No more cheating in Pennsylvania

What security does the date on an envelope bring? Can't a thief date an envelope?

My absentee envelope asks you to sign and date it, but no other state that I voted absentee would disqualify one of their citizens constitutional right to vote, because they forgot to date their envelope.

If the signature didn't match they would set the vote aside, but a date? Come on!

The date disqualifying is ridiculous, and disenfranchises decent, honest, citizens, of their constitutional right to vote for their own representation in their government, for no purpose at all!

So, you have low standards. We get it.
How is forgetting to date your ballot cheating? Its not in my state, or my previous state or my previous state to that.....

Sounds to me like the republican legislature purposely wrote in their law that a ballot vote without a date on it is thrown out, disqualified....

just to disqualify and disenfranchise as many citizen votes as possible, who vote paper ballot.

It has nothing at all to do with cheating or anything!!! The voter dating their ballot is not any kind of security measure, like a signature that matches their signature on file....

This is REPUBLICAN CHEATING by some silly date required or they throw your absentee vote out....

The SC is right, the legislature rule should be followed, but someone needs to suethe legislature on why the republican legislature is disqualifying citizens vote for not dating their envelope....what does an envelope being dated have to do with a voter being a legitimate registered voter?
This is a lie.

The reason you don't count undated ballots is that there is no true chain of custody and therefore, no way to ensure that they were cast BEFORE the deadline.

Otherwise, why not just have no deadline at all and count any ballot (but only the democrat ones) until the next election?

In addition, if you are too stupid to date a ballot per the instructions, you shouldn't be voting.
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Absentee votes were counted last election day votes were counted first.

Trump told voters to go in and vote, don't worry about catching covid.

Democrats told their voters, do not vote in person, its not safe, vote absentee ballot, so you don't catch or spread covid.

Most absentee ballot votes that were counted last, were democratic voters...and heavily leaned towards biden, the election day vote, leaned heavily Trump.

When the absentee votes were finally processed and counted, Biden votes started to come in that heavily out weighed trump votes,

BUT TRUMP VOTES STILL CAME IN FOR TRUMP with several million absentee ballot voters.

It's a lie that only Biden absentee votes were counted, your phony charts going around your right wing sphere showing trump votes not coming in, in the wee hours, are simply fake...millions of trump votes were absentee votes counted.
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This is a lie.

The reason you don't count updated ballots is that there is no true chain of custody and therefore, no way to ensure that they were cast BEFORE the deadline.

Otherwise, why not just have no deadline at all and count any ballot (but only the democrat ones) until the next election?

In addition, if you are too stupid to date a ballot per the instructions, you shouldn't be voting.
Bulloney! You have no idea on election procedures. The hand dated envelope has NOTHING to do with chain of custody, or when the citizen dropped off their vote, nor anything at all to do with the date the election office received your envelope.
I saw the Tweet pasted in post #10. The one where Pillowboy is claiming his guys are looking into voting machines and can tell if votes are switched. In real-time, no less!
Which, rural rube that I often am, well, it makes me think that would be illegal. No?

Anyway, the Tweeter, a guy by the name of Ron Filipkowski states this in his Tweet: "In one of the wildest, most unhinged rants of the Lindell saga, he claims that he has people and cameras watching polling places in every county, and that he has “cyber guys” who are able to “look inside” voting machines in real time ......"

Well, yes Tweeter Filipkowski it is one of the wildest, however, the wildest is when Pillowboy claimed he had enough evidence of individual voter fraud to arrest and jail 300 million Americans! For life!

And our local cohort of QMAGAs, not to mention DTrump himself, are all in on Pillowboy's efforts.

And QMAGAs openly wonder why people dismiss 'em and laugh at 'em as under-educated RWNJs?

America is so damn interesting to live in right now!! No?

Reported 1/22/2022:
"Mike Lindell Claims He Has Election Fraud Evidence To Jail Millions 'For Life'

"We already have all the pieces of the puzzle," Lindell said. "When you talk about evidence, we have enough evidence to put everybody in prison for life –300 some million people."

It's unclear who Lindell was referencing when he mentioned 300 million people (according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the current population of the U.S. stands at just over 332 million). It's also unclear what evidence he has that could prove a criminal act occurred or what crime he believes he can prove."
My common sense tells me that if you are too damn stupid to follow simple instructions then you get what you get.

Then again you are dealing with people these days that could not pour piss out out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Its nice to see courts actually doing something worthy these days. After dems tried to make undated ballots count, Penn Supreme Court said "NO".

this will mean that instead of Dr Oz falling at Fetterman's feet, like the pundits are predicting, Fetterman will be at Oz's feet, Fetterman will get crushed by a landslide
My common sense tells me that if you are too damn stupid to follow simple instructions then you get what you get.

Then again you are dealing with people these days that could not pour piss out out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Where in the constitution does it say you can not be stupid, in order to have the constitutional right to vote for your representatives, your govt leaders?

There is no IQ test, or any test, to vote.

Not many people forget to date the envelopes, not enough to switch a winner in a national election, but to me, that matters naught....the ones who missed dating it, should still not be disenfranchised for it, like all the other states, the signature is what counts and can set your vote aside....not a stupid, unnecessary and unmeaningful hand written date.
What "pundits" are predicting this? I think it's another one of your fantasies.
Lawrence O'Donell compared Fetterman's Stroke to FDR's polio

the pundits are in the tank for Fetterman, because he's far-left and so are they
If there is no more election cheating in Pennsylvania then the Democrat filth will never take the state again.
No one cheated in Pennsylvania that would effect the results of Biden win. You believe a LIE, without any proof or evidence presentable to a court of law. Shame on you!
Oh honey bunches of oats, you are a perfect example!

Thank you for sharing your rare gift of writing skill and acumen with us. Unfortunately, our editors are looking for something different currently. Why not give these folks a call. I think they'll appreciate your writing in a way that we simply can't right now.

No one cheated in Pennsylvania. You believe a LIE, without any proof or evidence presentable to a court of law. Shame on you!

Whine elsewhere. Nobody buys your bullshit here.

Maybe someplace with the high journalistic integrity of ............................... well,................................reddit.

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