No City Run By Democrats Is Safe To Live In

You still think it is the job of the police to make you feel safe? Wise up, They do not give a damn if you live or die and have never done a thing to actually make you safe. They show up after the crime, file a report and forget all about you. They deserve no more respect than a garbage man.
Oh BULLSHIT! Cops do a good job going after criminals, they make millions of arrests every year, and the prisons are full of the scum that they arrest. Maybe you're one of those prisoners, typing in your cell. How about it cop-hater ? Wanna tell us ?

And you ought to have a lot of respect for those cops. They risk their lives to save your ungrateful, sorry ass, which without them, you'd be dirt napping right now.
I will not live in or near any city that is ruled by a con. There is no safety for a free thinking man in those cities and states.

I will not live in or near any city that is ruled by a Democrat. There is no safety for a free thinking man or anybody else, in those cities and states.

Proof ? - Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Minneapolis, LA, Memphis, Atlanta, Denver, St. Louis, Oakland, Baton Rouge.
Safety is fine in those places for free thinkers and stupid cons. The free thinkers challenge the stupid and get beat for their efforts but do not care.
I will not live in or near any city that is ruled by a con. There is no safety for a free thinking man in those cities and states.

I will not live in or near any city that is ruled by a Democrat. There is no safety for a free thinking man or anybody else, in those cities and states.

Proof ? - Seattle, Portland, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Minneapolis, LA, Memphis, Atlanta, Denver, St. Louis, Oakland, Baton Rouge.

Most, if not all, of which, do not use political parties in their elections. In California ,for one, it's actually prohibited by the state constitution.

There's nothing you can do about that. The whole premise of your silly thread has had its legs broken. That's because it was bullshit in the first place. The moral of all this being, you don't get to just fabricate your own facts based on what you wish the facts were, when they're provably not.
No city run by Democrats is safe to live in. None have proper policing. In all, citizens are highly at risk, and cops are crazy to work their jobs with Democrats in control.

Carmen Best is finding that out in Seattle right now.

Seattle police chief blasts city officials, says leaving precinct ‘not my decision’
Seattle’s police chief told her department Thursday it was “not my decision” to abandon a precinct in an area of the city taken over by protesters — and blasted city officials for givin…

Trump Needs To Enact Insurrection Act In Seattle, Right Now!
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of...
"No City Run By Democrats Is Safe To Live In" -- That is fucking hilarious. You are a complete ignoramus. I was just in Oregon, as well, Portland is where I grew up and lived until my early 20s. You know nothing about it, about Oregon, or about this issue. The area where there are protests in Portland is a tiny speck on the map of even the downtown area much less that of the city limits and of the greater metro area. A TINY SPECK. A very few blocks. As well, Portland and the State of Oregon itself is a place of forward thinking people, liberal and democratic who believe in Americans' constitutional right to protest. Drumph's Brown Shirts went in and the issue, which was being handled by the local police, into a much worse problem than it was. Drumph's Brown Shirts escalated the issue into something much more violent than it was.
Protests don't involve destruction of property or attacking people.
Hypothetically, no. However, no one was being hurt. Not even Drumph says that. He says 'they went in to protect Federal Property,' which was not actually being damaged but defaced with graffiti. We don't need strong arm Brown Shirts in there beating people up and arresting them because some fireworks were thrown at the side of the building and graffiti was being written on it. Ridiculous. As well as unconstitutional. You people who defend this act by Drumph are hilarious: you are the people who insist on being armed in case the federal government tries to take over, who want local governing bodies to take care of things not the federal government, and yet you have no problem with Drumph and his Brown Shirts taking over our cities. It's one thing if the local government said they couldn't handle it and asked for federal help: but they didn't and have said, in fact, that these Brown Shirts escalated the situation and made it more violent. Did you see the video of an American war veteran being beaten by those Brown Shirts just because he tried to talk to them? He wasn't being violent, not in any way, and they were trying to beat the shit out of him. Great job by our Orange leader.
"No City Run By Democrats Is Safe To Live In" -- That is fucking hilarious. You are a complete ignoramus. I was just in Oregon, as well, Portland is where I grew up and lived until my early 20s. You know nothing about it, about Oregon, or about this issue. The area where there are protests in Portland is a tiny speck on the map of even the downtown area much less that of the city limits and of the greater metro area. A TINY SPECK. A very few blocks. As well, Portland and the State of Oregon itself is a place of forward thinking people, liberal and democratic who believe in Americans' constitutional right to protest. Drumph's Brown Shirts went in and the issue, which was being handled by the local police, into a much worse problem than it was. Drumph's Brown Shirts escalated the issue into something much more violent than it was.
It's NOT being handled by the local police (as is typically the case in Democrat cities).

I know PLENTY about it - 54 straight days of rioting-mayhem, being tolerated by Democrat jerk Ted Wheeler.

Portland and the State of Oregon itself is a place of wacky, liberal-looney thinking people.

