No, Charles Barkley, you shut the hell up!

For Athletes to disagree with the Tyranny ongoing in Hong Kong shows where their loyalty is today. Their loyalty is to the almighty dollar. The NBA has a Billion dollar business with China. And China has said talk nicely about us or you will no longer be on TV in China.

Bow to your masters NBA players...............and kiss the boots of the Chinese who have threatened to take your money away. Forget the misery of a people who are now paying the price of Britain handing over Hong Kong to them.

Why did Britain do it...................For the money of course......and all back then knew this would happen if they left.
Yeah, they boycott Trump cause they call him wacist, and oppressive. Yet they suck chicom dick.

Wacist wacist wacist.

Yes, this about describes left wing millionaires NBA ignorant morons. Mostly black. How typical.

That retarded Negro cannot speak English. Why does a well financed cable channel pay a retarded Negro who cannot speak English is the question.

Hey dumbass. We don’t speak English in this country. We speak American.

Btw you’re a racist prick. Just one of many.

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We speak American? WTF

That's actually true. We do not speak original English, or as it's put, the kings proper English.

What's true is most speak English in this country, proper or not, you must be getting Ebonics confused with "American".

Apparently you speak ebonics, but we don't speak English.

Sure, we speak "American"....dumbass.
That retarded Negro cannot speak English. Why does a well financed cable channel pay a retarded Negro who cannot speak English is the question.

Hey dumbass. We don’t speak English in this country. We speak American.

Btw you’re a racist prick. Just one of many.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We speak American? WTF

That's actually true. We do not speak original English, or as it's put, the kings proper English.

What's true is most speak English in this country, proper or not, you must be getting Ebonics confused with "American".


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Now Barkley is a loud mouth moron. But when he was talking about blacks and validating white racism, he was a great independent thinker that we black folks need to follow. Barkley is right. If you oppose Chinas tyranny you don't do business with them. We know why Pence has singled out NBA players and it's time we cleansed our country of that kind of "leadership."

What are you talking about? It's China and businesses like Nike and the NBA telling folks to shut the hell up for a buck. Pence is calling out the former's bluff and the latter's their greed and cowardice. This has nothing to do with race.
Charles Barkley is about as far from being a racist as anyone. Why are you talking out of your ass again?

Agree. Barkley's not a racist, but he suffers from Trump derangement syndrome and he's always been a bit of a politically clueless moron.
Barkley is usually dead on with his political commentary. On this one, he fucked up!

There must be two Charles Barkley's in this world. The Barkley I know has been talking gibberish about Trump and his agenda, about empowering the state to impose homofascism at the expense of the inalienable rights of the people and about imposing rights for illegal aliens against the integrity of national sovereignty for years. Aside from his critique of lefty's wont to scapegoat the police for the black community's disproportionate criminality, what has Barkley gotten right lately?
Barkley is usually dead on with his political commentary. On this one, he fucked up!

There must be two Charles Barkley's in this world. The Barkley I know has been talking gibberish about Trump and his agenda, about empowering the state to impose homofascism at the expense of the inalienable rights of the people and about imposing rights for illegal aliens against the integrity of national sovereignty for years. Aside from his critique of lefty's wont to scapegoat the police for the black community's disproportionate criminality, what has Barkley gotten right lately?

Barkley is a Republican. I hate to break that to you.
The drooling 'tard Charles Barkley prattles about how Pence needs to shut the hell up about U.S. companies doing business with China?! Pence is talking about NBA players and companies that trash talk America while going all sissy with China. What an imbecile. Pence didn't say anything about doing business with China. It's China that threatened not to do business with those who speak out against its tyranny, atrocities and deprivations.

Barkley has always been a loud mouth moron.

It's all about the money, the NBA and player merchandising deals in China are worth billions. Principles be damned.

Barkley is usually dead on with his political commentary. On this one, he fucked up!

There must be two Charles Barkley's in this world. The Barkley I know has been talking gibberish about Trump and his agenda, about empowering the state to impose homofascism at the expense of the inalienable rights of the people and about imposing rights for illegal aliens against the integrity of national sovereignty for years. Aside from his critique of lefty's wont to scapegoat the police for the black community's disproportionate criminality, what has Barkley gotten right lately?

Barkley is a Republican. I hate to break that to you.

No kidding , what's all this hate on Sir Charles all of a sudden?

Some dude on talk radio trashing him today?????????

Barkley is a Republican. I hate to break that to you.

I'm happy to break it to you, but he denounced conservatism and the Republican Party years ago, and good riddance. What ass has your head been up for the last decade? He doesn't have the first clue about the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law on which this nation and the Republican Party were founded. He never did.

Barkley's always been an incoherent collection of mindless opinions, a loud mouth blowhard sans any underlying sociopolitical principle. He tumbles wherever the wind blows him. In short, he's damn fool.
Barkley is usually dead on with his political commentary. On this one, he fucked up!

There must be two Charles Barkley's in this world. The Barkley I know has been talking gibberish about Trump and his agenda, about empowering the state to impose homofascism at the expense of the inalienable rights of the people and about imposing rights for illegal aliens against the integrity of national sovereignty for years. Aside from his critique of lefty's wont to scapegoat the police for the black community's disproportionate criminality, what has Barkley gotten right lately?

Barkley is a Republican. I hate to break that to you.

No kidding , what's all this hate on Sir Charles all of a sudden?

Some dude on talk radio trashing him today?????????


Barkley's a sociopolitical moron.
Give people the right to pick their own cable TV stations in bundles or no bundles that they want. Cable TV controls the politicians. A lot of money can be saved by cable subscribers. And to those who want their channels, they pay for it.
Barkley is a Republican. I hate to break that to you.

I'm happy to break it to you, but he denounced conservatism and the Republican Party years ago, and good riddance. What ass has your head been up for the last decade? He doesn't have the first clue about the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law on which this nation and the Republican Party were founded. He never did.

Barkley's always been an incoherent collection of mindless opinions, a loud mouth blowhard sans any underlying sociopolitical principle. He tumbles wherever the wind blows him. In short, he's damn fool.

Yeah, I guess his desire to run for governor of Alabama as a Republican was just a figment of my imagination.

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