No prison for college cheating celebrities.

I wonder if the celebs were able to cut a deal where their kids would stay in college rather than be kicked out for fraud. I wouldn't doubt it.

Without realizing it they failed their children
I believe the rich should serve their time in jail performing manual labor. Taking their money away and not allowing them to work in their profession as you propose has too many loopholes. For rich families (like say the heirs of Sam Walton) the guilty could easily live off the kindness of relatives for 10 years and beyond.

you like the 'HARD LABOR" thing? Kinda funny for me. I hate those "HARD LABOR" movies in which inmates in the USA prisons are TORTURED. I don't like to see torture. An interesting factoid is that the term
HARD LABOR is used in the Navy when some silly sailor gets drunk and does not show up in the morning and gets 30 days in the "brig" "30 days at HARD LABOR"-----I got news-----the boys get to sit around and read comic books. The very worst would be locked in a cell------so that conversation with the other guys is limited to the other guys willing to come closer to the guy LOCKED in. It's not a pleasant vacation but it is not " THE CHAIN GANG"

So you're against hard labor but propose capital punishment! You're a genius.

did you pass 2nd grade? Where did I propose capital punishment? How does a grammar school drop out DEFINE "hard labor"?

You're not claiming a monopoly on putting your words in the mouths of others, are you? I have a college degree. Before getting that degree I had manual labor jobs. It seems you have no clue of what the term means.

on a chain gang? "HARD LABOR" ----more information than you want. Hard labor is the term
actually used in Navy proceedings. NOT manual
labor. Sometimes, persons EAGER TO GET OUT OF IT complained to little ole' me. "I AM TOO SICK TO DO HARD LABOR" It was my job to CLEAR people for the "BRIG"
I went there and inspected and that is how I
found out what is really going on. OK genius?
Did you do ENGLISH COMP. in college?
Reading is more than "dick jane and sally" --
It is important to understand what you read
I worked my way thru school, too.
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al
Democrats are in office.

Anyone who owns a gun is a murderer.

Any man who has ever had a relationship with a woman is a rapist.

Democrats demand absolute authority to put anyone in prison for any reason. That's the chain-gang labor-union collective plea bargain in court.
on a chain gang? "HARD LABOR" ----more information than you want. Hard labor is the term
actually used in Navy proceedings. NOT manual
labor. Sometimes, persons EAGER TO GET OUT OF IT complained to little ole' me. "I AM TOO SICK TO DO HARD LABOR" It was my job to CLEAR people for the "BRIG"
I went there and inspected and that is how I
found out what is really going on. OK genius?
Did you do ENGLISH COMP. in college?
Reading is more than "dick jane and sally" --
It is important to understand what you read
I worked my way thru school, too.

The prisoners I'm referring to are not being assigned to the Navy to serve out their sentence.
Instead of using Hollywood movies as your reference I'd suggest: Legal Definitions & Legal Terms Defined
Conceptually I'd agree that these are nothing but a slap on the wrist, which neither impact their lives nor change much about them.

Legally, however, exacting penalties outside of sentencing guidelines doesn't work for a host of reasons. Firstly, there is no legal authority impose them. Also, you cannot, for instance, interfere with someone's right to earn a living. That in itself is a civil offense that can bring lawsuits and consequences, so the court itself couldn't undertake it. Beyond that, how is it calibrated and meted out. Who decided when they're in the 'special' category.

Don't get me wrong, I think these people are entitled dickwads that went way, way, way out of their way to get their little sunshines past the gatekeepers, and may have denied other worthy kids in the process. If anything they should have to set up scholarship funds or something, but again, how to enforce, impose.....
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us,
I say- start with the politico's who encourage the behavior of lie, cheat and steal your way into a place you don't deserve- they are the wicked- most is not a question. More or less is still wicked, evil, etc.

That said; how many politico's made it into the "elite" schools on merit?

Today's ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters -- speaking the "in" language -- serves as a badge of identity. Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money because, as government has grown, its boundary with the rest of American life has become indistinct. Many began their careers in government and leveraged their way into the private sector. Some, e.g., Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, never held a non-government job. Hence whether formally in government, out of it, or halfway, America's ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government.
That article is a MUST read for the whole forum. . . I have no idea why the net is not linking folks to it properly.

". . . In this, President George W. Bush and his would-be Republican successor John McCain agreed with the Democratic candidate, Barack Obama. Many, if not most, people around them also agreed upon the eventual commitment of some 10 trillion nonexistent dollars in ways unprecedented in America. They explained neither the difference between the assets’ nominal and real values, nor precisely why letting the market find the latter would collapse America. The public objected immediately, by margins of three or four to one.

