No more cheating in Pennsylvania

I've never been to the DNC site, nor any politician's site.
Cheating is as natural to them and as necessary to their survival as breathing.

Lying and stealing as well.

6 days

There will still be cheating in PA, especially in Philadelphia where they rigged the 2020 election for Joe Biden.
There will still be cheating in PA, especially in Philadelphia where they rigged the 2020 election for Joe Biden.
gawd almighty, you are so misinformed! Trump won as a percentage more votes in Philadelphia in the 2020 election than he did in 2016, Biden won less of a percentage of the votes in Philadelphia than Hillary did in 2016.

So, was it Trump that cheated to get a higher percentage of the Philly voter than he did in 2016?

Trump LOST, because he got a lesser percentage of the rural voter's vote, and Biden got more of it as a percentage, than Hillary did in 2016.

Trump may have still won in a red county, but he got less of a percentage of votes, in the red all added up to Biden getting 80,000 more votes than Trump overall....trump got more black vote in Philly than 2016, but got less of a percentage of the rural, white voter than 2016 and Biden got more than Hillary of the white male vote in 2020.
Its nice to see courts actually doing something worthy these days. After dems tried to make undated ballots count, Penn Supreme Court said "NO".

undated ballots?

Does this mean they have to be dated on or before election day?


That needs to be done everywhere.. Ballots cast (preferably on election day) AND counted on election day

Republicans in the General Assembly could save themselves the time — and us the money — by accepting the proven reality that no evidence of widespread voter fraud has been found that might have altered the election outcome in Pennsylvania or any other state. This has been confirmed by Trump’s former election cybersecurity chief, former U.S. Attorney General William Barr and numerous Republican elections officials.

Secret ‘evidence’

Every Lancaster County member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives was reelected in the November 2020 election by voters who used the same methods and equipment as those who voted for Biden.

Nevertheless, Audit the Vote PA, an organization founded in the wake of the 2020 election, declared recently that its volunteers found “anomalies” in Lancaster County’s 2020 election results, LNP | LancasterOnline investigative journalist Carter Walker reported in Sunday’s “Lancaster Watchdog” article.

This is the part of Walker’s reporting that we found both funny and sad: “The group says it has the proof based on an in-person survey of a small number of Lancaster County voters. But it won’t provide the details to the officials in charge of running the county’s elections.”

It’s a secret, eh?

Fill it out properly, idiot!!!!

Exactly. If someone is too stupid to complete a ballot, they are too stupid to make a competent decision.

And that’s assuming that the ballot was actually completed by the Election - and not days after as Dems created the number of votes they needed,
How is forgetting to date your ballot cheating? Its not in my state, or my previous state or my previous state to that.....

Sounds to me like the republican legislature purposely wrote in their law that a ballot vote without a date on it is thrown out, disqualified....

just to disqualify and disenfranchise as many citizen votes as possible, who vote paper ballot.

It has nothing at all to do with cheating or anything!!! The voter dating their ballot is not any kind of security measure, like a signature that matches their signature on file....

This is REPUBLICAN CHEATING by some silly date required or they throw your absentee vote out....

The SC is right, the legislature rule should be followed, but someone needs to suethe legislature on why the republican legislature is disqualifying citizens vote for not dating their envelope....what does an envelope being dated have to do with a voter being a legitimate registered voter?
Dates are important. They serve as deadlines. Otherwise, why have deadlines at all? If no deadlines (dates) on mail in ballots, what’s to stop a massive influx of votes at the last minute? Could be used to delay or prolong an election.

Are you people that opposed to any structure inclusive of rules, parameters, and accountability when it comes to voting?
Dates are important. They serve as deadlines. Otherwise, why have deadlines at all? If no deadlines (dates) on mail in ballots, what’s to stop a massive influx of votes at the last minute? Could be used to delay or prolong an election.

Are you people that opposed to any structure inclusive of rules, parameters, and accountability when it comes to voting?
They are indeed opposed to all rules. It’s easier to cheat without them.

The only way to restore integrity to the elections is to limit the pre-voting period (maybe a week before to thin out crowds) and the mail-in ballots to disabled, elderly, and military or others out of their voting jurisdiction.
gawd almighty, you are so misinformed! Trump won as a percentage more votes in Philadelphia in the 2020 election than he did in 2016, Biden won less of a percentage of the votes in Philadelphia than Hillary did in 2016.

So, was it Trump that cheated to get a higher percentage of the Philly voter than he did in 2016?

Trump LOST, because he got a lesser percentage of the rural voter's vote, and Biden got more of it as a percentage, than Hillary did in 2016.

Trump may have still won in a red county, but he got less of a percentage of votes, in the red all added up to Biden getting 80,000 more votes than Trump overall....trump got more black vote in Philly than 2016, but got less of a percentage of the rural, white voter than 2016 and Biden got more than Hillary of the white male vote in 2020.
You Lie and Cheat every day on this forum. You are a major source of disinformation. Why should anyone listen to a religious nut that believes in Russian Collusion and Global Warming, and thinks The Cheater in Chief who rigged The DNC Primaries against Bernie Sanders in her favor, was somehow cheated out of office in 2016.

Why didn't The FEC charge The DNC with election fraud and throw Clinton and half The DNC in jail for trying to rig elections in 50 states in her favor during the primaries?
How is their right to vote taken away? They just need to complete ballots correctly.
Arbitrary rules that serve no purpose are wrong.

Especially when you’re not given a chance to fix simple mistakes.

But I actually want people to be able to vote. The fascists don’t like that.
Arbitrary rules that serve no purpose are wrong.

Especially when you’re not given a chance to fix simple mistakes.

But I actually want people to be able to vote. The fascists don’t like that.
Having signature matches is an arbitrary rule? Requiring ballots to be dated prior to the election is an arbitrary rule?

I want people to vote while maintaining the integrity of the election. That requires rules.

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