No More Muslims in America for now, Thank You

About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.

I am starting to enjoy your comments, very entertaining
About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.
Are you upset bro?
Keep spraying the hate'll feel much better.
Mind you, a bit of education might mean you feel a bit less defensive as well.
About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.

I am starting to enjoy your comments, very entertaining
He's quite the passionate chap, isn't he?
You know what's really a threat to our safety ? All the illegal guns . We'd be better served working on that than with some bogeymen on the other side of the earth .

Lack of Personal Accountability + Fear of Reprisal combine for a major threat to our safety. Been to DC lately? Ride the Metro and refuse to give up your iPad. Be a returning Latino Iraqi vet and refuse to acknowledge thugs who are chanting "BLM" in your face until they break it to where you are near coma and take your $300 in cash. How much of what you are saying is about illegal guns vs. illegal behavior?
About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.
Are you upset bro?
Keep spraying the hate'll feel much better.
Mind you, a bit of education might mean you feel a bit less defensive as well.

Is there a single one of you Dumb-ass Liberal/Socialists/Loons that can understand the difference between addressing messages and attacking the messager. There is a difference you know...and one belongs on the Political Discussion Board....and the other belongs on the Elementary School Play Ground.

You sir have gotten confused. The merry-go-round is not here.
You know what's really a threat to our safety ? All the illegal guns . We'd be better served working on that than with some bogeymen on the other side of the earth .

Lack of Personal Accountability + Fear of Reprisal combine for a major threat to our safety. Been to DC lately? Ride the Metro and refuse to give up your iPad. Be a returning Latino Iraqi vet and refuse to acknowledge thugs who are chanting "BLM" in your face until they break it to where you are near coma and take your $300 in cash. How much of what you are saying is about illegal guns vs. illegal behavior?

Great non sequiturs .
About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.
Are you upset bro?
Keep spraying the hate'll feel much better.
Mind you, a bit of education might mean you feel a bit less defensive as well.

Is there a single one of you Dumb-ass Liberal/Socialists/Loons that can understand the difference between addressing messages and attacking the messager. There is a difference you know...and one belongs on the Political Discussion Board....and the other belongs on the Elementary School Play Ground.

You sir have gotten confused. The merry-go-round is not here.

I will make you a deal. You make a legitimate, honest, intelligent point and I will respond in kind. Until then expect to be mocked.

I am tired of living in your liberal United States of Offended where we must always be polite and respectful to dumb people with bad ideas.

The moment someone says something that is truly ridiculous it is my mission to greet them with ridicule, mockery, and sarcasm
About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.
Are you upset bro?
Keep spraying the hate'll feel much better.
Mind you, a bit of education might mean you feel a bit less defensive as well.

Is there a single one of you Dumb-ass Liberal/Socialists/Loons that can understand the difference between addressing messages and attacking the messager. There is a difference you know...and one belongs on the Political Discussion Board....and the other belongs on the Elementary School Play Ground.

You sir have gotten confused. The merry-go-round is not here.

I will make you a deal. You make a legitimate, honest, intelligent point and I will respond in kind. Until then expect to be mocked.

I am tired of living in your liberal United States of Offended where we must always be polite and respectful to dumb people with bad ideas.

The moment someone says something that is truly ridiculous it is my mission to greet them with ridicule, mockery, and sarcasm

The Coward's Creed.

Make yourself the judge of what is worthy of discussion.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.
Are you upset bro?
Keep spraying the hate'll feel much better.
Mind you, a bit of education might mean you feel a bit less defensive as well.

Is there a single one of you Dumb-ass Liberal/Socialists/Loons that can understand the difference between addressing messages and attacking the messager. There is a difference you know...and one belongs on the Political Discussion Board....and the other belongs on the Elementary School Play Ground.

You sir have gotten confused. The merry-go-round is not here.

I will make you a deal. You make a legitimate, honest, intelligent point and I will respond in kind. Until then expect to be mocked.

I am tired of living in your liberal United States of Offended where we must always be polite and respectful to dumb people with bad ideas.

The moment someone says something that is truly ridiculous it is my mission to greet them with ridicule, mockery, and sarcasm

The Coward's Creed.

Make yourself the judge of what is worthy of discussion.

nah, I am just judging you.
About 500 years ago, the refined Queen of England, raised a Catholic, was killing Protestants with great gusto. She died and her sister, raised a Protestant, went to killing Catholics with equal enthusiasm. The former is remembered as "Bloody Mary", and the latter as "Good Queen Bess"....because the Protestant won out and wrote the History Books.

But, they learned, as Muslims have never yet learned....that the Power of the State cannot be in the control of any Religion.

Jefferson perfected the notion with his Statute of Religious Freedom, which, when effectively included in the Constitution...Erected a Wall of Separation between Church and State....and thus gave us one of the greatest blessings we can ever hope for....the power over one's own conscience and no power over any other.

Islam doesn't buy any of that shit...Islam is, and must be, The State. You can't be a Muslim if you believe otherwise. It is a Religion, but it is also a Political Ideology--and a particularly ruthless one at that. It is a which has a cancer on it which must be cut out....before they can join Civilized Society--no matter how badly the Cock-Sucking Democrats need the votes.

Obviously, Islam needs its Jefferson....which looks like right now...will be in a few more centuries.

Let them check back with us then.

For now. No more Muslims in need to become another Europe...thank you.
You're comparing a state to a religion...false equivalency.
I'm certain that many Christians would run the US as a Christian state if they were able to as well.

Fuck your "false equivalency." I doubt you know what the hell that is.

The point was that the State is the Religion and vice Islam...and as it was until the Western Nations wised up, 4 centuries ago. Islam needs to wise up too and until they do, Ayatollahs and Mullahs MUST not have a nuclear Obama has now given them....only after he's been gone long enough to where he can blame it on someone else.

And you last sentence shows you are a sure Short Bus candidate. THEY CANT "run the US as a Christian State" because of the Constitution and thanks to Thomas Jefferson. We learned. Now we wait for the Muslims to learn.

Fuck you for being such a dumb-ass.
Are you upset bro?
Keep spraying the hate'll feel much better.
Mind you, a bit of education might mean you feel a bit less defensive as well.

Is there a single one of you Dumb-ass Liberal/Socialists/Loons that can understand the difference between addressing messages and attacking the messager. There is a difference you know...and one belongs on the Political Discussion Board....and the other belongs on the Elementary School Play Ground.

You sir have gotten confused. The merry-go-round is not here.
Oh brother . We have Muslims and have had them
Since forever .

I suppose we had a couple when Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick.

Yes, we did. Or, you could say Muslims were tripping over christians.

Doesn't matter though cuz Duh Donuld has "a plan".

When asked how he would identify them so we could keep them out, he said he would

... honest to fucking god, he really said ...

... he would just ask travelers what their religion is.

That Trumpery - he doesn't kiss much, right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh brother . We have Muslims and have had them
Since forever .

I suppose we had a couple when Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick.

Yes, we did. Or, you could say Muslims were tripping over christians.

Doesn't matter though cuz Duh Donuld has "a plan".

When asked how he would identify them so we could keep them out, he said he would

... honest to fucking god, he really said ...

... he would just ask travelers what their religion is.

That Trumpery - he doesn't kiss much, right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You didn't get the point, obviously. Until quite recently you could count the number of Muslims in this country on your fingers.

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