No Evidence

Wuwei has a good understanding of physics. SSDD's actual knowledge is indeterminant because he chooses to spout unsupportable nonsense just to wind up those who debate him. This is the behavior of a TROLL.

Says the biggest liar on the board...But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical provide the statement of the law and quotes from me that are in opposition to it...

We both know that won't be happening, don't we skid mark?
Wuwei has a good understanding of physics. SSDD's actual knowledge is indeterminant because he chooses to spout unsupportable nonsense just to wind up those who debate him. This is the behavior of a TROLL.

Says the biggest liar on the board...But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical provide the statement of the law and quotes from me that are in opposition to it...

We both know that won't be happening, don't we skid mark?

But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical law....

You disagree with this one.

The radiation energy per unit time from a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and can be expressed with Stefan-Boltzmann Law as: The Stefan-Boltzmann Constant.
You disagree with special relativity. You disagree with the conservation of energy. You disagree with Planck's theory of the quantisation of energy. You assign sentient capabilities to either all matter or to photons or to both.
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.But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical law..

I will add to the list with some redundancy.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.
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You disagree with special relativity. You disagree with the conservation of energy. You disagree with Planck's theory of the quantisation of energy. You assign sentient capabilities to either all matter or to photons or to both.

Making up arguments to rail against again skidmark? Nothing new...
.But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical law..

I will add to the list with some redundancy.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.

Do feel free to prove that I either said those things....or that if I said that they don't, prove that they do... making up arguments and assigning them to me, or twisting and interpreting what I said so that it becomes unrecognizable is just one more aspect of your flawed personality which is tedious....oh so tedious...
You know what you said. So does everyone else here. But you haven't the SLIGHTEST hesitation to lie to our faces.

Evidence that humans are responsible for the warming we've observed may be found at and almost any search of the scientific literature on the topic.
You know what you said. So does everyone else here. But you haven't the SLIGHTEST hesitation to lie to our faces.

Evidence that humans are responsible for the warming we've observed may be found at and almost any search of the scientific literature on the topic.
I realize you haven't the intellect to follow basic science. But, I would have thought that living through what has to have been your very troubled life you would have learned what behavior (ie, what sort of statements) is not in your best interests. This is a good example. Actually almost all your posts are good examples.

Evidence of AGW may be found at and by almost any search of the scientific literature.
I realize you haven't the intellect to follow basic science. But, I would have thought that living through what has to have been your very troubled life you would have learned what behavior (ie, what sort of statements) is not in your best interests. This is a good example. Actually almost all your posts are good examples.

Evidence of AGW may be found at and by almost any search of the scientific literature.
Evidence of AGW may be found at and by almost any search of the scientific literature

Nope you are wrong.

you would think that after posting that nonsense many a times, you'd know it doesn't support your claim. See you won't even post the part that supposedly does. Until you do that, your link is dead to the argument.

I realize you haven't the intellect to follow basic science. But, I would have thought that living through what has to have been your very troubled life you would have learned what behavior (ie, what sort of statements) is not in your best interests. This is a good example. Actually almost all your posts are good examples.

what one writes when one knows he is loosing the debate.
.But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical law..

I will add to the list with some redundancy.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.

Do feel free to prove that I either said those things....or that if I said that they don't, prove that they do... making up arguments and assigning them to me, or twisting and interpreting what I said so that it becomes unrecognizable is just one more aspect of your flawed personality which is tedious....oh so tedious...

Everyone including you knows you made all the claims that Crick, Todd, and I posted. You obviously know better than to deny the claims. If there is a particular claim that you sincerely deny, which one is it?

You know what you said. So does everyone else here. But you haven't the SLIGHTEST hesitation to lie to our faces.

Why yes I do...which is why I challenged him to bring forward guys rarely read what is actually written, you interpret...maybe due to a learning disability...then you argue against your interpretation rather than what was actually said.

Evidence that humans are responsible for the warming we've observed may be found at and almost any search of the scientific literature on the topic.

No it can't...nothing like observed measured evidence that supports the claims that the present climate is in any way different from natural variability exists there...which is why you don't bring anything forward any more...everyting you have brought forward only demonstrated that you wouldn't know evidence if it bit you on the ass...and that you are very easily fooled...
.But do feel free to point out where I disagree with any physical law..

I will add to the list with some redundancy.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.

Do feel free to prove that I either said those things....or that if I said that they don't, prove that they do... making up arguments and assigning them to me, or twisting and interpreting what I said so that it becomes unrecognizable is just one more aspect of your flawed personality which is tedious....oh so tedious...

Everyone including you knows you made all the claims that Crick, Todd, and I posted. You obviously know better than to deny the claims. If there is a particular claim that you sincerely deny, which one is it?


Not a single quote brought completely unsurprising is that?
Stick to the subject. Childish name-calling and insults should be taken to the Flame Zone, Rubber Room, or Badlands. It does not belong in this thread.
Not a single quote brought completely unsurprising is that?
Why do you want quotes? We all remember the fake science you have been promoting. Do you agree with most of the list I gave you? Are you now disagreeing? Here is the list again. Which do you think misrepresent you now.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.

Not a single quote brought completely unsurprising is that?
Why do you want quotes? We all remember the fake science you have been promoting. Do you agree with most of the list I gave you? Are you now disagreeing? Here is the list again. Which do you think misrepresent you now.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.

why do you want quotes? folks, can't make this up.
Not a single quote brought completely unsurprising is that?
Why do you want quotes? We all remember the fake science you have been promoting. Do you agree with most of the list I gave you? Are you now disagreeing? Here is the list again. Which do you think misrepresent you now.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the Stefan-Boltzmann equation.
  • All textbooks are wrong about the second law of thermodynamics
  • The cosmic microwave background cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
  • CO2 absorbing IR energy will not cause air to heat.
  • Black body radiation fails near a warmer object.
  • All photons from a black body have the same wavelength.
  • Radioactivity is not spontaneous because of work in refining the ore.
  • Man-made systems can never exhibit spontaneous actions.
  • No thermodynamic process is spontaneous because of prior work.


I want quotes becasue you claimed that I said something that I didn't... Like I have said before...I spend little time doing anything but correcting your "interpretations" of what I have said...

And all textbooks aren't wrong about the SB law...I provided you with a pretty comprehensive list of which ones promoted your wack job derivation, and which ones taught the actual SB was only those used in the soft science of climate sceince and which had an agenda to prmote that taught that version...those used to teach actual physics stick to the actual SB law...

And when did I ever say that all photons from a black body have the same wavelength? A black body emits whatever it absorbs...if it is absorbing a single wavelength then it is emitting a single wavelength...if it is absorbing multiple wavelengths, then it is emitting multiple wavelengths...more "interpretation" or outright lies...which is it?

and on and on and on...the tedium never ends with you...

Do you often get snubbed in the real world? I can see that happening if you interpret everything you hear and answer based on your interpretation...I can see iintelligent people tiring of that very quickly.

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