NO Dem. "coronation" 5 Dem. candidates

Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.
Webb might be a solid challenger.
Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.

Hillary's running mate will be Julian Castro.
Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.
Webb might be a solid challenger.

If Hillary were not running, Webb would be leading the pack, and he would be a formidable candidate. Against Hillary, he has no chance. She not only has the money, but she is going to have a better ground game than Obama did the past two elections. If we learned anything from Obama's two elections, it is that Dems have the votes to win the White House. The only way they lose it now is if they do not get everyone to the polls.
Good news. I wish some of these people would catch up with Hillary and take the damn thing from her.

I think the Left this year is using primary politicians to fish Right Wing voters.

Every election opposing parties vote for the opposite party instead of their own and vote the worst candidate.

I have a feeling, FINALLY, there is some baiting involved.
Oh, and here's a big, heaping, rotting, stinking pile of facts:


That lists doesn't include Super-PAC money at all, practically exactly what we're talking about here.

We weren't talking about Super-PACs were we? The specific mention was of wealthy donors like the Koch Brothers, not Super PACs.

hey do you THINK wealthy donors contribute most of their money to campaign efforts nowadays??? Dark Money IS Super PACs, Super PACs ARE wealthy donors. It's the modern election cycle, and yes Republicans have a huge advantage when it comes to billionaires giving political contributions.

Do you really believe "Koch Industries" only gave $18 million in contributions since whenever that list was made? That's ridiculous.
no..the unions represent the leadership of the democrat party and the union leadership......since they support screwing over American workers at every turn......they just use the union dues of those average Americans to support the democrats....

I guess unions made a mistake in doing the following then:

  • The most sweeping advantage for unionized workers is in fringe benefits. Unionized workers are more likely than their nonunionized counterparts to receive paid leave, are approximately 18% to 28% more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, and are 23% to 54% more likely to be in employer-provided pension plans.
  • Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than nonunionized workers. They also pay 18% lower health care deductibles and a smaller share of the costs for family coverage. In retirement, unionized workers are 24% more likely to be covered by health insurance paid for by their employer.
  • Unionized workers receive better pension plans. Not only are they more likely to have a guaranteed benefit in retirement, their employers contribute 28% more toward pensions.
  • Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave (vacations and holidays).

I can see why Conservatives hate unions
O'Malley potentially could've run against Hillary on the basis of support Immigration reform stronger, but Hillary more or less beat him to it by embracing immigration reform fully.

Chafee's entire platform runs on voting against the Iraq War...which, even on the Democratic side of the public, people really don't care about anymore.
O'Malley wasn't missed in Maryland as he was just an easy option for people to re-elect, and his favored candidate for governor didn't cut it.

Though Maryland elected a light red governor, so it isn't a total repudiation of O'Malley but a foretelling of what would happen if he ran as anything more than a VP.
Yes....and as public sector unions bankrupt state after state and 1 in 4 dollars right now is going to public sector pensions....and they are still billions in the red....once the tax rate has to be increased just to pay public sector union pensions...we'll see how appreciative all those people are.....
Illinois public sector union disaster.....

Why Illinois is Going Bankrupt

Lawmakers promised more and more benefits to retired teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other government workers over the past decade; meanwhile, the pool of money to pay these pledges was neglected. The estimated shortfall of nearly $100 billion between now and 2045 is, believe it or not, a rosy scenario, given that a) it assumes robust investment returns and b) doesn’t include local pension disasters, like the estimated $20 billion hole in the City of Chicago system.
Of course, this is good, along with Hillary Clinton, we have
...and soon, Webb.

The only possible negative may be that all of the above names are from the northeast part of the US; perhaps the VP slot MUST then come from a red state.

Nobody cares about where the Vice-President is from. It will have absolutely no bearing whatsoever on which candidate people vote for.
Nobody cares about where the Vice-President is from. It will have absolutely no bearing whatsoever on which candidate people vote for.

Yeah? Tell that to JFK's advisers when they picked LBJ as VP

Tell that to John Kerry when he picked John Edwards as his VP.

And the south was solidly Democratic when JFK ran. I doubt his pick of LBJ made any difference

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