No difference among Dem Pres candidates, debates sure to be pathetic

this is coming from a mindless moron whose own presidential candidate just went dirty on Sanders and compared him to Hugo Chavez
Really?!?! I thought you said there were no differences between the two! Is that how you amass so many posts, you talk out of both sides of your mouth?

there arent any differences you idiot. that's what i'm saying dullard. she's calling him a socialist WHILE ADOPTING HIS STANCES ON EVERYTHING!

Unless someone challenges Hillary on her dishonesty, it'll be a borethon with everyone trying to outdo Sanders for their supposed concern about economic inequity.

There is going to be a lot from the left and the right about their concern but the devil is in the details.
There is no right in the Democrat party. Even the beast abandoned her centrist view to populism.

There is. I think that recognizing this would be inconvenient to both you and the Dems.
duh leftardz; dem's debates will be a farce from the start, so they cant "descend" into anything. there are no differences between your candidates

Sure there are. Bernie Sanders is very different. There are major differences in education, veterans, medical etc. between Hillary and Bernie. Hillary is your average former Republican. She is neoliberal.

it's funny the way the Left deceives itself. hillary was never a Republican. she was on the team of lawyers trying to IMPEACH NIXON almost fifty years ago.

even IF she was, and she wasnt; she has co-poted every Sanders stance

stop lying to yourself

Well lets start... You're first statement is a lie FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

So you will use proven liars as back up.

What's wrong with Sanders? Has he suggested anything that is not working in other countries already. Do those solutions reap better resluts than what os happening in US today?
duh leftardz; dem's debates will be a farce from the start, so they cant "descend" into anything. there are no differences between your candidates

Sure there are. Bernie Sanders is very different. There are major differences in education, veterans, medical etc. between Hillary and Bernie. Hillary is your average former Republican. She is neoliberal.

it's funny the way the Left deceives itself. hillary was never a Republican. she was on the team of lawyers trying to IMPEACH NIXON almost fifty years ago.

even IF she was, and she wasnt; she has co-poted every Sanders stance

stop lying to yourself

Well lets start... You're first statement is a lie FALSE: Jerry Zeifman Fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate Investigation

So you will use proven liars as back up.

What's wrong with Sanders? Has he suggested anything that is not working in other countries already. Do those solutions reap better resluts than what os happening in US today?

i said she was on it; you just proved that idiot. she wasnt fired from it for being a Republican

you're simply an idiot. you just proved what i originally said; she was on it. she had to be on it to be fired from it

thanks moron!!!;)
there arent any differences you idiot. that's what i'm saying dullard. she's calling him a socialist WHILE ADOPTING HIS STANCES ON EVERYTHING!
I think you're going to have to prove that with some cites. Merely capitalizing your words isn't considered evidence and you're well-known for trying to twist facts into fiction.
Dems should change their mascot to the panda, cuz they try to outpander each other


I'm here all week. If you don't like the jokes, blow me.
there arent any differences you idiot. that's what i'm saying dullard. she's calling him a socialist WHILE ADOPTING HIS STANCES ON EVERYTHING!
I think you're going to have to prove that with some cites. Merely capitalizing your words isn't considered evidence and you're well-known for trying to twist facts into fiction.

i've already provided several sources; even lefty-wing Mother Jones says it.

wow what losers in denial on here today!!
Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon
Apr 30, 2015 - Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon. By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker ..... Co-opt, thy name is Clinton! +12 # Trish42

Do you get all of your information from comediennes?

did you like the same thing in Mother Jones leftard?

dont all you losers get your news and commentary from left-wing comedians like Stewart, Maher, and Colbert?

lol idiots and hypocrites
Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon
Apr 30, 2015 - Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon. By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker ..... Co-opt, thy name is Clinton! +12 # Trish42

Do you get all of your information from comediennes?

did you like the same thing in Mother Jones leftard?

dont all you losers get your news and commentary from left-wing comedians like Stewart, Mayer, and Colbert?

lol idiots and hypocrites

I thought you were serious. Just another troll thread.
Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon
Apr 30, 2015 - Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon. By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker ..... Co-opt, thy name is Clinton! +12 # Trish42