The issue is being handled by Trump's officers, who shouldn't have had to go in there. They only had to go, because screwball Wheeler has had his cops stand down for 54 days, allowing the mobs to run wild. Whoever gets arrested, Wheeler should be among them. Glad to hear he got gassed. He should have gotten clubbed.

While we're at it, speaking of Oregon, it should secede from the US, along with its brain-bent neighbors California and Washington, and the whole Pacific coast wasteland should go on their own, or join up with Canada or Mexico. Good riddance.

PS - whatever charges$$$$$ are being assessed for the federal cops going in their the city of Portland and state of Oregon should pay the bill.
Portland and Oregon itself are in no way "wacky.' Your stating that shows just how little you actually know about this issue. You are a C OMPLETE MORON.
Safety is fine in those places for free thinkers and stupid cons. The free thinkers challenge the stupid and get beat for their efforts but do not care.
Fine, huh? These people were all killed in the stupid riots and occupations, and dozens more.

Billions of dollars in damages. "Fine" as long as it's not YOUR business, is that how you call it ?

The ones you call the "free thinkers" are the no thinkers, including you.
Portland and Oregon itself are in no way "wacky.' Your stating that shows just how little you actually know about this issue. You are a COMPLETE MORON.
Stop talking to your mirror, airhead.

Your moronic liberal ideas show how much you don't know. If you want to know even more about how ignorant you are, go to these threads I started, called QUIZ for Liberals, or my Islamization Quiz, and join the clueless liberal idiots who couldn't answer a single item in them. . Guys like you don't know how ignorant you are.

I've been educating information-deprived liberals like you for 7 years in this forum, Mr Rookie. You've got a lot to learn about politics, and what goes on here. Eventually, if you're a good student, you'll learn that >>

1) queers are lowlife sex perverts, not the "foward thinking" people you thought they were.

2) whites are who are oppressed in America, by the #1 racial discrimination, Affirmative Action, not blacks, who are the beneficiaries.

3) Muslims follow a seditious creed ( the Koran) that preaches hate, war, misogyny, and scores of violations of US law. It actually is outlawed by the US Constitution (Supremacy Clause).

4) Almost all immigration is harmful to America, in a long list of ways that I have posted in this forum dozens of times.

5) Liberal policies like gun-free zones and gun restrictions have gotten dozens of Americans killed. CCW law could have saved them.

6) Trump's policies have benefitted Blacks more than any US president, other than Abraham Lincoln, and he has been a major success on the coronavirus.

If you could get away from your liberal, OMISSION media, just for a week, and peruse some conservative knowledge, you could be cured.

Islamization QUIZ available on request.
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Democrats are incompetent. They still can't get an act together in Minneapolis.

Name one time that a Democrat has crashed the US economy. 40 years of Republican economic policies, 3 economic crashes, each worst than the last.

4,000,000 sick Americans. Closing in on 150,000 dead Americans. 35 million unemployed. Worst pandemic in 100 years. Worst economy since the Great Depression. Worst racial unrest since the 1960's.

Talk about incompetence.
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No city run by Democrats is safe to live in. None have proper policing. In all, citizens are highly at risk, and cops are crazy to work their jobs with Democrats in control.

Carmen Best is finding that out in Seattle right now.

Seattle police chief blasts city officials, says leaving precinct ‘not my decision’
Seattle’s police chief told her department Thursday it was “not my decision” to abandon a precinct in an area of the city taken over by protesters — and blasted city officials for givin…

Trump Needs To Enact Insurrection Act In Seattle, Right Now!
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of...
"No City Run By Democrats Is Safe To Live In" -- That is fucking hilarious. You are a complete ignoramus. I was just in Oregon, as well, Portland is where I grew up and lived until my early 20s. You know nothing about it, about Oregon, or about this issue. The area where there are protests in Portland is a tiny speck on the map of even the downtown area much less that of the city limits and of the greater metro area. A TINY SPECK. A very few blocks. As well, Portland and the State of Oregon itself is a place of forward thinking people, liberal and democratic who believe in Americans' constitutional right to protest. Drumph's Brown Shirts went in and the issue, which was being handled by the local police, into a much worse problem than it was. Drumph's Brown Shirts escalated the issue into something much more violent than it was.
Protests don't involve destruction of property or attacking people.
Hypothetically, no. However, no one was being hurt. Not even Drumph says that. He says 'they went in to protect Federal Property,' which was not actually being damaged but defaced with graffiti. We don't need strong arm Brown Shirts in there beating people up and arresting them because some fireworks were thrown at the side of the building and graffiti was being written on it. Ridiculous. As well as unconstitutional. You people who defend this act by Drumph are hilarious: you are the people who insist on being armed in case the federal government tries to take over, who want local governing bodies to take care of things not the federal government, and yet you have no problem with Drumph and his Brown Shirts taking over our cities. It's one thing if the local government said they couldn't handle it and asked for federal help: but they didn't and have said, in fact, that these Brown Shirts escalated the situation and made it more violent. Did you see the video of an American war veteran being beaten by those Brown Shirts just because he tried to talk to them? He wasn't being violent, not in any way, and they were trying to beat the shit out of him. Great job by our Orange leader.
Of course Wheeler, Brown, Durkan et al Democrat politicians didn't ask for help. That's because they are part of these criminal mobs themselves, and they endorse their little "Summer of Love" mayhem.

