No Denying It Now!

Except it isn't a thread. It contains no discussion. It contains no conversation. It's a completely useless echo chamber.
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Hide the Decline

Mann's Nature Trick

No Warming for 2 decades

The Pacific Ocean ate my Global Warming

Who needs evidence and experiments when we have Consensus and settled science?

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Hide the Decline

Widely discussed method for coping with changes in divergence in dendrochrhonological trends in post 1960 tree ring data. It was not a decline in temperatures.

Mann's Nature Trick

Method developed by Michael Mann and used by Phil Jones to deal with the "decline" in Keith Birffa's tree ring data.

No Warming for 2 decades

A global warming hiatus, also sometimes referred to as a global warming pause[3] or a global warming slowdown,[4] is a period of a slower rate of increase of the global mean surface temperature (GMST), the globally average land and sea temperature at the bottom of thetroposphere. This can occur during continued global warming of the Earth's climate system when overall energy uptake is balanced by increased subsurface–ocean heat uptake.[1]

Compared to the long term warming trend, hiatus periods of fifteen years are common in the surface temperature record. The term is currently used to refer to the period since the exceptionally warm year of 1998. While evidence of continued multi-decadal warming is robust, there is considerable variability on annual to decadal scales, so shorter periods of ten or fifteen years can show weaker or stronger trends.[1]Although the rate of increase in surface temperatures slowed during this period, increasing heat had been trapped in the oceans, at lower depths than previously.[5]

For many years, those opposed to action on global warming have argued that a hiatus shows that global warming has stopped.[3] Scientific research has continued into the extent to which it is due to natural variability, and mechanisms which have led to the recent hiatus.
Global warming hiatus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Pacific Ocean ate my Global Warming


Who needs evidence and experiments when we have Consensus and settled science?


Keep trying to portray yourself as a victim, Frank. Maybe SOMEONE will actually feel enough sympathy for you to overlook the complete crap you put up here as arguments.
Hide the Decline

Widely discussed method for coping with changes in divergence in dendrochrhonological trends in post 1960 tree ring data. It was not a decline in temperatures.

Mann's Nature Trick

Method developed by Michael Mann and used by Phil Jones to deal with the "decline" in Keith Birffa's tree ring data.

No Warming for 2 decades

A global warming hiatus, also sometimes referred to as a global warming pause[3] or a global warming slowdown,[4] is a period of a slower rate of increase of the global mean surface temperature (GMST), the globally average land and sea temperature at the bottom of thetroposphere. This can occur during continued global warming of the Earth's climate system when overall energy uptake is balanced by increased subsurface–ocean heat uptake.[1]

Compared to the long term warming trend, hiatus periods of fifteen years are common in the surface temperature record. The term is currently used to refer to the period since the exceptionally warm year of 1998. While evidence of continued multi-decadal warming is robust, there is considerable variability on annual to decadal scales, so shorter periods of ten or fifteen years can show weaker or stronger trends.[1]Although the rate of increase in surface temperatures slowed during this period, increasing heat had been trapped in the oceans, at lower depths than previously.[5]

For many years, those opposed to action on global warming have argued that a hiatus shows that global warming has stopped.[3] Scientific research has continued into the extent to which it is due to natural variability, and mechanisms which have led to the recent hiatus.
Global warming hiatus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Pacific Ocean ate my Global Warming


Who needs evidence and experiments when we have Consensus and settled science?


Keep trying to portray yourself as a victim, Frank. Maybe SOMEONE will actually feel enough sympathy for you to overlook the complete crap you put up here as arguments.

This can occur during continued global warming of the Earth's climate system when overall energy uptake is balanced by increased subsurface–ocean heat uptake.[1]

This subsurface heat uptake resulted in what exact increase in water temperature?
Except it isn't a thread. It contains no discussion. It contains no conversation. It's a completely useless echo chamber.
true. All sourced climate change threads, like this one, are met w/ the usual rw "yabut..." responses.

Sad rw'ers hate science/book learnin' so much. :( Prolly that way because it goes against their "Mine, mine, mine!!!" rape & plunder, economic theories.
Except it isn't a thread. It contains no discussion. It contains no conversation. It's a completely useless echo chamber.
true. All sourced climate change threads, like this one, are met w/ the usual rw "yabut..." responses.

Sad rw'ers hate science/book learnin' so much. :( Prolly that way because it goes against their "Mine, mine, mine!!!" rape & plunder, economic theories.

Sad rw'ers hate science/book learnin' so much.

That's why we whine so much about GMOs and vaccines. Oh, wait, that's anti-science lefties. LOL!
I'm willing to reduce CO2 with a program to build 100 new nuke plants. What do you think?
PricewaterhouseCoopers Warns of Severe Consequences From Climate Change - US News
We’re in the red.

The accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers released its “Low Carbon Economy Index” for 2014 this week, finding that for the sixth straight year, countries failed to scrub enough carbon from their economies to limit global warming to an increase of just 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century – the threshold scientists widely believe needs to be met to avoid irreparable damage and cascading effects from climate change.
Wow, in 86 years, I wish I could be alive then, to respond to your ridiculous OP.
if you don't have anything relevant to add to the discussion then move along. Even some deniers here have a modicum of integrity in that regard.
if you don't have anything relevant to add to the discussion then move along. Even some deniers here have a modicum of integrity in that regard.

Pointing out, "irrelevance", adds nothing to the conversation, hypocrite. Don't post if you can not add a thing to the conversation. Yea, have some integrity before you post. Just because you have not the comprehension to relate my posts relevance does not make my post irrelevant. Message Board Police, yea, have a little integrity and intelligence

It is relevant, making a claim about the future, after we are all dead.

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