No Matter What MSM Say's, POTUS is Kicking Ass


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov


The media lying as it did, definitely played a role in Trump getting elected.

Now they've quintupled down, so..I guess we'll see what happens. :dunno:

Let me be more clear: People getting mad at the media for lying to them played a role in Trump getting elected. Rather than doing damage assessment and altering their ways, the media has continued down the same lying path, time and time again.
spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov


and now we are seeing the double standard of the right and their cruel intentions.
Love the spin they are putting on Immigration, saying Trump backed down, when what he really did was clean up Obama's mess, and put an end to his policy of separating families and once again, do an Incompetent Congress' Job.
He is a liar, repugnant and stupid on many subjects.
He caved to false rhetoric and abused his executive powers yesterday. For the same people that call him a dictator...
But he has done many good things. A lot of actions we will have to wait for.
Im anxious to see how his trade policy works out.
spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov



Our POTUS rocks. Been a very long time since anyone could say that. Amazing rope-a-dope he pulled signing the executive order on immigration. Sixty-five years of NK/SK tensions solved within five hundred days of his election. As an American, as a person, experiencing something akin to hope vis a vis our government workings is quite unexpected and welcome.

spin it spin masters. America can see the total double standard of the left and its media. Keep it up as we march towards November. You thought you were disappointed in 2016, wait until this Nov


The rethuglians are the propaganda masters. More people are figuring it out now. the orange cheeto is sucking cheese.
This "No Matter What MSM Say's, POTUS is Kicking Ass" is a Fake Alt Right Media lie, a fake news alt fact with no support in reality.
I do not know about that.
He has not bombed a hospital.
He has not sold guns to Mexican drug cartels.
He has not used the IRS against a political opponent.
The economy has not coppllapsed as Democrats were decrying before he was elected.
Talked with N.K. Unlike any other president.
Has not threatened to repeal any amendments.
All in all better then the last administration.
Trump stumbles from failure to failure.

The summit was a photo op, nothing more.

The detaining and separation of children from parents was reversed.

And on and on and on.

And we have posters like maxdeath who want to set Obama as the baseline for success?


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