Niners are the favorites to win the NFC

The Niners won the NFC last year and they were a flubbed play from winning the NFC the year before. One would have to figure they're the favorites in 2014.

I would have difficulty arguing that as it stands now. Though I'd bet against it in Las Vegas.
These players have played a ton of football and how much practice does the second string really need? The preseason games are just an excuse to make money. Two game instead of five is more than enough. I'll go as high as three for the sake of judging the players on the fringe.

The preseason games have become more and more important as your comment that they have played a "ton of football" is missinformed.

The players union has required that less and less full contct with pads occurs during practice leading up to the preseason and regular games.

These game are some of the few opportunities the coaches have to see these new guys going at it full steam.

Your lack of logic is staggering. The Players union wants less rough practicing to reduce injuries and trust me they've all played plenty of football.

And coaches can get really good looks at guys in practice in the first place.

Also, if the players wanted more games, they'd have upp'd the season to 18 game and 2 preseason as was proposed. But,they don't want it cos they don't want the added injury risk. Hence why they barely play in the preseason too.

My logic? I'm just parroting what Carroll says about the need for more full contact to assess the rookies and new players. I do have a suggestion about preparing the offense in Seattle though. Our offense ones have to go against the ones DBs all of the time and that isn't what they will be facing in games. Our DBs are too good. They are way better than almost any group the offense will see in a pre season or regular game. I would like the offense to practice against the twos so they have a more realistic opponent in practice.

No team can get seperation against the legion of boom. There are only a handfull of players that can run routes against our DBs.. guys like Fitzgerald and Gonzales can hang with them but how often do ya play talent like that?
The Niners won the NFC last year and they were a flubbed play from winning the NFC the year before. One would have to figure they're the favorites in 2014.

I would have difficulty arguing that as it stands now. Though I'd bet against it in Las Vegas.

Do they let you bet against teams not winning it all? As far as I know you just bet on teams while using their ridiculous odds.
The preseason games have become more and more important as your comment that they have played a "ton of football" is missinformed.

The players union has required that less and less full contct with pads occurs during practice leading up to the preseason and regular games.

These game are some of the few opportunities the coaches have to see these new guys going at it full steam.

Your lack of logic is staggering. The Players union wants less rough practicing to reduce injuries and trust me they've all played plenty of football.

And coaches can get really good looks at guys in practice in the first place.

Also, if the players wanted more games, they'd have upp'd the season to 18 game and 2 preseason as was proposed. But,they don't want it cos they don't want the added injury risk. Hence why they barely play in the preseason too.

My logic? I'm just parroting what Carroll says about the need for more full contact to assess the rookies and new players. I do have a suggestion about preparing the offense in Seattle though. Our offense ones have to go against the ones DBs all of the time and that isn't what they will be facing in games. Our DBs are too good. They are way better than almost any group the offense will see in a pre season or regular game. I would like the offense to practice against the twos so they have a more realistic opponent in practice.

No team can get seperation against the legion of boom. There are only a handfull of players that can run routes against our DBs.. guys like Fitzgerald and Gonzales can hang with them but how often do ya play talent like that?

If you source that then I'll look at it. I'm skeptical of your interpretation though.
Your lack of logic is staggering. The Players union wants less rough practicing to reduce injuries and trust me they've all played plenty of football.

And coaches can get really good looks at guys in practice in the first place.

Also, if the players wanted more games, they'd have upp'd the season to 18 game and 2 preseason as was proposed. But,they don't want it cos they don't want the added injury risk. Hence why they barely play in the preseason too.

My logic? I'm just parroting what Carroll says about the need for more full contact to assess the rookies and new players. I do have a suggestion about preparing the offense in Seattle though. Our offense ones have to go against the ones DBs all of the time and that isn't what they will be facing in games. Our DBs are too good. They are way better than almost any group the offense will see in a pre season or regular game. I would like the offense to practice against the twos so they have a more realistic opponent in practice.

No team can get seperation against the legion of boom. There are only a handfull of players that can run routes against our DBs.. guys like Fitzgerald and Gonzales can hang with them but how often do ya play talent like that?

If you source that then I'll look at it. I'm skeptical of your interpretation though.

Go to and look at the videos. Carroll's interviews are among them. You should be able to see that I quoted him directly. He mentions the importance of going into the preseason games and winning of the games both for full speed contact missing in the recent format of OTAs and team practices approved by the players union and the importance of using the preseason games for the players to finish every play as if it is in a championship game. I didn't see his comments as "Rah...rah...rah" but just as great coaching. It's not hard to see why his players want to play and win for him.

The Hawk's site is one of if not the most user friendly team internet connection. Look at Pete's last three interviews. They run around 10 min each.

