Nikki Haley is a war mongering lunatic

Putin is the one Hamas supporter that the Republicans can get behind.
While I realize that it is very trendy within your Cult to repeat, and repeat, and repeat the idea that Republicans, especially Republicans and others that want The US to be great and strong, someone also like Putin, outside of your Cult it is recognized as insanity.
Linky-linky? She's less whacky than the other whack jobs.

The fact that she beats Biden by 20-points is enough for me.
Lol. Every speech she gives is all about US imperialism and warmongering. Fuck her.

She is totally controlled by the war machine and deep state. It’s most ironic that some MAGA types support her, when they supported Don because he was thought to be anti-deep state.
Lol. Every speech she gives is all about US imperialism and warmongering. Fuck her.

She is totally controlled by the war machine and deep state. It’s most ironic that some MAGA types support her, when they supported Don because he was thought to be anti-deep state.
1. We disagree on interpreting her speeches.
2. So read her written policies since your hearing may be impaired.
3. She plans to fix entitlements, which is more than others running
4. She plans to be tough on China, which is a very good thing. Unlike Biden who is owned by the ChiComs.

Foreign policy with China, Taiwan​

  • Says China is “the greatest threat to American security and prosperity” and that the country has “taken our manufacturing jobs,” “trade secrets” and control of “critical industries, from medicines to advanced technology.”
  • Said the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “endgame is clear. China is preparing its people for war,” and the actions of the Biden administration is making conflict “more likely.”
  • Accused both Presidents Biden and Trump of mishandling Beijing.
  • Plans to confront Beijing and calls for preventing Chinese investors from buying land in the U.S. and eliminating federal funding for universities that accept Chinese money.
  • Has said the U.S. needs to let China know “there will be hell to pay if they touch Taiwan,” and that the U.S. should “do anything we need to, to defend our friend (Taiwan) the way we’re defending Ukraine.”

Social Security, Medicare, retirement age​

  • Says Social Security and Medicare spending is unsustainable and proposed entitlement program changes for young people to prevent bankruptcy.
  • Believes older Americans should not see cuts to their benefits and promised to keep programs intact for people who are in their 40s or older.
  • Wants to raise the retirement age for young adults “coming into the system” in their 20s “so that it matches life expectancy.”
  • Advocates for expanding Medicare Advantage plans, in which private companies offer plans that are reimbursed by the government for care, to drum up competition.
  • Proposes limiting benefits to the wealthy as part of entitlement reform
1. We disagree on interpreting her speeches.
2. So read her written policies since your hearing may be impaired.
3. She plans to fix entitlements, which is more than others running
4. She plans to be tough on China, which is a very good thing. Unlike Biden who is owned by the ChiComs.

Foreign policy with China, Taiwan​

  • Says China is “the greatest threat to American security and prosperity” and that the country has “taken our manufacturing jobs,” “trade secrets” and control of “critical industries, from medicines to advanced technology.”
  • Said the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “endgame is clear. China is preparing its people for war,” and the actions of the Biden administration is making conflict “more likely.”
  • Accused both Presidents Biden and Trump of mishandling Beijing.
  • Plans to confront Beijing and calls for preventing Chinese investors from buying land in the U.S. and eliminating federal funding for universities that accept Chinese money.
  • Has said the U.S. needs to let China know “there will be hell to pay if they touch Taiwan,” and that the U.S. should “do anything we need to, to defend our friend (Taiwan) the way we’re defending Ukraine.”

Social Security, Medicare, retirement age​

  • Says Social Security and Medicare spending is unsustainable and proposed entitlement program changes for young people to prevent bankruptcy.
  • Believes older Americans should not see cuts to their benefits and promised to keep programs intact for people who are in their 40s or older.
  • Wants to raise the retirement age for young adults “coming into the system” in their 20s “so that it matches life expectancy.”
  • Advocates for expanding Medicare Advantage plans, in which private companies offer plans that are reimbursed by the government for care, to drum up competition.
  • Proposes limiting benefits to the wealthy as part of entitlement reform

The gipster doesn't participate in politics.
He sits on the side lines and chirps at those that do.
What he thinks is irrelevant.
1. We disagree on interpreting her speeches.
2. So read her written policies since your hearing may be impaired.
3. She plans to fix entitlements, which is more than others running
4. She plans to be tough on China, which is a very good thing. Unlike Biden who is owned by the ChiComs.

Foreign policy with China, Taiwan​

  • Says China is “the greatest threat to American security and prosperity” and that the country has “taken our manufacturing jobs,” “trade secrets” and control of “critical industries, from medicines to advanced technology.”
  • Said the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “endgame is clear. China is preparing its people for war,” and the actions of the Biden administration is making conflict “more likely.”
  • Accused both Presidents Biden and Trump of mishandling Beijing.
  • Plans to confront Beijing and calls for preventing Chinese investors from buying land in the U.S. and eliminating federal funding for universities that accept Chinese money.
  • Has said the U.S. needs to let China know “there will be hell to pay if they touch Taiwan,” and that the U.S. should “do anything we need to, to defend our friend (Taiwan) the way we’re defending Ukraine.”

Social Security, Medicare, retirement age​

  • Says Social Security and Medicare spending is unsustainable and proposed entitlement program changes for young people to prevent bankruptcy.
  • Believes older Americans should not see cuts to their benefits and promised to keep programs intact for people who are in their 40s or older.
  • Wants to raise the retirement age for young adults “coming into the system” in their 20s “so that it matches life expectancy.”
  • Advocates for expanding Medicare Advantage plans, in which private companies offer plans that are reimbursed by the government for care, to drum up competition.
  • Proposes limiting benefits to the wealthy as part of entitlement reform
She’s awful. Always has been.
Nikki beats Biden by 20-points. She probably gains House and Senate seats too.

That's good enough for me to support her.
That's because they haven't cranked up the liberal hate machine on her yet. We've seen this before. Meanwhile, Trump's been under their scrutiny for 7 years and he still leads Biden.
That's because they haven't cranked up the liberal hate machine on her yet. We've seen this before. Meanwhile, Trump's been under their scrutiny for 7 years and he still leads Biden.

When it comes to the General there are two choices, support the devastation that the Democrat Party wants or do whatever it takes to stop it.
When it comes to the General there are two choices, support the devastation that the Democrat Party wants or do whatever it takes to stop it.
Lol. Where has that gotten us? Voting for the duopoly is dumb. They are essentially the same party.

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