No more tokens: Vote Trump to stop the dog and pony show

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

It;s nothing like pissing on the constitution, you're an idiot.

It's actually treason. The mayors of these cities should be tried and executed.

It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.
Cities receive all manor of federal benefits. If a city refuses to enforce our immigration laws, then those benefits should be terminated.

City's aren't required to enforce federal immigration laws. In other news, you're a spiteful little twerp.
When they aid illegals they are abetting the violators of our nations laws.............

To the other point...........If you don't like it.......take a number and get in line............I don't care................You don't get to pick the laws you will obey..........that is not how it works.

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.
City's aren't required to enforce federal immigration laws. In other news, you're a spiteful little twerp.
When they aid illegals they are abetting the violators of our nations laws.............

To the other point...........If you don't like it.......take a number and get in line............I don't care................You don't get to pick the laws you will obey..........that is not how it works.

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

It;s nothing like pissing on the constitution, you're an idiot.

It's actually treason. The mayors of these cities should be tried and executed.

It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.
When they aid illegals they are abetting the violators of our nations laws.............

To the other point...........If you don't like it.......take a number and get in line............I don't care................You don't get to pick the laws you will obey..........that is not how it works.

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about. asked how to defund a city..........I'm giving you examples..............didn't you ask.
When they aid illegals they are abetting the violators of our nations laws.............

To the other point...........If you don't like it.......take a number and get in line............I don't care................You don't get to pick the laws you will obey..........that is not how it works.

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.

San Fran has recieved billions of federal dollars to make improvements on BART.

Don't kid yourself.
City's aren't required to enforce federal immigration laws. In other news, you're a spiteful little twerp.
When they aid illegals they are abetting the violators of our nations laws.............

To the other point...........If you don't like it.......take a number and get in line............I don't care................You don't get to pick the laws you will obey..........that is not how it works.

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

My ............. "side"?

This oughta be good. :popcorn:

No response to the actual post then. What a shock.
It;s nothing like pissing on the constitution, you're an idiot.

It's actually treason. The mayors of these cities should be tried and executed.

It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.
When they aid illegals they are abetting the violators of our nations laws.............

To the other point...........If you don't like it.......take a number and get in line............I don't care................You don't get to pick the laws you will obey..........that is not how it works.

They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.

Didn't bother looking at the link, did you?
It's actually treason. The mayors of these cities should be tried and executed.

It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.
Sanctuary cities Invite Illegal guests all the time...........the rest of the country has NO REASON to pay for their guests..............
It's actually treason. The mayors of these cities should be tried and executed.

It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.

Illegal aliens are invited guests? Seriously?

There's no point in discussing this with someone who is absolutely delusional. The only thing we need to do with illegal aliens is deport them. They'll get a path to citizenship over my dead body. Law breakers do not deserve to be rewarded for breaking the law.

Protecting illegal aliens from deportation is treason.
They aren't aiding, it's simply not their issue to deal with and they don't play along with it.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.

San Fran has recieved billions of federal dollars to make improvements on BART.

Don't kid yourself.

"Need a new subway"

No, they have one, twerp.

There are federal funds for BART but BART doesn't just serve San Francisco as it runs through dozens of other cities. Want to penalize them all regardless of how they individually handle immigration?
It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.

Illegal aliens are invited guests? Seriously?

There's no point in discussing this with someone who is absolutely delusional. The only thing we need to do with illegal aliens is deport them. They'll get a path to citizenship over my dead body. Law breakers do not deserve to be rewarded for breaking the law.

Protecting illegal aliens from deportation is treason.

Invited guests by the people that hire them? Yes. Many of them Republicans, do you want them all shot for treason? Your body, dead or alive is inconsequential in this matter.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.

San Fran has recieved billions of federal dollars to make improvements on BART.

Don't kid yourself.

"Need a new subway"

No, they have one, twerp.