No one was being hurt. Just some fireworks and graffiti, huh ? Is that how CNN and your other liberal fakers have been painting it to you ? I'll come back to this later, with much more information - am busy now.-

No city run by Democrats is safe to live in. None have proper policing. In all, citizens are highly at risk, and cops are crazy to work their jobs with Democrats in control.

Carmen Best is finding that out in Seattle right now.

Seattle police chief blasts city officials, says leaving precinct ‘not my decision’
Seattle’s police chief told her department Thursday it was “not my decision” to abandon a precinct in an area of the city taken over by protesters — and blasted city officials for givin…

Trump Needs To Enact Insurrection Act In Seattle, Right Now!
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of...
"No City Run By Democrats Is Safe To Live In" -- That is fucking hilarious. You are a complete ignoramus. I was just in Oregon, as well, Portland is where I grew up and lived until my early 20s. You know nothing about it, about Oregon, or about this issue. The area where there are protests in Portland is a tiny speck on the map of even the downtown area much less that of the city limits and of the greater metro area. A TINY SPECK. A very few blocks. As well, Portland and the State of Oregon itself is a place of forward thinking people, liberal and democratic who believe in Americans' constitutional right to protest. Drumph's Brown Shirts went in and the issue, which was being handled by the local police, into a much worse problem than it was. Drumph's Brown Shirts escalated the issue into something much more violent than it was.
Protests don't involve destruction of property or attacking people.
Hypothetically, no. However, no one was being hurt. Not even Drumph says that. He says 'they went in to protect Federal Property,' which was not actually being damaged but defaced with graffiti.
Uhhh... Watch the videos in this thread. They have breached the doors more than once.

Great job by our Orange leader.
I agree... If local police wont' stop the riot, "brown shirts" in your words have to at least protect federal land. You think they'll come out to protect a local business? Why not try that?

Three officers might lose their sight.
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Safety is fine in those places for free thinkers and stupid cons. The free thinkers challenge the stupid and get beat for their efforts but do not care.
Fine, huh? These people were all killed in the stupid riots and occupations, and dozens more. View attachment 366762

Billions of dollars in damages. "Fine" as long as it's not YOUR business, is that how you call it ?

The ones you call the "free thinkers" are the no thinkers, including you.
You know nothing about America or free thinkers. It is plain as day that you cannot think or use logic. Good bye!!!
Safety is fine in those places for free thinkers and stupid cons. The free thinkers challenge the stupid and get beat for their efforts but do not care.
Fine, huh? These people were all killed in the stupid riots and occupations, and dozens more. View attachment 366762

Billions of dollars in damages. "Fine" as long as it's not YOUR business, is that how you call it ?

The ones you call the "free thinkers" are the no thinkers, including you.
Specifically identify these people and where and when they were killed. Proved a reliable source for your information. Otherwise, it is just complete BS.
If it is a choice between living in the state of or any city in Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, or living in Washington State and the City of Seattle, the choice is easy. Seattle wins hands down. Not even close. It is a run away.
No sane person thinks that. You're speaking like someone who wants to make looting a career. In other words, a politician.
You know nothing about America or free thinkers. It is plain as day that you cannot think or use logic. Good bye!!!
I know very much about America, having attended and taught in it's universities, served in the National Guard and US Army, and having been in the US workforce for 57 years. I've worked in manufacturing, publishing, railroad, importing, industrial security, medical health, played guitar in a rock band, and owned my own business for 12 years.

I was socialist Marxist revolutionary, and Vietnam anti-war protestor, after I got out of the National Guard, and was a campaign director for the George McGovern for president campaign in 1972. I was a registered Democrat for 32 years, + a registered Green Party for 8 years (voted for Ralph Nader twice). Other than those 2 votes, I voted for every Democrat candidate for president from McGovern in '72 to Obama in 2008.

In 2009, after the Fort Hood massacre, I came to my senses, and put it all together politically. Obama's jihadist nature, anti-American working class immigration, anti-white Affirmative Action, anti-American Islamic activity, and crazy leftist ideas about guns, police, abortion, homosexuality, etc.

I've lived in various parts of the USA. New York City, upper New York State, Knoxville, Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, Tampa, Florida, and 5 different towns in the Tampa Bay area, + San Jose, CA, and 7 different towns in the general San Francisco Bay Area.

I'm 74 years old, and I probably have more knowledge about this country in my little finger than some of you do in your whole bodies.
As for "free thinkers", I'm not impressed with that concept. Most people I know to be so-called free thinkers, don't have much grounding in what's really going on in America, don't have a good grasp of what matters, and tend to think too much for their own good.

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