No Longer Able To Stop It, Democrats Scramble To Get Ahead of Pending Hunter Biden Investigation


The email about the 10% was written in 2017, after he was out of office....if it does pertain to him.

So, what could Biden do, while Trump was in office to give anyone illegal favor, of the goverment, if it was referring to him?

what would make this illegal or even out of the norm n today's global business world?

there has to be more than just this...10% to the big guy in 2017?

A person who had independent access to Hunter Biden’s emails confirmed he did receive a 2015 email from a Ukrainian businessman thanking him for the chance to meet Joe Biden. The same goes for a 2017 email in which a proposed equity breakdown of a venture with Chinese energy executives includes the line, “10 held by H for the big guy?” (This person recalled seeing both emails, but was not in a position to compare the leaked emails word-for-word to the originals.)
What a fucking dingbat. Who says the comment in was about any income he received the day he wrote the email We don't know when her received the loot he is referring to. If you stopped making idiotic assumptions you might not look so stupid.
Testify on what?

the soft self coup insurrection and his part in it?

Hypocrite! ;)
This person who echoed you responded to (Nostra) is an example of what I posted above in #493, to wit:

"All of these right-wing Trumpanzees sure take the bait. Hunter Biden is a criminal in the dark empty brains of these kooks who echo each other sans any piece of probative facts. Yet, these stupid people believe The Donald is not corrupt and make the claim that the evidence is fake along with the MSM. Dumber people in the billions of people on the Earth could not be found on another piece of land on the Earth."
So according to you a protest that turned violent because the Capitol Police were so poorly prepared to deal with it is an "insurrection"? I note that you've given up on the whole "armed" thing! Did it finally dawn on you how idiotic that claim was?

Someone dying of a stroke the next day...a death that the coroner determined was from "Natural" causes shoots a hole in your premise that he was killed by the protesters that you could drive a Mack truck through! Claiming that people who committed suicide weeks later did so because of the protest is laughable and backed up by nothing!
It turned violent because that is what was planned by Trump and the Proud Boys for months in advance. This riot was pre-medtated!
Rightwing fantasy. The laptop is useless in court as there is no chain of custody and numerous other issues with it. What is on it either is not incriminating (lots of emails TO Hunter) or can be dismissed as Russian disinformation (which it may well be).

I will enjoy watching you and your fellow leftists lie to yourselves throughout the entire investigation.

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