Do you get all of your information from comediennes?

did you like the same thing in Mother Jones leftard?

dont all you losers get your news and commentary from left-wing comedians like Stewart, Mayer, and Colbert?

lol idiots and hypocrites

I thought you were serious. Just another troll thread.

i backed up my position with left-wing sources, no fox news for you Foxophobes.

left-wingers are just comical crybabies
Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon
Apr 30, 2015 - Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon. By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker ..... Co-opt, thy name is Clinton! +12 # Trish42

Do you get all of your information from comediennes?

did you like the same thing in Mother Jones leftard?

dont all you losers get your news and commentary from left-wing comedians like Stewart, Mayer, and Colbert?

lol idiots and hypocrites

I thought you were serious. Just another troll thread.

i backed up my position with left-wing sources, no fox news for you Foxophobes.

left-wingers are just comical crybabies

No. You didn't. You're just kicking out troll threads............because you're lonely. *shrugs*
Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon
Apr 30, 2015 - Hillary Expected to Adopt All of Sanders's Positions by Noon. By Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker ..... Co-opt, thy name is Clinton! +12 # Trish42

Do you get all of your information from comediennes?

did you like the same thing in Mother Jones leftard?

dont all you losers get your news and commentary from left-wing comedians like Stewart, Mayer, and Colbert?

lol idiots and hypocrites

I thought you were serious. Just another troll thread.

i backed up my position with left-wing sources, no fox news for you Foxophobes.

left-wingers are just comical crybabies

No. You didn't. You're just kicking out troll threads............because you're lonely. *shrugs*

please tell all the other Progressives here how Mother Jones is an unaceptable source. i cant wait.....................................................
What are the major differences between Democrat Presidential candidates?
Heck what are the minor differences? There apparently arent any. I cant wait for the Democrat Party debates; sure to be a snoozefest that will highlight the ideological bankruptcy of the Jackass Party!
You'll realize they have a lot more in common with trump than the Republicans. That's why trump is popular.

And Bernie is a lot more liberal than the rest.

What's the differences between rubio and santorum?

your deflection is laughable, oh and pathetic. you chose two candidates of what fifteen or so to try to say there are no differences? Republicans differ on a path to citizenship for illegals from Kasich's views almost mirroring the Dem's proposal, to Cruz's much stiffer plan.

that's just one notable difference
Yet you will nominate someone who thinks just like bush Romney or McCain.

You can run 100 people who are all different levels of crazy and wrong. Bfd.


and all you can do is demonize others because your own Party has a slate of old white pandering losers

White old cheesy candidates...
I think Bedowin is jealious that the Democrat Debates won't decend into farce like the GOP ones...

By the way, from where Bedowin stands Attila the hun looks like Gandi.

Bedowin proposes idealogy over evidence based decsion making everyday... As a general rule if Bedowin wants to go one way you should probably consider the other way a good starting point...

as a general rule if you're posting stupid shit is going on a message board. ^^^^^^^^Exhibit A

Notice how he just gets angry and goes for the froth at the mouth stuff.

Bedowin you haven't made a coherent argument in months... It is a joke...

We get the continual bile:
X is a communist...
F*ck Liberals...

Same crap... You can't admit the massive mistakes conservative policies have created, you see everything bad in the world as Liberal when Liberal Polices have made the US stronger.

how are we "stronger" idiot?

this ought to be good......................................

One example... Obama didn't start any large scale land wars in Asia...

No $3.7 trillion costs...

HE also let others handle ISIS... ISIS on there best day never amounts to over 70,000 troops... The ME countries have 3.5 million troops... At some point they will have to clean up there own shit... Let Putin do it if they want...
What are the major differences between Democrat Presidential candidates?
Heck what are the minor differences? There apparently arent any. I cant wait for the Democrat Party debates; sure to be a snoozefest that will highlight the ideological bankruptcy of the Jackass Party!
If you can't tell the difference you are truly blind. For starters Sanders actually believes what says and will do what he says. Clinton is just saying what she has to,to make people like her and attempt to get elected and she won't do jack shit.

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