No food stamps for any family of a striking worker

You never quit a job until you have something to go to and thats including starting your own business. It's a cold world provide for yourself or you die.

Do you think anyone should get food stamps?

If so, who and based on what criteria?

Me personally, I have no problem with Welfare. I honestly believe our first priority should be to take care of our own and then help out the rest of the world. That being said, I do not believe people should receive Food Stamps while they chose to be on strike. Giving them Welfare to strike reduces their willingness to negotiate.

Legitimate strikes are based on market power. The government funding one side or the other is warping market power. Government giving one side money is clearly funding the strike and food stamps are money.
Bottomline - food stamps simply should not exist. federal food aid to distressed individuals should not exist. Food aid should be a private affair or at most an activity of State governments and then provided as commodities or soup kitchens.

Such should be the case with all forms of welfare.

I would like to see all the new Republicans run on that message.

The takers are now outnumbering the givers.


Healthy food is not affordable to poor people in a country that is capable of feeding the world. Thanks to the government interfering in farming practices, exorbitant taxes and regulations, the ridiculous price of fuel (foolish that we pay it when we have our own) means that the government has created a false environment; and since it has created the mess, it is obligated to subsidize people.

When it fucked up farming, it had to subsidize farming. When it fucked up access to natural resources, it had to subsidize things like housing, energy, etc. A natural progression is that people must be subsidized as well. If the government won't allow food to be provided at a decent and affordable cost, if the government interferes with such things as energy and housing, in a manner that inflates the cost of those things, then the government is going to have to feed, clothe and provide energy to, people.

Get the government out of farming, natural resource management, industry and development and we won't have a need for foodstamps.
ThinkProgress » Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

Want to talk about class warfare?

The republicans in congress have written into a bill a provision that anyone related to a striking worker will have their food stamps taken away.

So a single Mom can have her food stamps taken away for trying to strike for enough pay to get off of food stamps.

The right is full on against ANY workers rights.

Why do they hate the vast majority of Americans?
if the slave wont work the slave don't eat ask a teabagger
ThinkProgress » Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

Want to talk about class warfare?

The republicans in congress have written into a bill a provision that anyone related to a striking worker will have their food stamps taken away.

So a single Mom can have her food stamps taken away for trying to strike for enough pay to get off of food stamps.

The right is full on against ANY workers rights.

Why do they hate the vast majority of Americans?
if the slave wont work the slave don't eat ask a teabagger

Now you sound like that football player for the vikings who makes 11 million a year and says he feels "like a slave". Give me a break.

Those man ole Teabaggers. How dare they expect people to work for a living. How mean is that?
Most of the slimeballs receiving food-stamps use them for drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.]

i dont know what State your in.....but out here you cant use food stamps for nothing but food.....

What Lasher is pointing out, is that some people who get food stamps or use to when they were in paper form trade them in 5 food stamps receipt for a dollar. Which most drug dealers did use them as a fair exchange. However now it’s harder to do since they went to the debt card type system.
they also sell the cards for 50cnts on the dollar and just give the person buying it their pin number.

It doesn't ask for a ID or anything
There's so much Fraud in Government Spending, not just in the Food Stamp Program.
Most of the slimeballs receiving food-stamps use them for drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.]

i dont know what State your in.....but out here you cant use food stamps for nothing but food.....

What Lasher is pointing out, is that some people who get food stamps or use to when they were in paper form trade them in 5 food stamps receipt for a dollar. Which most drug dealers did use them as a fair exchange. However now it’s harder to do since they went to the debt card type system.

I get , they just broke a case in Mo. were 40 people in one household was getting them they found out when they were using them in Hawaii . its sick but not common .
Most of the slimeballs receiving food-stamps use them for drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.]

i dont know what State your in.....but out here you cant use food stamps for nothing but food.....


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Trust me----I haven't taken anyone's job but I think that a lot of wealthy Republicans and Democrats start and operate businesses that create jobs.
I'm sure they do "start and operate businesses that create jobs" - the problem is how many of those businesses being started and operated are in America?
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