually all of the increased drilling and exploration took place on privately owned lands.

It's almost like the increase happened despite Obama, not because of him.

carbon fuels are costing the US economy $200 billion per year in wild fires, flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather events.

You're full of shit....more than usual.
Your "Data from Public Lands" have absolutely no relevance to gas and oil production in the Obama Administration since virtually all of the increased drilling and exploration took place on privately owned lands.

So much oil and gas is now produced on privately owned lands because the oil companies own the land and don't have to pay royalties to the government on the oil produced. In free market terms - it's more profitable to drill on private lands. The percentage of oil and gas being produced on public lands, not because people aren't still exploring or producting oil from these lease, but rather because so MUCH MORE new production is on private lands.

If you have 100 oil wells, 75 on private land, and 25 on public land, and you drill 80 more wells with 75 of the new wells on private land, and 5 on public land, that means that even though there are now 30 oil wells on public lands (more than before), only 17% of oil production takes place on public lands, versus 25% before the increase.

This is what your trying to tell is is a "decrease of oil production under Obama", a small increase of oil production on public lands, versus a massive increase in drilling on private lands, lowering the percentage of production on public lands, overall.

We've posted these links on Obama's production increases, and reductions in gas prices, over and over and over, but you continue to try to portray the Democrats policies on climate change issues and energy production, as "endangering the US economy" or "economically unsustainable", when in fact it's your refusal accept that carbon fuels are costing the US economy $200 billion per year in wild fires, flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather events.

Biden is continuing the Obama legacy:

You continue to prove the old adage "Figures never lie, but liars often figure".
Well tell me these "figures" are a lie!

Tell me how much MORE are you paying for gas under the President that said this:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Versus this “we are going to drill, baby, drill” once elected,

You must have been in a different country. Trump had no tools to crash the economy. Debt is first managed by congress. Do you recall Nancy Pelosi? NATO has little to do with our debt or trade. Why did Obama release the russian report days prior to Trump being sworn in? Surely you read that report since the news plastered it all over America.

I can easily spot Democrat frauds by the fact they do not understand how the Federal Government actually works.

Sure he did, he cut taxes in a boom economy when he SHOULD have been raising them. Every Republican tax cut has been followed by an economic crash, and every crash has been worst than the last. He

Trumpo blew up the deficit in a boom economy instead of cutting it. He did nothing to cut spending during the boom, and spent like a drunking sailor. He was going to eliminate the trade deficit but ended up increasing it with his trade wars to more than a trillion dollars.

Biden did get the trade deficit back below a trillion last year, but still way above when Obama left office. Obama REDUCED the trade deficit and the budget deficits throughout his term. Trump wiped out all progress with in regard to trade deficits, budget deficits, and and manufacturing jobs, under Obama.

Trump did say he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the US economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Trump is the guy who opened Trump Mortgage in 2006 when everyone was warning the bubble was about to burst. This is why he's now bankrupted 7 companies. It would be 8 but Ivanka was in charge of Trump Hotel Vancouver. Everything the Trump family does goes broke, and investors lose everything. US banks won't lend to them, but they somehow keep getting richer while failing at everything.
Your "Data from Public Lands" have absolutely no relevance to gas and oil production in the Obama Administration since virtually all of the increased drilling and exploration took place on privately owned lands.

It's almost like the increase happened despite Obama, not because of him.

carbon fuels are costing the US economy $200 billion per year in wild fires, flooding, extreme heat, extreme weather events.

You're full of shit....more than usual.

The right wing media actually said that it happened "in spite of Obama", not wanting to give him credit for anything;

28 weather events costing $1 billion or more just last year. That's $280 billion in 2023 - way more than the $200 billion I stated. $200 billion was 2022. It's going up faster and faster each year.

Try buying Flood insurance in Florida.
The right wing media actually said that it happened "in spite of Obama", not wanting to give him credit for anything;
So if there is a reduction in the sources of oil from a source i.e.
(FACT:Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24 percent of total U.S. oil production Drilling Down On The Federal Leasing Facts., what happens to the supply? What happens when 24% of oil production is reduced AND when it does, it costs MORE? Who signed this:

Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands​

The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
Sure he did, he cut taxes in a boom economy when he SHOULD have been raising them. Every Republican tax cut has been followed by an economic crash, and every crash has been worst than the last. He

Trumpo blew up the deficit in a boom economy instead of cutting it. He did nothing to cut spending during the boom, and spent like a drunking sailor. He was going to eliminate the trade deficit but ended up increasing it with his trade wars to more than a trillion dollars.

Biden did get the trade deficit back below a trillion last year, but still way above when Obama left office. Obama REDUCED the trade deficit and the budget deficits throughout his term. Trump wiped out all progress with in regard to trade deficits, budget deficits, and and manufacturing jobs, under Obama.

Trump did say he was going to undo everything Obama did, and the US economy was Obama's greatest achievement.

Trump is the guy who opened Trump Mortgage in 2006 when everyone was warning the bubble was about to burst. This is why he's now bankrupted 7 companies. It would be 8 but Ivanka was in charge of Trump Hotel Vancouver. Everything the Trump family does goes broke, and investors lose everything. US banks won't lend to them, but they somehow keep getting richer while failing at everything.

Sure he did, he cut taxes in a boom economy

What is your definition of "boom economy"?

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