When this majority discovered that virtually no one in a position of power in either party or with a national voice would take their objections seriously, that decisions about their money were being made in bipartisan backroom deals with interested parties, and that the laws on these matters were being voted by people who had not read them, the term “political class” came into use. Then, after those in power changed their plans from buying toxic assets to buying up equity in banks and major industries but refused to explain why, when they reasserted their right to decide ad hoc on these and so many other matters, supposing them to be beyond the general public’s understanding, the American people started referring to those in and around government as the “ruling class.”

I remember studying class at Uni. . . this article sums it up pretty well. Most Americans actually believe we have no class system in this nation. . . and the upper crust is very happy to let them think that way. It makes ruling over them so much easier.
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

I think you're ignoring the victims of their actions, the people who didn't get into those colleges because of the parents who cheated. Yes, they should do prison time. This isn't a victimless crime like putting drugs in your own body

So 1 or 2 kids?

And whoever said it's a right to get accepted to the college of your choice?

There are literally thousands of other colleges those one or two kids could go to.

College admissions has never been a meritocracy.

Just look at all the rich idiots who get into Ivy league schools because daddy give a big donation.

Saying you don't have a right to go to a school really doesn't refute fraud as the reason you don't get in.

I'll agree there's a difference between government and private schools. I'd like to get the government money out of private schools though before agreeing they're on their own for fraud
This whole thing is a nonissue.
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

I think you're ignoring the victims of their actions, the people who didn't get into those colleges because of the parents who cheated. Yes, they should do prison time. This isn't a victimless crime like putting drugs in your own body

So 1 or 2 kids?

And whoever said it's a right to get accepted to the college of your choice?

There are literally thousands of other colleges those one or two kids could go to.

College admissions has never been a meritocracy.

Just look at all the rich idiots who get into Ivy league schools because daddy give a big donation.

Saying you don't have a right to go to a school really doesn't refute fraud as the reason you don't get in.

I'll agree there's a difference between government and private schools. I'd like to get the government money out of private schools though before agreeing they're on their own for fraud
This whole thing is a nonissue.

Not everyone agrees that fraud is a non-issue. I'm a libertarian, but it's one of the few legitimate functions of government. I oppose victimless crimes, but this isn't victimless.

I'd agree if it was a private college not running on government money that it's not a government issue. But not that it isn't an issue, it is
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

I think you're ignoring the victims of their actions, the people who didn't get into those colleges because of the parents who cheated. Yes, they should do prison time. This isn't a victimless crime like putting drugs in your own body

So 1 or 2 kids?

And whoever said it's a right to get accepted to the college of your choice?

There are literally thousands of other colleges those one or two kids could go to.

College admissions has never been a meritocracy.

Just look at all the rich idiots who get into Ivy league schools because daddy give a big donation.

Saying you don't have a right to go to a school really doesn't refute fraud as the reason you don't get in.

I'll agree there's a difference between government and private schools. I'd like to get the government money out of private schools though before agreeing they're on their own for fraud
This whole thing is a nonissue.

Not everyone agrees that fraud is a non-issue. I'm a libertarian, but it's one of the few legitimate functions of government. I oppose victimless crimes, but this isn't victimless.

I'd agree if it was a private college not running on government money that it's not a government issue. But not that it isn't an issue, it is

There's a whole hell of a lot more governmental corruption that is far worse than a couple of kids not getting into a college.

On the very long list of fraud and corruption to worry about this is at the bottom

But hey they all have you distracted with this little shiny story about rich people getting busted
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

I think you're ignoring the victims of their actions, the people who didn't get into those colleges because of the parents who cheated. Yes, they should do prison time. This isn't a victimless crime like putting drugs in your own body

So 1 or 2 kids?

And whoever said it's a right to get accepted to the college of your choice?

There are literally thousands of other colleges those one or two kids could go to.

College admissions has never been a meritocracy.

Just look at all the rich idiots who get into Ivy league schools because daddy give a big donation.

Saying you don't have a right to go to a school really doesn't refute fraud as the reason you don't get in.

I'll agree there's a difference between government and private schools. I'd like to get the government money out of private schools though before agreeing they're on their own for fraud
This whole thing is a nonissue.

Not everyone agrees that fraud is a non-issue. I'm a libertarian, but it's one of the few legitimate functions of government. I oppose victimless crimes, but this isn't victimless.

I'd agree if it was a private college not running on government money that it's not a government issue. But not that it isn't an issue, it is

There's a whole hell of a lot more governmental corruption that is far worse than a couple of kids not getting into a college.

