Why Trump is at a disadvantage in this election...

Who killed 1 million people with covid and crashed the economy??????

Who tried to overthrow the Constitution.

Who is a convicted felon, fraud artist, rapist, and tax cheat?????
Anthony Fauci and Democrats, other Chicom shill masquerading as a Canuck.

It's all so clear now! :D

Let me put a stake in the ground.
I personally don't like Trump. I think is is loud, boisterous, braggart, narcissistic, all those personal characteristics people use to justify their support of Biden.
I use two statements by the two candidates to illustrate who I support.
I'm not going to identify but let you the reader determine who said this:
The New York times said: "....Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented ..."
The Time article says, would be a massive deportation operation that would target millions of people

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Who said what?

we are going to drill, baby, drill” once elected,
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

Now to help you potential voters further food for thought:
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Dumb as shit. You whine about drilling while Biden has produced more oil than anyone ever. Biden knows we need alternative energy or we will stay slaves to opec. Trump serves the Saudis.

You whine about the border but want to entrust it to the party that derailed immigration reform and saw more crossings every year of Trumps administration until fucking covid hit. He had zero answers except killing people with covid. Awesome.
You whine about the border but want to entrust it to the party that derailed immigration reform and saw more crossings every year of Trumps administration until fucking covid hit. He had zero answers except killing people with covid. Awesome.
HR2, This law was passed in 2023 by Republicans. It was sent to the Senate. It had one mission. To control our border. Biden put out the word to sit on that law. And they did. The Senate passed a fuck you law. It told Americans the illegals were excellent humans and welcome to America.
HR2, This law was passed in 2023 by Republicans. It was sent to the Senate. It had one mission. To control our border. Biden put out the word to sit on that law. And they did. The Senate passed a fuck you law. It told Americans the illegals were excellent humans and welcome to America.
HR2 was not a serious bill. It focuses on the wrong aspects, for political reasons and was never crafted to pass. Some examples:

It requires construction on the wall to be restarted. Of course, everywhere it is feasible to have a wall already has one, and has since the Secure Fence Act of 2006. That is why Trump only built 15 miles of new wall all through his term. And HR2 requires 900 miles of wall. It doesn't seem like logic plays a big part here.

It also focuses on the removal of existing undocumented residents, more than addressing the border issue itself. This goes back to the Obama fights about DACA and Dreamers. Undocumented workers who have lived their whole lives here, work, pay taxes, and are upstanding members of their community. May came as children, or on work visas that since expired. The reason they remain undocumented is the broken system, not any sort of evil intent on their part. But that nuance is lost on the Republican extremists.

It requires an E Verify system for ensuring companies don't hire undocumented workers, but that program has been in place for years and has not been shown to be effective. But it plays well in political narratives.

It attempts to limit asylum claims by making the system more difficult, rather than by improving processing. It creates situations where even legitimate claims have a hard time being processed. It relies on individual border control agents deciding whether to accept a claim, and charges migrants for the privilege of making it.

It also automatically rejects asylum claims-even legitimate ones- if the person commits a misdemeanor offense of crossing the border at the wrong place, but does nothing to improve the processing at the legal ports of entry. There is already a Biden administration policy restricting asylum claims when someone enters illegally, but it provides the support for the legal pathways HR2 does not.

It creates long-term detention situations for asylum seekers-even those with legitimate claims- which is basically imprisoning people (including families) for the crime of escaping danger.

It includes virtue signaling sections that do things like forbid the Border Patrol from using electric cars and funding a new chaplain program for prayer assistance.

It is political posturing, and creates more problems than it solves. It was drafted to be a non-starter, so that its tallure can be used as a political cudgel.
His past three predecessors were better by a country mile. WTF are you smoking?
Dafuq are you smokin', bitch?!

Obama-Manchurian president.
W.-Neocon shitbag, lied us into war and fleeced the whole damn country while sending our best off to go die for his dad's dishonesty.
Clinton-"Assault Weapons" ban and just gave our fucking proprietary missile technology to China.

The US didn't see ary a decent president from Gerald Ford until Trump.

Eh, Carter meant well, but his policies were bad! Reagan meant well, bur G.H.W. Bush had him shot 70-80 days in so he could run the country.

That's the facts.

Oh! And Clinton was involved in "The Brady Bill" after Reagan getting shot, too. Almost like he had it all ready to go, just sayin' :dunno:

The common denominator for all except Obama, is the CFR.
Dumb as shit. You whine about drilling while Biden has produced more oil than anyone ever. Biden knows we need alternative energy or we will stay slaves to opec. Trump serves the Saudis.

You whine about the border but want to entrust it to the party that derailed immigration reform and saw more crossings every year of Trumps administration until fucking covid hit. He had zero answers except killing people with covid. Awesome.
Wow... In one sentence you write:
You whine about drilling while Biden has produced more oil than anyone ever.
THEN you write in a contradiction :
"Biden knows we need alternative energy or we will stay slaves to opec."
You can't have it both ways ! First you say Biden has produced...more oil than anyone ever. "
BUT then you write "we will stay slaves to opec"
You can't have it both ways.
Now for the FACTS:
"Biden cancels last oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge, overturns sales held by Trump"
Of all the past 4 presidents BIDEN is the ONLY ONE who has INCREASED oil imports.
Under Trump from 3 million barrels per day under Obama dropped to a little more that 1 million barrels or a nearly 60% drop in "slavery to OPEC"... BUT Biden's been increasing since he came to office!

So why would Biden who refused to sign Federal oil leases (see above cancellation by Biden) and at the same time increased the "slavery to OPEC" as you write!

So indicative of people like you... you make statements that are total LIES!
Wow... In one sentence you write:
You whine about drilling while Biden has produced more oil than anyone ever.
THEN you write in a contradiction :
"Biden knows we need alternative energy or we will stay slaves to opec."
You can't have it both ways ! First you say Biden has produced...more oil than anyone ever. "
BUT then you write "we will stay slaves to opec"
You can't have it both ways.
Now for the FACTS:
"Biden cancels last oil and gas leases in Alaska's Arctic Refuge, overturns sales held by Trump"
Of all the past 4 presidents BIDEN is the ONLY ONE who has INCREASED oil imports.
Under Trump from 3 million barrels per day under Obama dropped to a little more that 1 million barrels or a nearly 60% drop in "slavery to OPEC"... BUT Biden's been increasing since he came to office!

So why would Biden who refused to sign Federal oil leases (see above cancellation by Biden) and at the same time increased the "slavery to OPEC" as you write!

So indicative of people like you... you make statements that are total LIES!
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US oil production doubled during the Obama administration because the increase in the price per barrel made it profitable to invest in exploration and drilling.
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