No Grand Jury - No Case. No Case - No Subpoena. Proven Criminal DOJ Holds All The Cards...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton's E-Mails and, more recently, Corruption allegations has revealed what Ex-Attorney Generals, Investigators, legal experts, and more declare to be more than enough to proceed with an indictment; however, the 'elephant' that has been in the room from the very start has begun to loom much larger lately and is no longer being ignored.

One pundit opined this past weekend, 'It is looking more and more like Hillary is going to need a 'miracle' to get out of this one.'
- No. Hillary does not need a 'miracle'. She just needs a helping hand from Obama and his Attorney General, Lynch.

What can the FBI do about Hillary Clinton without a grand jury?
LINK: What can the FBI do about Hillary Clinton without a grand jury?

What do you do...CAN you do...when you conduct an investigation, discover enough evidence of potential criminal activity to present to a Grand Jury...and your BOSS shuts you down, refuses to allow you to do so? This is what the FBI, who works for Obama's Department of Justice and his hand-picked 'Eric Holder-lite', Loretta Lynch, possibly faces.

"In an ordinary case, that would not be a point worth making. The FBI routinely conducts major investigations in collaboration with Justice Department prosecutors — usually from the U.S. attorney’s office in the district where potential crimes occurred. That is because the FBI needs the assistance of a grand jury. The FBI does not have authority even to issue subpoenas, let alone to charge someone with a crime. Only federal prosecutors may issue subpoenas, on the lawful authority of the grand jury. Only prosecutors are empowered to present evidence or propose charges to the grand jury. And the Constitution vests only the grand jury with authority to indict — the formal accusation of a crime. In our system, the FBI can do none of these things.

No Justice Department, no grand jury. No grand jury, no case — period. As a technical matter, no matter how extensively the FBI pokes around on its own, no one can be a subject of a real investigation — i.e., one that can lead to criminal charges — unless and until there is a grand jury. That does not happen until the Justice Department hops on board."

"...the White House is currently hedging their bets by playing both sides of the fence, so to speak. Barack Obama, through the offices of his Attorney General, is allowing the FBI to move forward with the investigation, but Justice isn’t taking part in the process so there is no grand jury. In this way the President hopes to avoid the appearance of shielding Hillary from the long arm of the law while simultaneously protecting himself from the wolves in his own party who would be howling for blood if he brought Loretta Lynch in to make Clinton an “official target” of an investigation while she’s running for president."

Andrew McCarthy believes the President wouldn’t dare act impede justice, should the FBI finally make the case for calling a Grand Jury and places his faith in the Director of the FBI. He believes if a case is made, based on the credentials and habits of the Director that if a case is made it will be 'bulletproof'.

Publicly making the case would put pressure on Lynch and Obama to call for a Grand Jury but would NOT force them to do so. The FBI also can not convene a Grand Jury without them. The FBI could, however, make the Obama administration look extremely bad if they refuse to do so, though. At that point, if it goes that way, the question would be, according to McCarthy, 'How far is Obama willing to stick his neck out for Hillary / the Clintons?' McCarthy is betting 'Not THAT far.'

I, however, have less faith in the current administration than does McCarthy, as Obama has already, repeatedly, proven his disregard for both Constitution and Rule of Law. Being extremely narcissistic and proven to be especially concerned with his 'Legacy', Hillary Clinton being 'brought down' - as enticing as that may be based on no love being lost between the Obamas and Clintons - having HIS appointed Secretary of State being brought up on multiple criminal charges (to include numerous counts under the ESPIONAGE ACT...AND numerous counts of Corruption) directly reflects on HIS administration and thus HIM PERSONALLY.

Obama already STILL has several on-going scandals (such as Fast and Furious, as he continues to delay releasing documents, etc..., and that one is 7 years old, demonstrating his determination NOT to be 'caught' / 'pinned' with any scandal during his time as President), so the idea of adding one more to the pile is something Obama wants to avoid. Rejecting the call for a Grand Jury, while not pleasant, is not something he is particularly interested in doing, the idea of his administration being branded criminal and having endangered National Security is even less appealing!

The 'LYNCH--pin (pun intended) in this entire drama, the fate of the entire legal process regarding the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton rests on the DOJ and the President who refused to take required legal action to hold Obama's former Attorney General (Eric Holder) accountable for 3 proven Felony Counts of Perjury, for which he became the 1st US Attorney General in this nation's history to be CENSURED.

Sorry, Andrew McCarthy, I believe if 'Justice' relies on Loretta Lynch and Barak Obama, based on past experience / events, you can bet - in the end - there will be none!



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The closer we get to Hillary getting the nomination the greater the chance
nothing will come of the investigation.
Have to agree. I don't see the Obama administration letting this go to an indictment.

they protected Holder, they protected that biotch Lerner at the IRS, they'll do the same here.

She's as dirty as a bag of depends coming out the back door of a hospice but they'll let her walk....
Head of the FBI
Ex-Attorney Generals
Ex-Federal Prosecutors
Legal Experts
...and NO, the list does not include Clinton supporters or anyone within the Obama administration. :p
The closer we get to Hillary getting the nomination the greater the chance
nothing will come of the investigation.

Oh I agree.

She won't be held accountable for anything.

Justice isn't very fair in America when your last name is Clinton and your husband was POTUS.

Anyone thinking anything, anything at all will come of this email mess is pissing up a rope.
In light of the overwhelming evidence provided thus far, and the expressed belief so far by so many experts - to include the head of the FBI who is n charge of the investigation, should the DOJ or Obama refuse to call for a Grand Jury - should the FBI call for such, the American people should openly revolt against the government. Never, IMO, will such a open, blatantly, criminal demonstration of a government having elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law have been proven, one that MUST not be allowed to continue!
In light of the overwhelming evidence provided thus far, and the expressed belief so far by so many experts - to include the head of the FBI who is n charge of the investigation, should the DOJ or Obama refuse to call for a Grand Jury - should the FBI call for such, the American people should openly revolt against the government. Never, IMO, will such a open, blatantly, criminal demonstration of a government having elevated themselves above the Constitution and Rule of Law have been proven, one that MUST not be allowed to continue!

One can hope you are right but I wouldn't be holding my breath on it.
It's pretty damn simple, the FBI has 100 full time agents and 50 agents working part time one this investigation. They will not file their report to the AG before they are sure all (I)s are dotted and all (T)s are crossed. Emails are still being reviewed and the dept of state just asked for an extension for the final release to the end of Feb, it was scheduled for next Friday. Considering this delay and add the new corruption investigation, it may still be several months before they are ready to file their report. You can bet if the report justifies a grand jury and the DOJ refuses to proceed, there will likely be mass resignations at the FBI. That said, all we can do is wait and see how it pans out.

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