No intent


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at the most!
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SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!
A very good example of how justice is misapplied in America today.
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!
A very good example of how justice is misapplied in America today.
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!
Are you saying the Hillary Clinton defense didn’t work?
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!

You'll shoot your eye out
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!

You'll shoot your eye out
I am sure you support expelling children for eating out an "L" in a pop tart
Title 18 U.S.C. 793(f)
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

I don't give a shit if Hillary goes to prison. Don't prosecute her. Fine. But, everybody else charged and convicted of this statute or anything similar should immediately be released and the statute should never be used again.

That's all I'm saying.

I am sure you support expelling children for eating out an "L" in a pop tart
My son got a "warning" sent home with him when he was in fucking kindergarten, because he and some other boys were using their fingers and thumbs as "guns" while playing on the playground.

The stories about this bullshit "no-tolerance" authoritarian statist policy are real.
Title 18 U.S.C. 793(f)
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

I don't give a shit if Hillary goes to prison. Don't prosecute her. Fine. But, everybody else charged and convicted of this statute or anything similar should immediately be released and the statute should never be used again.

That's all I'm saying.

It has been said that Americans break the law on average, three times a day every day of the year.

Of course, Americans like Hillary can break the law without consequences. The rest of us face ruin in an Orwellian state.
I am sure you support expelling children for eating out an "L" in a pop tart
My son got a "warning" sent home with him when he was in fucking kindergarten, because he and some other boys were using their fingers and thumbs as "guns" while playing on the playground.

The stories about this bullshit "no-tolerance" authoritarian statist policy are real.
Damn right it is. That is why my guns arent going anywhere. Inch by inch, they fuck us.
And i still want a goddamn machine gun.
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!

What a load of shit. You can't be serious.

You're telling me you have to have a permit to own a fucking BB gun in New Jersey?

How fucking libtarded can these snowflakes get?
A very good example of how justice is misapplied in America today.
This is a perfect example of how government ceases to work for the people. We all know what needs to happen once government is no longer by, for, and of the people.
Some of us know what needs to happen. Sadly, too many Americans are sleep walking into a tyranny that will consume them.
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!

What a load of shit. You can't be serious.

You're telling me you have to have a permit to own a fucking BB gun in New Jersey?

How fucking libtarded can these snowflakes get?
yeah man. I even looked it up to make sure before i started this thread.
Fucking bullshit.
Some of us know what needs to happen. Sadly, too many Americans are sleep walking into a tyranny that will consume them.
They will unknowingly defend this bullshit because they have not learned what freedom means. They blindly accept the abuse they get because they don't bother to question authority.

Because of that, we freedom lovers are royally fucked. We cannot do what needs to be done when millions of useful idiots will fight to maintain their serfdom.
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!

That's not the whole story...

...If the filming permits and BB gun permits were in place, in theory the whole mess could have been avoided – but in Bellario’s case, his own criminal background complicates things.

Bellario’s attorney, Jef Henninger, explained that his client has some prior theft charges. Although he’s been open about his past and has since reformed his life, New Jersey law prohibits felons from having BB guns at all, with or without a permit.

“Because of that, the prosecution has the option of indicting him for being a felon in possession and that’s a second-degree crime and that’s five to 10 years in prison,” Henninger told the Daily News.

N.J. man facing 15 years for using prop gun will go to trial

On July 24th of last year he accepted a plea deal for probation if he agreed to testify truthfully against the production company...

He stood in the fifth-floor hallway of the Middlesex County Courthouse Wednesday afternoon, anxious and agitated, intensely debating his attorney and himself whether to take a plea deal of probation or to opt for trial and risk potentially 15 or even 30 years in prison...

...At a preliminary hearing in March, he didn't waver in rejecting the prosecution's plea offer of three years in prison.

But on Thursday, after being continually reminded by his attorney, Jef Henninger, of the risks of rejecting the plea, Goias finally acquiesced and agreed to plead guilty to a charge of creating false public alarm...

(his attorney) later found out that if Goias opted for trial, he potentially faced 30 years due to his past record, which includes six prior convictions in two states, including charges of theft, credit card theft, and burglary, according to court records...

Faced with 30 years in prison, N.J. actor takes plea deal on gun charge

So, now that we have all the facts...

Yes, the law is absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt, stupid.

That being said, he should have known better. It's not as if he didn't know he was a convicted felon.

Title 18 U.S.C. 793(f)
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

I don't give a shit if Hillary goes to prison. Don't prosecute her. Fine. But, everybody else charged and convicted of this statute or anything similar should immediately be released and the statute should never be used again.

That's all I'm saying.

even application of law is a lost art.

we use law these days to go after "the other side" - whoever they may be.
SO i heard this story of this guy from new jersey doing some cheap low budget film that involved a car chase and a gun. The gun is obviously supposed to be a prop.
He gets pulled over and cops see the "prop" turns out, according to NJ law, that "prop" was a BB GUN and is considered a firearm. NJ has laws to where one must purchase a permit for BB Guns :rofl:
Anywho, the guy gets charged with 3 counts and faces a MINIMUM of 15 years in prison. The production company failed to get permits for everything, is what the problem was.
Dude hopes to get 3 years probation for this. Apparently, they are going to go after the production company as well. The prosecutors decided to do their own investigation and found them liable. No dropped charges for the individual though.
Can you believe this shit? A guy with a BB GUN is facing 15 years in prison for something he had no control over with ZERO intent and some smug bitch in washington breaks confidentiality rules but gets off the hook because she is too goddamn dumb to read a symbol and had no ill intent (supposedly) FBI agents even helped her..
Fuck Washington and fuck unconstitutional gun laws. Especially involving "10 year old" toys that cant even kill a bird!
I hope this guy gets his 3 years probation, at least!

That's not the whole story...

...If the filming permits and BB gun permits were in place, in theory the whole mess could have been avoided – but in Bellario’s case, his own criminal background complicates things.

Bellario’s attorney, Jef Henninger, explained that his client has some prior theft charges. Although he’s been open about his past and has since reformed his life, New Jersey law prohibits felons from having BB guns at all, with or without a permit.

“Because of that, the prosecution has the option of indicting him for being a felon in possession and that’s a second-degree crime and that’s five to 10 years in prison,” Henninger told the Daily News.

N.J. man facing 15 years for using prop gun will go to trial

On July 24th of last year he accepted a plea deal for probation if he agreed to testify truthfully against the production company...

He stood in the fifth-floor hallway of the Middlesex County Courthouse Wednesday afternoon, anxious and agitated, intensely debating his attorney and himself whether to take a plea deal of probation or to opt for trial and risk potentially 15 or even 30 years in prison...

...At a preliminary hearing in March, he didn't waver in rejecting the prosecution's plea offer of three years in prison.

But on Thursday, after being continually reminded by his attorney, Jef Henninger, of the risks of rejecting the plea, Goias finally acquiesced and agreed to plead guilty to a charge of creating false public alarm...

(his attorney) later found out that if Goias opted for trial, he potentially faced 30 years due to his past record, which includes six prior convictions in two states, including charges of theft, credit card theft, and burglary, according to court records...

Faced with 30 years in prison, N.J. actor takes plea deal on gun charge

So, now that we have all the facts...

Yes, the law is absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt, stupid.

That being said, he should have known better. It's not as if he didn't know he was a convicted felon.
He stated he didnt know it was a bb gun. He thought it was a "prop" which is what it was supposed to be. The main theme here is "intent"
I didnt post the whole story because i didnt feel it was relevant. But yes, unlawful touching of the bb gun (or whatever legal mumbo terminology it is) was one of the charges.

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