You don't have to be a Seahawks fan to appreciate the info offered by the team site. The "news" and "video" portions of the format both have great football inside information. Just skip the player interviews and stick to the coaches.
Only idiots take preseason seriously

I certainly hope that the other 31 teams and thier fans are in your camp! :clap:

The Seattle Seahawks are definitely taking the preseason seriously. I have big aspirations for my team this season and am thrilled that they are taking every opportunity to prepare to fullfill them.

"The seperation is in the preparation" Russell Wilson

Go Hawks!
Only idiots take preseason seriously

I certainly hope that the other 31 teams and thier fans are in your camp! :clap:

The Seattle Seahawks are definitely taking the preseason seriously. I have big aspirations for my team this season and am thrilled that they are taking every opportunity to prepare to fullfill them.

"The seperation is in the preparation" Russell Wilson

Go Hawks!

It would be better to say you shouldn't take the win/loss records in preseason seriously.
Only idiots take preseason seriously

I certainly hope that the other 31 teams and thier fans are in your camp! :clap:

The Seattle Seahawks are definitely taking the preseason seriously. I have big aspirations for my team this season and am thrilled that they are taking every opportunity to prepare to fullfill them.

"The seperation is in the preparation" Russell Wilson

Go Hawks!

It would be better to say you shouldn't take the win/loss records in preseason seriously.

Why? It isn't a point of an argument. I'm totally good with other teams and fans not taking the preseason seriously. I'm totally good with the Seahawks taking the preseason seriously. I want my team to want to win at every opportunity. There are no meaningful "standings" at the conclusion of the exhibition games for sure. That isn't the point. What does matter is that your/my team get in the habit of winning.

There are players on all teams that had jobs last season that won't have a place on the rosters this season. How they perform in these first four games matters a lot in the coach's decision to keep a player or release him. I can assure you that at least on the Seattle Seahawks team a player's desire to win a preseason game or be ambivelent about the outcomes will weigh on the coach's decision when it comes time to cut a player or keep him.
I certainly hope that the other 31 teams and thier fans are in your camp! :clap:

The Seattle Seahawks are definitely taking the preseason seriously. I have big aspirations for my team this season and am thrilled that they are taking every opportunity to prepare to fullfill them.

"The seperation is in the preparation" Russell Wilson

Go Hawks!

It would be better to say you shouldn't take the win/loss records in preseason seriously.

Why? It isn't a point of an argument. I'm totally good with other teams and fans not taking the preseason seriously. I'm totally good with the Seahawks taking the preseason seriously. I want my team to want to win at every opportunity. There are no meaningful "standings" at the conclusion of the exhibition games for sure. That isn't the point. What does matter is that your/my team get in the habit of winning.

There are players on all teams that had jobs last season that won't have a place on the rosters this season. How they perform in these first four games matters a lot in the coach's decision to keep a player or release him. I can assure you that at least on the Seattle Seahawks team a player's desire to win a preseason game or be ambivelent about the outcomes will weigh on the coach's decision when it comes time to cut a player or keep him.

Why it shouldn't be taken seriously is because the preseason win/loss record is not a good indicator of the strength of a team. In some games the starters are gone after a single series. How your backups do, how the players fighting to get a roster spot do, as far as win/loss goes, is pretty unimportant for the team. Plenty of teams have gone undefeated in the preseason and sucked in the regular season, or gone winless in the preseason and done great in the regular season.

Preseason is mostly to look at individual rather than team performances. It also gives somewhat of a warm up before the regular season starts. What it is not about is showing what is going to happen in the regular season.

That is why I don't think it should be taken seriously. If Cleveland wins all 4 preseason games in blowout fashion, I'm not going to consider them a Super Bowl contender. If Seattle were to get blown out in all 4 preseason games, I will still consider them a Super Bowl contender.

Preseason is more for coaches and staff than for fans.
I'll still check the box score for the Vikes games to see who is doing what. But, I know that the preseason is virtually meaningless.
Saturday's matchup between the Broncos and the Seahawks should be interesting to watch. Carroll and Wilson have indicated that the ones need more work so there should be a decent comparrison between Manning and RW fo at least a full qtr..maybe the whole first half.

The Hawks had a habit of starting slow all of last season. Hence the amazing comebacks. We had a few penalties last week that I know Carroll would like to eliminate from our performances. The ones had 5 flags that stopped progress on the first two drives and allowed the Dolts to go down the field when thier progress was stopped. If those penalties had not occured the score would have been 45-7 instead of 31-10.

I'm looking forward to see how Manning does against our DBs. He and the Broncos got intercepted twice against the 9ers last week. BUT! The Broncos held the 9ers to 7 pts for the whole exhibition. Can the Broncos put the brakes on Wilson's wheels?

Ya the preseason is meaningless but don't let that cold shower prevent you from seeing some flashes of great football.
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Manning will play two, maybe three series. Denver is very cautious about using Manning in the preseason. They can't afford to lose him in a meaningless game. Most teams use preseason to look at back ups and player fighting for a roster spot.
Manning will play two, maybe three series. Denver is very cautious about using Manning in the preseason. They can't afford to lose him in a meaningless game. Most teams use preseason to look at back ups and player fighting for a roster spot.

