“No income tax on overtime”…..Does such a policy excite Freedom Fighting Libertarians and the like? Are the Parties still “the same”?

hahaha…you Megalomaniacs are entertaining as hell.
160 million Americans are stupid and 17 Fence Sitters are uber intelligent.
It doesn’t even occur to you that maybe, just maybe, you 17 are the retards huh?

You fail by your deploying of the ad populum fallacy
Why would overtime be exempt from income tax? How does that even make sense? We all know it would never happen

Only an idiot would believe that’s even a thing that could happen
What makes more sense…..
Tax exempt overtime or free healthcare for Mexico’s people?
How about…
Tax exempt overtime or free college for Mexico’s people and people who agreed to loans?
It’s sad that you can’t make the simple distinction.
It's sad that you're such an easy mark.
Cutting taxes for Americans and covering medical expenses for Mexico’s people are not synonymous and third graders know it.
He's not cutting taxes for everyone, just service workers who get tips. Who are predominantly minorities and immigrants. But let's not talk about that.

You'd lick Trump's balls regardless of what he pulls, wouldn't you?
Well, if Trump wants my vote, I need a new car. Trump can either cut my taxes, or cut me a check. It all balances out the same.
No it doesn't balance out the same because not everyone pays taxes. You may, but nit everyone.
You fail by your deploying of the ad populum fallacy
While I’m not a fan of group-think you are just plain wrong on this…Most people are smart enough to know they are always supposed to be trying to BETTER their situation, they’re smart enough to know life is about compromise and often times about accepting the best available option as part of advancement.
Only ignorant fools would believe they are bettering their position by sitting on their hands and letting others decide for them.
You are actually a perfect example… You are running yourself straight out of the country you served to protect because you haven’t learned how to vote it out of the shitter…because FEELINGS and shit.

No it doesn't balance out the same because not everyone pays taxes. You may, but nit everyone.
Hair splitting aside, giving specific interest groups takes cuts to get their votes is shitty government.
The parties are sure the same when it comes to running up the federal debt.
Sadly, ‘no debt’ doesn’t sell in this new America to these new Americans recruited by globalists like dblack and Harpy Eagle
Debt has no impact on these new Americans…We’re screwed, ‘no debt’ is never coming back as a valued component to any platform.
These new Americans you have begged to invade don’t know what our Constitution is, they can’t sing our national anthem but they are deciding our elections.
You should be ashamed of yourselves….Good Job Globalists!!!
Hair splitting aside, giving specific interest groups takes cuts to get their votes is shitty government.
Whatever, it is not hair splitting. There is a large difference in the two approaches. One is a straight giveaway for some, the other a discount.
Hair splitting aside, giving specific interest groups takes cuts to get their votes is shitty government.
“Special interest groups”…..like LGBTQ’ers?
While I’m not a fan of group-think you are just plain wrong on this…Most people are smart enough to know they are always supposed to be trying to BETTER their situation, they’re smart enough to know life is about compromise and often times about accepting the best available option as part of advancement.

Indeed, most people know they should try to BETTER their situation. Yet most do not. Either because they are lazy or they do not know how. Voting for the duopoly is an example of both of these

Only ignorant fools would believe they are bettering their position by sitting on their hands and letting others decide for them.

When one is choosing between being shot or being stabbed, there is no "better", just two shitty choices. That is what we face today.

You are actually a perfect example… You are running yourself straight out of the country you served to protect because you haven’t learned how to vote it out of the shitter…because FEELINGS and shit.

You still do not understand why I am leaving, and I am sure you never will. My life and that of my family have never been better. We are not leaving

It is not about who wins an election, it is about the divide in the country. It is about the fact that people put party before country, that people cannot be friends any longer with someone that does not agree with their politics.

Yes, I served to protect this country, but it is no longer the country I served, and people like you do not want it to be, and there are hundreds of millions of you and only one of me. Veterans are becoming the biggest group of people choosing to become Ex-pats because of this division.

Why would I stay when I have nothing in common with people like you from either side of the political divide?
Only on your planet is forcibly taking less of my money "free shit".
Cut my taxes or cut me a check. There's really no difference.

In any case, Trump hasn't offered to cut my taxes. He's only pandering to service workers because he doesn't poll well with that demographic.
Cut my taxes or cut me a check. There's really no difference.

In any case, Trump hasn't offered to cut my taxes. He's only pandering to service workers because he doesn't poll well in that demographic.

Yep, a tax cut for positive contributing high earning Brian Armstrong and a monthly EBT card sent to jobless Guadalupe Maria Perez Gamez with a litter of foreigners are one and the same.
Are you starting to see why you have zero credibility?

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