No food stamps for any family of a striking worker

That's exactly how a government bureaucracy functions.
Their sole purpose of existence is to extinguish every dollar of their budget + some in order to garner a larger budget the next year.

teabaggers rather go after the poor then the wasteful ,

That's ridiculous. Poor people are not the target of the Tea Party. What makes you think that?

It's some talking point. Soros would be proud of the BOY.
you will have to prove that bad as the PO is i highly doubt that happened a MONTH before the if you would have said he spent that kind of money on the NEW Office....i would not doubt it at all.....
That's exactly how a government bureaucracy functions.
Their sole purpose of existence is to extinguish every dollar of their budget + some in order to garner a larger budget the next year.

teabaggers rather go after the poor then the wasteful ,
Is this the 3rd or 4th day of your binge?

we had here a new post office built , a moth before the move out of the old one the post master spent 40,00 to renovate his old office before the move to the new building ,

you will have to prove that bad as the PO is i highly doubt that happened a MONTH before the if you would have said he spent that kind of money on the NEW Office....i would not doubt it at all.....

it was here in st. louis ,
my wife was a letter carrier ,
another PO trip they bought a new building down town for 8 million but if would have waited 24 hours they could of got it for 4 . before you doubt it ask your dad .

my dad died 6 years ago.....who else can i ask? a link proving this.......and the PostMaster in St Louis is a SHE not a HE as you stated....tell me which office and i will go on my Unions site and ask them about this....they will know if she did or not.....
Last edited:
we had here a new post office built , a moth before the move out of the old one the post master spent 40,00 to renovate his old office before the move to the new building ,

you will have to prove that bad as the PO is i highly doubt that happened a MONTH before the if you would have said he spent that kind of money on the NEW Office....i would not doubt it at all.....
That's exactly how a government bureaucracy functions.
Their sole purpose of existence is to extinguish every dollar of their budget + some in order to garner a larger budget the next year.
unless he can prove those claims he aint got shit.....i have worked in the PO for 31 years and even though they are district manager i have ever heard of would allow a PM to spend 40 thousand dollars to redecorate an office they wont be in next month.....the new office sorry but he will have to prove that one....
That's exactly how a government bureaucracy functions.
Their sole purpose of existence is to extinguish every dollar of their budget + some in order to garner a larger budget the next year.

teabaggers rather go after the poor then the wasteful ,

That's ridiculous. Poor people are not the target of the Tea Party. What makes you think that?

well they want to cut SS , stop government funding for PBS , got ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin , look to get rid of minimum wage in Mo. cutting back medicare , what do you need ? death camps ? I say their out to kill the middle class and unions public schools , they want the federal board of education gone .
teabaggers rather go after the poor then the wasteful ,

That's ridiculous. Poor people are not the target of the Tea Party. What makes you think that?

well they want to cut SS , stop government funding for PBS , got ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin , look to get rid of minimum wage in Mo. cutting back medicare , what do you need ? death camps ? I say their out to kill the middle class and unions public schools , they want the federal board of education gone .
That's NPR, ass-clown
Actually everywhere. Not just Wisconsin
You're seriously retarded, aren't you?
Obamacare is doing a good enough job of that
Back away from the bong

teabaggers rather go after the poor then the wasteful ,

That's ridiculous. Poor people are not the target of the Tea Party. What makes you think that?

well they want to cut SS , stop government funding for PBS , got ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin , look to get rid of minimum wage in Mo. cutting back medicare , what do you need ? death camps ? I say their out to kill the middle class and unions public schools , they want the federal board of education gone .

Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.
That's ridiculous. Poor people are not the target of the Tea Party. What makes you think that?

well they want to cut SS , stop government funding for PBS , got ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin , look to get rid of minimum wage in Mo. cutting back medicare , what do you need ? death camps ? I say their out to kill the middle class and unions public schools , they want the federal board of education gone .

Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.

Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .
well they want to cut SS , stop government funding for PBS , got ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin , look to get rid of minimum wage in Mo. cutting back medicare , what do you need ? death camps ? I say their out to kill the middle class and unions public schools , they want the federal board of education gone .

Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.

Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

What educational programs would be lost that cant be watched on hulu or youtube ? NPR does not educate, they are political so no loss there either. And the department of education being cut is just fine. It serves no real purpose so I say let them come forward and show why we need them. The VA are entitlements to veterans only and no politician who wants to keep there job will go near them. You need to remember, Veterans actually served this country and earned there benefits union workers did not. I also dont buy that unions built the middle class. They did what they did and the private sector being what they are offered a better deal to there employees to keep unions out. Union exist to look out for there members, let the unions feed them when they walk off the job.
you will have to prove that bad as the PO is i highly doubt that happened a MONTH before the if you would have said he spent that kind of money on the NEW Office....i would not doubt it at all.....
That's exactly how a government bureaucracy functions.
Their sole purpose of existence is to extinguish every dollar of their budget + some in order to garner a larger budget the next year.
unless he can prove those claims he aint got shit.....i have worked in the PO for 31 years and even though they are wasteful.....
I fully agree. Spending 31 years of ones life in a post office is highly wasteful and uniquely murkin.:tongue:
Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.

Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

What educational programs would be lost that cant be watched on hulu or youtube ? NPR does not educate, they are political so no loss there either. And the department of education being cut is just fine. It serves no real purpose so I say let them come forward and show why we need them. The VA are entitlements to veterans only and no politician who wants to keep there job will go near them. You need to remember, Veterans actually served this country and earned there benefits union workers did not. I also dont buy that unions built the middle class. They did what they did and the private sector being what they are offered a better deal to there employees to keep unions out. Union exist to look out for there members, let the unions feed them when they walk off the job.

Amen brother.

Hell. The Dep of Educatioin is a huge waste of taxpayer money. There is no reason we need them. We don't need about half the Fed departments at all. Waste of good money.

Couldn't agree more on the Union members. If they want to strike then let the Union feed them. We the taxpayer shouldn't be on the hook for anything.

The money they pay in dues should be used for that not huge salaries for the Union execs or campaign donations.
Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.

Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

What educational programs would be lost that cant be watched on hulu or youtube ? NPR does not educate, they are political so no loss there either. And the department of education being cut is just fine. It serves no real purpose so I say let them come forward and show why we need them. The VA are entitlements to veterans only and no politician who wants to keep there job will go near them. You need to remember, Veterans actually served this country and earned there benefits union workers did not. I also dont buy that unions built the middle class. They did what they did and the private sector being what they are offered a better deal to there employees to keep unions out. Union exist to look out for there members, let the unions feed them when they walk off the job.

theses take money subscriptions , youtube are you nuts , I'm talking NOVA national geographic , and kids show but on free TV . talking about people that cant afford cable .

you see no purpose so get ride of it ? ass hole , you believe congress cant touch VA funds ? LOL bull shit . in 1996 the "borrowed ten million from VA for high way work , it got a lot of us angry so the stop ed , but never put back the money ,
union workers didn't ern their contracts ? really , where the hell do you get your information from ? they cut out the cost of live increase on vets disability and retirement funds froze them ,

union built this country , you wouldn't have child labor laws , minimum wage , 40 hour work week holidays vacation , if it were not for unions ,

your just a dumb ass
well they want to cut SS , stop government funding for PBS , got ride of collective bargaining in Wisconsin , look to get rid of minimum wage in Mo. cutting back medicare , what do you need ? death camps ? I say their out to kill the middle class and unions public schools , they want the federal board of education gone .

Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.

Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

Allen West is a good man. A real American.

Unions had their time. Now they are corrupt and not in the working man's interest. They have reached the tipping point. If you clowns want PBS then you pay for it. No one is stopping you. It's still a free country.
Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

What educational programs would be lost that cant be watched on hulu or youtube ? NPR does not educate, they are political so no loss there either. And the department of education being cut is just fine. It serves no real purpose so I say let them come forward and show why we need them. The VA are entitlements to veterans only and no politician who wants to keep there job will go near them. You need to remember, Veterans actually served this country and earned there benefits union workers did not. I also dont buy that unions built the middle class. They did what they did and the private sector being what they are offered a better deal to there employees to keep unions out. Union exist to look out for there members, let the unions feed them when they walk off the job.

theses take money subscriptions , youtube are you nuts , I'm talking NOVA national geographic , and kids show but on free TV . talking about people that cant afford cable .

you see no purpose so get ride of it ? ass hole , you believe congress cant touch VA funds ? LOL bull shit . in 1996 the "borrowed ten million from VA for high way work , it got a lot of us angry so the stop ed , but never put back the money ,
union workers didn't ern their contracts ? really , where the hell do you get your information from ? they cut out the cost of live increase on vets disability and retirement funds froze them ,

union built this country , you wouldn't have child labor laws , minimum wage , 40 hour work week holidays vacation , if it were not for unions ,

your just a dumb ass

It's kinda funny reading your posts. With your literary style, you really shouldn't be calling people a "dumb ass".
Oh cut it out. You're scaring "the children".

