No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation

Like how you claim he got 10% of every deal when there’s no emails that say so.

God. Are you paying attention?
not sure if he was a part of every single deal…but 10 percent of the ones he was a part of
I don't see them with a plan for immigration reform or a healthcare plan either.

You're the fucking party in charge. You have ALL THREE FUCKING BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT. But you expect Republicans to have answers? Why don't YOU HAVE ANSWERS YOU FUCKING LIBERAL?

You fucking liberals are like drivers who blame people in the back seat if the wreck the car. You've got the wheel, IT'S ALL ON YOU.
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You're the fucking party in charge. You have ALL THREE FUCKING BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT. But you expect Republicans to have answers? Why don't YOU HAVE ANSWERS YOU FUCKING LIBERAL?
When Trump was elected the GOP had ALL THREE FUCKING BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT. What were the Republicans answers back then? The LIBERAL answer to healthcare was Obamacare, what was the GOP alternative?
When Trump was elected the GOP had ALL THREE FUCKING BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT. What were the Republicans answers back then? The LIBERAL answer to healthcare was Obamacare, what was the GOP alternative?
fixing obamacare
i don’t know if he was part of every single one i’d just sons deals

that’s what the house will determine
Every time I ask a question, you start walking it back.

Name a single deal Joe Biden was a part of.
Here's hoping their new gaggle of GOP House Critters find a little time to legislate rather than masturbate.

Which is all the circle-jerk Dems did for 7 yeats with failed 'Get Trump'.
Biden and Democrats are panicked, scrambling to get ahead of / prep for GOP House Hunter Biden investigation...

The Dems didn't stop the last one the Senate did in 2020, how many more times will this happen?

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