Why Trump is at a disadvantage in this election...

the (R)s are in no hurry to do a damn thing about the border because they need that red meat issue to keep y'all angry.

The red meat from 3.5 years of border fuckups? Yeah, Joe is going to have to run on that now.

donny will have the overturning of roe v wade to run on.

good luck with THAT. :113:
Let me put a stake in the ground.
I personally don't like Trump. I think is is loud, boisterous, braggart, narcissistic, all those personal characteristics people use to justify their support of Biden.
I use two statements by the two candidates to illustrate who I support.
I'm not going to identify but let you the reader determine who said this:
The New York times said: "....Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented ..."
The Time article says, would be a massive deportation operation that would target millions of people

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
YOu can keep taking those statements out of context.

Or you can just look at the reality... We have an immigration "crisis" because we haven't fixed a system that is broken, and the labor market is just doing it's own thing.
Totally agree as this chart of Federal oil exploration leases shows Obama/Biden reduced the number of leases signed. Obama signed fewer and fewer leases, while Trump signed more other than Covid 2020.
Biden signed fewer and fewer leases.
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Democrats cures always cost the public a hell of a lot of money. If money is this valuable, we citizens deserve keeping ours.

That's because the problems Republicans CAUSE, are expensive to fix. When you crash the economy, it takes a lot of social spending to keep people afloat, and a lot more money going to privately owned business spending to help corporations that are "too big to fail".

Public losses and private profits are not "free market" policies. Tax cuts on the public credit card should only be given to stimulate spending in a recession, and never in a boom ecoomy unless the budget is balanced.

Trump should NOT have cut corporate taxes on the national credit card, and the fact that the companies used the money for stock buy back is proof positive they didn't need the money. If Trump had reduced the deficit and raised taxes, the economy would not have crashed when covid hit.

When covid hit, Trump gave billions to large privately owned companies, and thousands of small business closed. If Trump had given the money to small businesses, with 100 employees or fewer. The large corporation were all awash in cash from the tax cuts, and the repatriation of foreign profits. The large public corporations didn't need the capital to survive.
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Sounds silly since the GOP kills the economy every time they be in charge. Look at 2020.
The economy died from CA to WA who had Democrats governors. It spread to NY state also a Democrat governor. By the way, that NY Governor said on TV Trump was falsely convicted.

Anthony Fauci and Democrats, other Chicom shill masquerading as a Canuck.

It's all so clear now! :D

No it was trumps mishandling of the pandemic. Fauci reported to him.
Wow... In one sentence you write:
You whine about drilling while Biden has produced more oil than anyone ever.
THEN you write in a contradiction :
"Biden knows we need alternative energy or we will stay slaves to opec."
You can't have it both ways ! First you say Biden has produced...more oil than anyone ever. "
BUT then you write "we will stay slaves to opec"
You can't have it both ways.
Now for the FACTS:
"Biden cancels last oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge, overturns sales held by Trump"
Of all the past 4 presidents BIDEN is the ONLY ONE who has INCREASED oil imports.
Under Trump from 3 million barrels per day under Obama dropped to a little more that 1 million barrels or a nearly 60% drop in "slavery to OPEC"... BUT Biden's been increasing since he came to office!

So why would Biden who refused to sign Federal oil leases (see above cancellation by Biden) and at the same time increased the "slavery to OPEC" as you write!

So indicative of people like you... you make statements that are total LIES!
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Actually you are wrong.
It's amazing what Republicans make up about their presidents. Trump was a failed president. He did not build a sucessful economy. He lived off what Obama produced. He then went to the people bragging about the numbers knowing that most people would not do the research necessary and would credit him politcally. And so now people want to ignore what he did durinig a crisis and only give him credit for what was going on before. Trump should not get a pass for 2020. We had the most deaths and infections from Covid on earth with 4 percent of the global population. We had the worst results even though we have the best equipped medical facilities, doctors and staffs. That is on the president.

Had Obama or Clinton been president, there would be no pass given. So why is Trump being excused for not doing his job when a president was really needed?

And both men are old. So if we are going to talk about age, stop pretending that trump is young and cognitively fit. Because he isn't.
No Democrat has ever pointed out how Presidents can kill the economy. Why is that?

Sure we can, but you're too brainwashed to understand.

We know exactly how Trump killed the economy in 2020.

First, he ran up 8 Trillion in new debt.
He screwed up established trade agreements, screwing up supply chain.
Then Covid hit, and his half-ass, lying approach to it wrecked the economy.
Totally weird that NOTHING at the BLM show that Biden has signed 3,377 land leases for oil exploration. The source for your 3,377 figure is PolticoPro...
Here is what the organization that rates the political bias of a news organization shows Politico Media Bias Rating
I've done dozens of Google and DuckDuckGo searches for "Biden signs 3,377 leases..
And this is what happens when I went to this link
"Those documents directly contradict the drilling permit data "
Or this from this site: Federal data show the Biden administration approved 6,430 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first two years, outpacing the Trump administration’s 6,172 drilling-permit approvals in its first two years.https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/biden-administration-oil-gas-drilling-approvals-outpace-trumps-2023-01-24/
NO access!
So instead of getting the information like THIS:
I get this screen. So much for YOUR FACTS!!!
Go to this web site:
and you won't get any spreadsheet data like below!
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