Who wants to cut SS? Give me a name. PBS, collective bargaining has nothing to do with poor people. Getting rid of minimum wage might be a good idea. No one says you have to take the job.

Unions has nothing to do with "the middle class". A lot of us in the middle class would love to have the benefits the government workers enjoy.

A lot of think the Fed Bored of Education should be gone. By the looks of their product, we are in for some tough times. A bunch of educated dummies walking around banging on drums and yelling and screaming when they don't get their way. Fuck 'em.

Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

Allen West is a good man. A real American.

Unions had their time. Now they are corrupt and not in the working man's interest. They have reached the tipping point. If you clowns want PBS then you pay for it. No one is stopping you. It's still a free country.

he's a selfish ass hole , you think that make you a good American ?

remember this clown united we bargain divided we beg ,
you a dumb shit that thinks your rich , or will be , we called you guys the Me generation , because thats all you think of .
Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

What educational programs would be lost that cant be watched on hulu or youtube ? NPR does not educate, they are political so no loss there either. And the department of education being cut is just fine. It serves no real purpose so I say let them come forward and show why we need them. The VA are entitlements to veterans only and no politician who wants to keep there job will go near them. You need to remember, Veterans actually served this country and earned there benefits union workers did not. I also dont buy that unions built the middle class. They did what they did and the private sector being what they are offered a better deal to there employees to keep unions out. Union exist to look out for there members, let the unions feed them when they walk off the job.

theses take money subscriptions , youtube are you nuts , I'm talking NOVA national geographic , and kids show but on free TV . talking about people that cant afford cable .

you see no purpose so get ride of it ? ass hole , you believe congress cant touch VA funds ? LOL bull shit . in 1996 the "borrowed ten million from VA for high way work , it got a lot of us angry so the stop ed , but never put back the money ,
union workers didn't ern their contracts ? really , where the hell do you get your information from ? they cut out the cost of live increase on vets disability and retirement funds froze them ,

union built this country , you wouldn't have child labor laws , minimum wage , 40 hour work week holidays vacation , if it were not for unions ,

your just a dumb ass

Actually, the Union always jumps on the child labor bandwagon, but the unions really don't give a shit about kids. They just don't want them getting paid less and working more than their own workers. If they hadn't been able to legislate them out of the picture, they probably would have found another way to eliminate them.

The unions don't run the country, though they want to. They have got to be reined in, cut down, whatever. They are a MASSIVE political influence that shouldn't be allowed to just squat down and take whatever it wants.
Rep. Allen West , a teabagger Coral Springs,
PBS is free , but you clown think well we have cable they can get educational programs , you see a point yet ?
and its not just SS its all entitlements , like VA , military pensions , everything is on the table .
unions made the middle class you really are not to sharp, where do you think the 40 hour work week came from ? holidays ? vacation ?
damn you were spoiled as a kid .

Allen West is a good man. A real American.

Unions had their time. Now they are corrupt and not in the working man's interest. They have reached the tipping point. If you clowns want PBS then you pay for it. No one is stopping you. It's still a free country.

he's a selfish ass hole , you think that make you a good American ?

remember this clown united we bargain divided we beg ,
you a dumb shit that thinks your rich , or will be , we called you guys the Me generation , because thats all you think of .

Wha, wha wha. Piss and moan. I am rich. I'm far richer than an asswipe like you. You're nothing but a pusillanimous pissant prarie punk sitting in your mom's basement while she collects welfare checks and food stamps to support your lazy ass. Why do you treat your mother like that? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Heh. You said pusillanimous. I know you had to look up the spelling on that one...
I am going to try to use it in a sentence today and see if I get the standard blank stare.
willow do you think a striking worker who makes so little they qualify for food stamps should have their food stamps taken from their kids ?

The striker is responsible for feeding his child(ren), not us taxpayers. Food stamps, or whatever they use nowadays, are morally wrong. They are penalizing the working people for the actions of the strikers.

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