On the very long list of fraud and corruption to worry about this is at the bottom

But hey they all have you distracted with this little shiny story about rich people getting busted

So now only the worst crime should be prosecuted? I reject that standard
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

I think you're ignoring the victims of their actions, the people who didn't get into those colleges because of the parents who cheated. Yes, they should do prison time. This isn't a victimless crime like putting drugs in your own body

So 1 or 2 kids?

And whoever said it's a right to get accepted to the college of your choice?

There are literally thousands of other colleges those one or two kids could go to.

College admissions has never been a meritocracy.

Just look at all the rich idiots who get into Ivy league schools because daddy give a big donation.

Saying you don't have a right to go to a school really doesn't refute fraud as the reason you don't get in.

I'll agree there's a difference between government and private schools. I'd like to get the government money out of private schools though before agreeing they're on their own for fraud
This whole thing is a nonissue.

Not everyone agrees that fraud is a non-issue. I'm a libertarian, but it's one of the few legitimate functions of government. I oppose victimless crimes, but this isn't victimless.

I'd agree if it was a private college not running on government money that it's not a government issue. But not that it isn't an issue, it is

There's a whole hell of a lot more governmental corruption that is far worse than a couple of kids not getting into a college.

On the very long list of fraud and corruption to worry about this is at the bottom

But hey they all have you distracted with this little shiny story about rich people getting busted

So now only the worst crime should be prosecuted? I reject that standard

The worst crimes should be pursued with at least the same vigor as this petty one. But they will never be so you get these little feel good trials so you can all think that rich people go to prison too but in reality the rich people who should be in prison own the government that would put them there.

But hey that little rich actress got her comeuppance didn't she?
Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

Yeah MArtha Stewart went to prison tell me why don't the assholes in Congress go to prison for insider trading?

Oh yeah it's legal for them to do it

Prison is not a pleasant place and most of us would not want to go there. It should be reserved only for the most wicked among us, murderers, rapists et al. Some just never learn to conduct themselves without indulging in practices and habits that harm others like drug dealing and drug using that adversely affects children in their care so maybe prison is a place for them as well. Prison has been well established in most societies as a deterrent punishment based on deprivation of freedom. It works for the majority of society.

I am here to argue against prison for rich people who try to buy an advantage for their children to get into college. Short prison sentences for this kind of corruption, while embarrassing and inconvenient, are not really justice. These people feel justified in cheating the rest of us to swindle a deal for their kids while most have to struggle and sacrifice to make it.

I never got a sense of justice when Martha Stewart went to jail. She just picked up and continued on after and stayed rich. I would much prefer a system that completely destroys these offenders financially by seizing their wealth and prevents them working in their fields for at least a decade.

None of these wealthy celebrities is going to learn anything from a few months behind bars. But if they cannot work at their craft for ten years and find themselves working a checkout counter at a convenience store, that would be true justice.

What do you think?

I think you're ignoring the victims of their actions, the people who didn't get into those colleges because of the parents who cheated. Yes, they should do prison time. This isn't a victimless crime like putting drugs in your own body

So 1 or 2 kids?

And whoever said it's a right to get accepted to the college of your choice?

There are literally thousands of other colleges those one or two kids could go to.

College admissions has never been a meritocracy.

Just look at all the rich idiots who get into Ivy league schools because daddy give a big donation.

Saying you don't have a right to go to a school really doesn't refute fraud as the reason you don't get in.

I'll agree there's a difference between government and private schools. I'd like to get the government money out of private schools though before agreeing they're on their own for fraud
This whole thing is a nonissue.

Not everyone agrees that fraud is a non-issue. I'm a libertarian, but it's one of the few legitimate functions of government. I oppose victimless crimes, but this isn't victimless.

I'd agree if it was a private college not running on government money that it's not a government issue. But not that it isn't an issue, it is

There's a whole hell of a lot more governmental corruption that is far worse than a couple of kids not getting into a college.

On the very long list of fraud and corruption to worry about this is at the bottom

But hey they all have you distracted with this little shiny story about rich people getting busted

So now only the worst crime should be prosecuted? I reject that standard

The worst crimes should be pursued with at least the same vigor as this petty one. But they will never be so you get these little feel good trials so you can all think that rich people go to prison too but in reality the rich people who should be in prison own the government that would put them there.

But hey that little rich actress got her comeuppance didn't she?
I think there should more at stake for these people than to just go slumming for a few months. If you lock up their bank accounts for a decade that sends a real message that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
I think there should more at stake for these people than to just go slumming for a few months. If you lock up their bank accounts for a decade that sends a real message that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
do it with Congress too
You do what you can for your kids. I have no issue with them. Had I the money I would have done no different.

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