No, illegal immigration isn’t the driving force behind COVID cases

I can’t get over how stupid and hypocritical the GOP sounds when they pretend to care about the spread of COVID when it fits their political narrative. COVID infection rates exploded under Trump but they ignore that because they want to make a stupid point about immigration and a democrat president.

Unfortunately for them, that isn’t the driving force for COVID rates.

“Although immigrants may be contributing to the overall Covid-19 case numbers, Caplan said the increase in infections and current outbreak patterns across the country are actually in response to policies that discourage the use of masks, vaccinations and the isolation of Covid-19 patients.

Take the example of Mississippi, one of the five states with the lowest percentages of undocumented immigrants in the country, according to estimates by the Pew Research Center. It's currently the state with the lowest vaccination rate nationally — and it ranked third in Covid-19 infections per 100,000 people last week. In Mississippi, less than 36 percent of residents are fully vaccinated, according to government data.”

And apparently, the super sick needing hospital beds, due to not vaccinating as the dems and liberal propaganda have been pushing ARE NOT the problem. In fact, its all media propaganda. Its the damn immoral dems lying about and arranging for people with mild covid to be put in the hospitals creating an artificial shortage of hospital beds (causing people who do need the beds to die from lack of them) as the lib propaganda media run story after story of hospital bed shortages blaming republicans not being vaccinated despite the hospitals being hit the hardest are inner dem controlled cities (getting state and federal funds for claiming more covid). You damn lying dems don't even care that you are killing people in your little schemes to manipulate and rob the american voters and taxpayers.


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