Number 12 likes to use any excuse possible to fine tune the noise. I am absolutely certain the level of dbs will be astonishing to the nationally televised meaningless preseason game audience. There was a 40 share tv audience in the Seattle market for the Thursday night opener played in San Diego. That is twice what would typically be watching this early.

The level of expectation for our Seahawks plus the appearance of a probable/possible superbowl matchup has the town all a-buzz for this meaningless glimpse of Wilson and Manning on the same field Saturday evening.

I'm hoping the Donkeys, like most teams as noted by the previous post, have no interest in playing hard. That plus the deafening noise will make it frustrating for Manning resulting in an even more lackluster outting for the Denver offense. That will just throw more red meat to the rabid dogs in the stands and make for a lopsided Seattle victory. I'm thinking that Peyton will actually cry and in the after game interviews blame Seattle for cheating as everyone knows that the games are meaningless and it is unfair for a city to get so worked up and yell at him during a preseason exhibition match.


Go Hawks!
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Manning will play two, maybe three series. Denver is very cautious about using Manning in the preseason. They can't afford to lose him in a meaningless game. Most teams use preseason to look at back ups and player fighting for a roster spot.

Number 12 likes to use any excuse possible to fine tune the noise. I am absolutely certain the level of dbs will be astonishing to the nationally televised meaningless preseason game audience. There was a 40 share tv audience in the Seattle market for the Thursday night opener played in San Diego. That is twice what would typically be watching this early.

The level of expectation for our Seahawks plus the appearance of a probable/possible superbowl matchup has the town all a-buzz for this meaningless glimpse of Wilson and Manning on the same field Saturday evening.

I'm hoping the Donkeys, like most teams as noted by the previous post, have no interest in playing hard. That plus the deafening noise will make it frustrating for Manning resulting in an even more lackluster outting for the Denver offense. That will just throw more red meat to the rabid dogs in the stands and make for a lopsided Seattle victory. I'm thinking that Peyton will actually cry and in the after game interviews blame Seattle for cheating as everyone knows that the games are meaningless and it is unfair for a city to get so worked up and yell at him during a preseason exhibition match.


Go Hawks!

So because this is such a pivotal and important game to Seahawk fans, is Wilson going to play the whole game? I doubt they will risk him to injury beyond the first quarter. It's preseason, I would not risk starters for meaningless games.
Manning will play two, maybe three series. Denver is very cautious about using Manning in the preseason. They can't afford to lose him in a meaningless game. Most teams use preseason to look at back ups and player fighting for a roster spot.

Number 12 likes to use any excuse possible to fine tune the noise. I am absolutely certain the level of dbs will be astonishing to the nationally televised meaningless preseason game audience. There was a 40 share tv audience in the Seattle market for the Thursday night opener played in San Diego. That is twice what would typically be watching this early.

The level of expectation for our Seahawks plus the appearance of a probable/possible superbowl matchup has the town all a-buzz for this meaningless glimpse of Wilson and Manning on the same field Saturday evening.

I'm hoping the Donkeys, like most teams as noted by the previous post, have no interest in playing hard. That plus the deafening noise will make it frustrating for Manning resulting in an even more lackluster outting for the Denver offense. That will just throw more red meat to the rabid dogs in the stands and make for a lopsided Seattle victory. I'm thinking that Peyton will actually cry and in the after game interviews blame Seattle for cheating as everyone knows that the games are meaningless and it is unfair for a city to get so worked up and yell at him during a preseason exhibition match.


Go Hawks!

So because this is such a pivotal and important game to Seahawk fans, is Wilson going to play the whole game? I doubt they will risk him to injury beyond the first quarter. It's preseason, I would not risk starters for meaningless games.

"Pivital"? I think you miss my point. This may possibly be the last time Seattle fans will be able to see Manning in person. Seattle is a football town. We don't have any superbowl wins to brag about yet still we have the loudest cheering fans in the NFL. It is likely that our W/L record over the years would be significantly worse if not for the racket coming from the stands. Our 8 game home undefeated last season was assisted by the fans.

We just love football. Sue us! :lol:

When our teams are actually good we go nuts with celebration. Now that we have a team that is discussed nationally as a possible superbowl contender we are giddy with anticipation.

You other teams fans are cynical and difficult to please. That's fine with me. It gives the Seahawks an advantage having the Number 12 cause false starts with the deafening roar.

It's fun from a Seahawk fan's perspective knowing that we can actually affect the outcome of our home games to some extent. When we have a REALLY good team like we have now it is damn near impossible for ANY team to come in here and get out with a victory.

Ya it's just meaningless preseason but try to tell that to the national commentators this Saturday night... That is if they can hear you through all the noise! :lol:
I think it's far more likely Seattle has better acoustics in the stadium than they have louder fans. :eusa_whistle:

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