There are federal funds for BART but BART doesn't just serve San Francisco as it runs through dozens of other cities. Want to penalize them all regardless of how they individually handle immigration?

Apparently you think you made a point of some kind.

They all receive federal funds.
It's not treason either, twerp.

Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.
Sanctuary cities Invite Illegal guests all the time...........the rest of the country has NO REASON to pay for their guests..............

Undocumented workers are hired all throughout the country. They build homes in Arizona, farm in California and appear to have worked for Trump.
Excuses.............calling yourself A SANCTUARY CITY is like pissing on the Constitution of the United States..................

So if it rains yellow there so be asked for it..............raise your taxes and pay for all of your cities bills yourself.

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.

San Fran has recieved billions of federal dollars to make improvements on BART.

Don't kid yourself.

"Need a new subway"

No, they have one, twerp.

There are federal funds for BART but BART doesn't just serve San Francisco as it runs through dozens of other cities. Want to penalize them all regardless of how they individually handle immigration?
Begs the question on why the hell those cities aren't paying for it themselves to start with.................They have large populations and high rollers there...............You pay for it......

Hell........we just found a Billion Dollars for building the wall..........We'll make Sanctuary cities pay for it instead of Mexico..

Actually, declaring you're gonna "open up libel laws" is pissing on the Constitution. Deporting and/or blocking and/or "registering" people on the basis of their religion, that's pissing on the Constitution.

Funny how selective pissing works.
Cities don't have the right to choose the laws they enforce on a Federal Level..I've heard your side say that many times on various issues...............Sanctuary cities violate that.....and there can be consequences.............

Project Funding/Budget | SFMTA Central Subway

Need a new subway San Fran.........oh there is a Billion in Federal Funding...........Sanctuary city........oops..........raise your own Billion.

"San Fran" already has a subway. This isn't Alabama were talking about.

San Fran has recieved billions of federal dollars to make improvements on BART.

Don't kid yourself.

"Need a new subway"

No, they have one, twerp.

There are federal funds for BART but BART doesn't just serve San Francisco as it runs through dozens of other cities. Want to penalize them all regardless of how they individually handle immigration?

Apparently you think you made a point of some kind.

They all receive federal funds.

They do, I was educating someone on the bay area's public transportation, it already exists. Cutting federal funds to continue/expand it helps no one, not even you.
Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.

Illegal aliens are invited guests? Seriously?

There's no point in discussing this with someone who is absolutely delusional. The only thing we need to do with illegal aliens is deport them. They'll get a path to citizenship over my dead body. Law breakers do not deserve to be rewarded for breaking the law.

Protecting illegal aliens from deportation is treason.

Invited guests by the people that hire them? Yes. Many of them Republicans, do you want them all shot for treason? Your body, dead or alive is inconsequential in this matter.

Hiring illegal aliens is already illegal. You can blame Obama for not prosecuting employers.

It's one thing to be a private citizen and violate the law. It's another to be a public official and sell out your country.
Sure it is, douche bag. These traitors are harboring threats to the United States. They are making war on us.

No they aren't. Immigrants and so called sanctuary cities are not "making war on us" that's just you wingnuts hyperventilating.

The immigrants are harming America, they certainly aren't invited guests. It's the mayor's who are making war on us by infiltrating harmful aliens into the country.

They are invited guests. Trump has hired them, US citizens (many Republican) hire them. You better be ready for mass firing squads, what number in line do you think Trump will be?

We need a real guest worker program, a way for undocumented workers who have not committed crimes to stay in the country and for some a pathway to citizenship as well as an economically sound border security paid for by US citizens. Not moronic claims of treason, twerp.
Sanctuary cities Invite Illegal guests all the time...........the rest of the country has NO REASON to pay for their guests..............

Undocumented workers are hired all throughout the country. They build homes in Arizona, farm in California and appear to have worked for Trump.
Trump has implemented e-verify for his businesses...........

Wants to implement it nationwide.............

Do it legal or not at all.

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