NJ Dem leader refuses to concede to GOP truck driver, says thousands of ballots 'recently found'

Christine Gregoire steals Washington State gubernatorial race from Dino Rossi in 2004.
They simply kept recounting until they "found" the votes needed to win.

Deja vu all over again?
That really does begin to seem the way it works.
The republican is only ahead by 2,000 or so.
The Dem State Senate guy is corrupted as they come. Ironworkers Union to Politics. He laments that Hoffa was to big for his bridges and let his guard down. You can see it. The trickle down theory goes through him and his cronies. This is the type that drew up the failed Off Track Betting in New York State and the failed gambling in Atlantic City. Only corrupted Progs can blow free money. Perhaps the citizens of his district want to have a say in their children's education as they pay the freight until they reach adulthood while small businesses leave and close down in droves from that state.
The Dem State Senate guy is corrupted as they come. Ironworkers Union to Politics. He laments that Hoffa was to big for his bridges and let his guard down. You can see it. The trickle down theory goes through him and his cronies. This is the type that drew up the failed Off Track Betting in New York State and the failed gambling in Atlantic City. Only corrupted Progs can blow free money. Perhaps the citizens of his district want to have a say in their children's education as they pay the freight until they reach adulthood while small businesses leave and close down in droves from that state.
Trickle down is a republican thing.
Finding ballots after election night could be deemed illegal if they had the guts to do it.....especially if there is no chain of custody....none of them should count.
Why doesn't any one call him on this treasure-trove-finding?
You don't need Russian disinformation when these oddities occur repeatedly (generally in certain cities, no?).

I've read comments from places like India, England, Australia after the 2020 election. They weren't to praise the transparent and smooth election process in the U.S. Maybe it's time to take election security and consequences for cheating very seriously.

Do the powers that be in the U.S know or care about how these constant irregularities are viewed by the rest of the Free world? Maybe someone mislead him and he's just another desperate, entitled politician. From the Primaries in New York to the Federal election and beyond, how does this instill American citizens confidence in the democratic process?

Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney says thousands of "recently found" ballots supports his refusal to concede to a Republican challenger who ran a low-budget campaign.

"The results from Tuesday’s election continue to come in, for instance there were 12,000 ballots recently found in one county," Sweeney said in an email to the Philadelphia Inquirer on Thursday. "While I am currently trailing in the race, we want to make sure every vote is counted. Our voters deserve that, and we will wait for the final results."

Sweeney’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment on the matter, specifically on identifying which South Jersey county recently found the ballots.
You beat me to posting this. Funny how the left can bitch and complain about Trump not accepting election results and yet here we are with this. Where is the left and the left media in calling this guy out for refusing to accept election results?

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