No, illegal immigration isn’t the driving force behind COVID cases

Once again you reveal your complete ignorance of reality. How many Chinese travelers did it take to kick of the Covid pandemic? Here is hint, the number is far LESS than the number of infected illegals being shipped all over the country.
Outta the park, Marithon Mike.
"some bikers gathering" last year caused a lot of deaths. And this year's gathering will do the same. They will spread the Delta variant (which should be renamed the DeSantis or Abbott variant) to their RepubliQan families. Lots of red-state deaths impending. I do feel bad for the children, however, whom they are killing with their criminal irresponsibility.
Do you have some evidence of that? Saying it's the bikers fault without any proof is not very credible. Especially when you completely ignore a million illegal aliens being moved around the country.
Many immigrants are vaccinated. They are not "illegals", which is not a noun. Try using some word that doesn't demean them.

Do the math on how many red-state dipwads are spreading the Abbott & DeSantis variant of COVID due to delusional and cultish stupidity. RepubliQans are culling their own voters! Muy estúpidos.
If they are here illegally they are not 'immigrants', they are criminal aliens. Their very presence in a country ruled by law is demeaning and offensive.

Being smart enough to refuse to be big pharma's lab rat isn't cut down party lines, there are plenty that have betrayed you liberal whiners. No worries your retribution will be swift and brutal, or they will win and your punishment will be swift and brutal.
Do you have some evidence of that? Saying it's the bikers fault without any proof is not very credible. Especially when you completely ignore a million illegal aliens being moved around the country.
If they are in federal custody they should be getting vaccinated.
Do you have some evidence of that? Saying it's the bikers fault without any proof is not very credible. Especially when you completely ignore a million illegal aliens being moved around the country.
Except there aren't "a million illegals"...there a few thousand...all or almost all who have been tested and quarantined as necessary
If they are here illegally they are not 'immigrants', they are criminal aliens. Their very presence in a country ruled by law is demeaning and offensive.

Being smart enough to refuse to be big pharma's lab rat isn't cut down party lines, there are plenty that have betrayed you liberal whiners. No worries your retribution will be swift and brutal, or they will win and your punishment will be swift and brutal.
That has to be determined by the Courts if they are seeking asylum. Besides, it is you right-wingers and your bigotry that creates our illegal problem and our illegal underclass, and y'all's only solution is socialism on a national basis not any form of market friendly public policy like y'all allege to be for in socialism threads. There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution but that doesn't stop right-wingers from appealing to ignorance of express Constitutional Law. Be Legal to the Law right-wingers not just plain hypocrites upon the less fortunate for your socialism on a national basis.
I can’t get over how stupid and hypocritical the GOP sounds when they pretend to care about the spread of COVID when it fits their political narrative. COVID infection rates exploded under Trump but they ignore that because they want to make a stupid point about immigration and a democrat president.

Unfortunately for them, that isn’t the driving force for COVID rates.

“Although immigrants may be contributing to the overall Covid-19 case numbers, Caplan said the increase in infections and current outbreak patterns across the country are actually in response to policies that discourage the use of masks, vaccinations and the isolation of Covid-19 patients.

Take the example of Mississippi, one of the five states with the lowest percentages of undocumented immigrants in the country, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center. It's currently the state with the lowest vaccination rate nationally — and it ranked third in Covid-19 infections per 100,000 people last week. In Mississippi, less than 36 percent of residents are fully vaccinated, according to government data.”

The increase in cases is the reflection of the politically wesponized CDC numbers scam. I noticed that Michigan, despite being a hotbed of new not making the headlines. A child can figure that one out. A step above your potential I realize...but hey.

Except there aren't "a million illegals"...there a few thousand...all or almost all who have been tested and quarantined as necessary.
Bullshit.... That is nothing more than a political fairytale. Tens of thousands are being bussed in and dropped unsupervised this proving that the Covid panic is mostly political theatre.
I can’t get over how stupid and hypocritical the GOP sounds when they pretend to care about the spread of COVID when it fits their political narrative. COVID infection rates exploded under Trump but they ignore that because they want to make a stupid point about immigration and a democrat president.

Unfortunately for them, that isn’t the driving force for COVID rates.

“Although immigrants may be contributing to the overall Covid-19 case numbers, Caplan said the increase in infections and current outbreak patterns across the country are actually in response to policies that discourage the use of masks, vaccinations and the isolation of Covid-19 patients.

Take the example of Mississippi, one of the five states with the lowest percentages of undocumented immigrants in the country, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center. It's currently the state with the lowest vaccination rate nationally — and it ranked third in Covid-19 infections per 100,000 people last week. In Mississippi, less than 36 percent of residents are fully vaccinated, according to government data.”

And then there is the Sweden success story.

But the lie that immigrants are somehow ‘responsible’ for the spread of COVID is the driving force behind the racist right’s anti-immigrant nativism, bigotry, and hate.
But somehow thousands of infected illegals being let into the country, and then moved into the nation's interior, thanks to Dementia Joe and Alejandro Myorkas, don't constitute a super spreader event that
threatens everyone around them?

The same liars that claimed Obama's birthday guests were "sophisticated" so the big birthday party
on Martha's Vineyard where no one followed covid protocols wasn't a problem (74 people in Martha's Vineyard test positive for Covid since Obama's pary) are also now claiming letting infected illegals over our border isn't somehow counter to all of our covid policies?

So Joe wants you to mask up and your kids while simultaneously he lets tens of thousands of
illegals with God Knows What diseases pour into our nation, putting everyone at risk.
How can anyone be such a brainless, lying shitbag to defend this policy from the man with
dementia who is also presiding over the self caused human crisis in Afghanistan?

Oh, right...leftists.
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I don't know if anyone is saying it's the "driving force" behind Covid cases, but obviously allowing illegals to pour in is certainly adding to it.

The thing that is amazing to me, is liberals will call any gathering of conservatives, a "super-spreader" but then like this OP will trip over themselves running to their computer to post anything that downplays Covid coming in through our southern border.

The fact of the matter is, Biden's "surge the border" comment, might as well have been an invitation to Covid to surge the border.

But the lie that immigrants are somehow ‘responsible’ for the spread of COVID is the driving force behind the racist right’s anti-immigrant nativism, bigotry, and hate.

Not "responsible" for the spread, but only an idiot would believe it's not a factor.
If you're going to point fingers at the unmasked, or unvaccinated, then you need to be also pointing fingers at Biden's border surge being part of the problem!,
You do know that mississippi is around 40% black dont you?
The Left’s response to that is that Blacks don’t have access to healthcare which is bullshit. Show me people who have requested a vaccine and been declined. Vaccine dissemination is everywhere.
What "experts"? You gotta scratch your head when left wingers acknowledge that illegal immigrants are responsible for Covid infections but they don't offer the obvious solution like tightening up border security. WTF is going on in the liberal media circles
What "experts"? You gotta scratch your head when left wingers acknowledge that illegal immigrants are responsible for Covid infections but they don't offer the obvious solution like tightening up border security. WTF is going on in the liberal media circles
lol. Yet, anti-mask and anti-vax right-wingers are helping out with the pandemic? Only in right-wing fantasy.

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