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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
PricewaterhouseCoopers Warns of Severe Consequences From Climate Change - US News
We’re in the red.

The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers released its “Low Carbon Economy Index” for 2014 this week, finding that for the sixth straight year, countries failed to scrub enough carbon from their economies to limit global warming to an increase of just 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century – the threshold scientists widely believe needs to be met to avoid irreparable damage and cascading effects from climate change.
They Cite the UN climate memo and COOK Et Al.....:dig:

Alarmist drivel and all been debunked before... just more of the same repeat it over and over and hope no one calls you on the crap... Still doesn't make it true though...

Oh! and their 2 deg Celsius prediction is a big load of crap too...
The last 100 years saw but 0.1 degree C warming... and they are predicting 2.0 Deg C. What fantasy land are they living in?
The last 100 years saw but 0.1 degree C warming... and they are predicting 2.0 Deg C. What fantasy land are they living in?

The land of "shit doesn't stay perfectly constant for all eternity." Grow a brain, conservatard. PWC is right about this, and also demonstrates uncharacteristically good social responsibility by even maintaining such an index in the fyrst place.
The last 100 years saw but 0.1 degree C warming... and they are predicting 2.0 Deg C. What fantasy land are they living in?
They Cite the UN climate memo and COOK Et Al.....

Alarmist drivel and all been debunked before... just more of the same repeat it over and over and hope no one calls you on the crap... Still doesn't make it true though...

Oh! and their 2 deg Celsius prediction is a big load of crap too...
Look at all that global warming.. :lol:

Summer Chill NOAA 246 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 1 to Sept 10. Some records broken by 16F Climate Depot

Rare September snow causes damage to trees and power outages in some areas

Or this zinger.

It’s been a busy year for climate scientists, who have been trying to explain why there has been no global warming for nearly two decades.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in February there were eight mainstream explanations for the pause, but there are now a whopping 52 explanations for why there has been no warming trend for the last 215 months.

Read more: There Are Now 52 Explanations For Pause In Global Warming The Daily Caller
^ The Daily Caller News Foundation reported ..... :blahblah:
PricewaterhouseCoopers Warns of Severe Consequences From Climate Change - US News
We’re in the red.

The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers released its “Low Carbon Economy Index” for 2014 this week, finding that for the sixth straight year, countries failed to scrub enough carbon from their economies to limit global warming to an increase of just 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century – the threshold scientists widely believe needs to be met to avoid irreparable damage and cascading effects from climate change.

So what? GIGO.
The last 100 years saw but 0.1 degree C warming... and they are predicting 2.0 Deg C. What fantasy land are they living in?
They Cite the UN climate memo and COOK Et Al.....

Alarmist drivel and all been debunked before... just more of the same repeat it over and over and hope no one calls you on the crap... Still doesn't make it true though...

Oh! and their 2 deg Celsius prediction is a big load of crap too...

Your incapable of reading your own link?
The last 100 years saw but 0.1 degree C warming... and they are predicting 2.0 Deg C. What fantasy land are they living in?

The land of "shit doesn't stay perfectly constant for all eternity." Grow a brain, conservatard. PWC is right about this, and also demonstrates uncharacteristically good social responsibility by even maintaining such an index in the fyrst place.

Right to name calling.. NO facts.... and throwing a hussy fit.. Love that "social" responsibility... just like a good little communist who needs all thing to be directed for him.. in capable of rational/cognitive thought?

Let me see. The USCRN shows we have lost -0.4 Deg C in the last ten years while the Land record shows an increase of 0.5 deg C prior to 1998. leaving a balance of just 0.1 deg C in the last 100 years. Dam those facts are so inconvenient.
Your fraud story is over FOURTEEN years old and has absolutely nothing to do with YESTERDAY's statements from PWC concerning the financial threat from global warming.

Crap responses like that do more than ever could we to show you've got nothing to bring to this discussion.
Got to love the fools that post numbers without a single link to back them up. Pulled them right out of their ass.
Your fraud story is over FOURTEEN years old and has absolutely nothing to do with YESTERDAY's statements from PWC concerning the financial threat from global warming.

Crap responses like that do more than ever could we to show you've got nothing to bring to this discussion. if you get caught lying, but it was a long time ago, it doesn't count....Situational "ethics"... funny..
Your fraud story is over FOURTEEN years old and has absolutely nothing to do with YESTERDAY's statements from PWC concerning the financial threat from global warming.

Crap responses like that do more than ever could we to show you've got nothing to bring to this discussion. if you get caught lying, but it was a long time ago, it doesn't count....Situational "ethics"... funny..

If we find that at the age of six you shoplifted a piece of bubblegum from the local five and dime, can we assume every statement you've made since was an out-and-out lie?
How long have you wackaloons been warning us of severe consequences? How many severe consequences deadlines have passed? Warnings of severe consequences coming out of failing models hardly warrant a laugh anymore...except maybe a chuckle for the poor loons who still believe.
Your fraud story is over FOURTEEN years old and has absolutely nothing to do with YESTERDAY's statements from PWC concerning the financial threat from global warming.

Crap responses like that do more than ever could we to show you've got nothing to bring to this discussion. if you get caught lying, but it was a long time ago, it doesn't count....Situational "ethics"... funny..

If we find that at the age of six you shoplifted a piece of bubblegum from the local five and dime, can we assume every statement you've made since was an out-and-out lie?

Nice distortion. "nice" meaning ridiculous and exaggerated.
Creating imaginary scenarios of people doing things you invent in your own mind in order to "prove" your point...very "clever" ...:rolleyes:
Your fraud story is over FOURTEEN years old and has absolutely nothing to do with YESTERDAY's statements from PWC concerning the financial threat from global warming.

Crap responses like that do more than ever could we to show you've got nothing to bring to this discussion.

PWC cannot be trusted. I'm sure I could dig up newer instances but I posted the one that convinced me. I'm not sure why you think fraud 14 years ago somehow makes their lack of ethics any better.
If we find that at the age of six you shoplifted a piece of bubblegum from the local five and dime, can we assume every statement you've made since was an out-and-out lie?

18? Yes. You'll never get a CPA license with a fraud conviction.

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