No more businessman Presidents

A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:

So then, you want a Bernie/Kmala Harris type running the country?

Forget the D or R for a sec, what kind of person decides to go to medicare for all at a cost of 30 trillion over 10 years, when we are 21 trillion in the hole?

Don't you think a WISE person BEFORE creating a new sink hole for cash, would at least figure a way to get debt going in the correct direction? This is what POLITICIANS do, create supposed free stuff to get elected, then can't pay for it.

Let me ask you, what is more, or less than--------->a 5.7 billion dollar wall, oooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, a 30 trillion dollar healthcare plan? Need an abacus to figure it out-)
What is needed are some average everyday normal working Americans who work hard just to get by. Those voices need to be included rather than just what rich businesses need. We haven't had that ever. Instead every cabinet member of every administration is a lack of those voices actively involved.
All businessmen & billionaires are not cut from the same political or patriotic cloth.
You have the Wall Street globalists (Bloomberg, Waltons, who we can't trust to put the US first.
Then you have the next generation, like Mark Cuban, Brin, and Mark Zuckerberg too young and restless, know enough?
The too old, like Warren Buffett, Adelson, Bill Gates and the Kochs.

Larry Ellison, $58b, as a conservative candidate? Larry Ellison - Wikipedia
Google's Page & Brin, $48b each, as super democrats? Google learns its Democratic political ties have bounds
Jeff Bezos, $112b, at least his heart is in the right place Jeff Bezos Just Made a $10 Million Political Donation. Here's Where the World's Richest Man Is Putting His Money
Michael Dell, $23b, a Texan, so he's got to be okay? Michael Dell - Wikipedia
Steve Ballmer, $38b, too data driven? Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to U.S. politicians: ‘Shame on you’ if you ignore data
Trump Isn't America's Only Billionaire Politician -- Meet The Others

"No more businessman Presidents"


If the Trump debacle has proven anything, it's that political neophyte businessmen make for failed, incompetent presidents.

The answer is? Tell me lawyers or lifelong pols?! Its not Trump's background that's so abrasive, its his personality.
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

Non-starter candidate. No more CEO-types.
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

Non-starter candidate. No more CEO-types.
Why not? As the Debt is $22T and climbing...
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

Non-starter candidate. No more CEO-types.
Why not? As the Debt is $22T and climbing...

Because in my opinion, CEOs generally do not have the social skills nor the empathy to deal with a diverse population of 300 million individuals that do not work for a singular corporation, that's why. I don't believe rich people generally have the ability to connect with the American class division on any level.

You are lecturing me about debt like I am either Orange and incompetent like your current president, or that I am somehow responsible for it. It seems like a illogical argument for you to have.
A late model Ferrari is not a high speed computer, they are 2 different machines designed to do completely different things. Our government is not a business, they are 2 different organizations designed to do completely different things. The concept that we're going to make our government run like a business sounds like a slick idea, but it doesn't work in the real world. We need people who know how to govern, given the tools of their elected office, NOT the tools of a business.

I watched Howard Schultz try to make his case on TV as to why he'll make a good President. It was identical to George W Bush's "compassionate conservatism" (The man who gave us the great recession) I think Howard Schultz is a nice guy, and he sincerely means well by running, but I'll never vote for him. The same holds true for Donald Trump, he means well in what he's doing, but he doesn't know the basics of civics or how to govern.

Please read the link below: No more businessman Presidents

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business

Non-starter candidate. No more CEO-types.
Why not? As the Debt is $22T and climbing...

Because in my opinion, CEOs generally do not have the social skills nor the empathy to deal with a diverse population of 300 million individuals that do not work for a singular corporation, that's why. I don't believe rich people generally have the ability to connect with the American class division on any level.

You are lecturing me about debt like I am either Orange and incompetent like your current president, or that I am somehow responsible for it. It seems like a illogical argument for you to have.

OK, I get your concern for the typical egotistical asshole CEO, squeezing everything and everyone to make earnings so he gets a good bonus. Yet the typical politician doesn't have the skill sets needed and the "vision thing" to lead a diverse country and keep the economy humming along, and then play 3-D chess on the international scene. So I assume that you prefer a good governor, someone with experience running a state effectively?

I'm not lecturing about the Debt, IMHO it is a ticking time bomb that needs to be defused. Yet no one in government seems a bit concerned about it?? WTF? community organizers for President worked well. :rolleyes:

I did not like Obama as POTUS.

But he lowered the deficits (though not enough).

And now Trump is EXPLODING THEM.

America is on pace for a $1.8 TRILLION dollar deficit this FY 2019.

Obama never came close to that absurd number after the first FY he was in office (which was GWB's budget). Plus, it was during a large recession - when tax revenues drop.

Trump is sending the deficit sky high when the economy is (supposedly) solid.

He is doing an absolutely pathetic job at managing government spending.

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