No Race as ever done more for another race than White Americans have done for the colored race aka----- africans in America.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
I have talked about this before but it needs to be talked about more.

We killed over a half million of each other in a Civil War.

You'd think they'd give us reparations. Or at least be grateful.
White Europeans generously tried to help the blacks in Africa during the colonial era there. The ungrateful blacks refused to welcome and respect the Europeans.
The only “proof” of racism offered is underrepresentation in some areas and overrepresentation in others. But this situation is not due to racism or discrimination. The reason why Blacks are underrepresented among neurosurgeons, for example, is the same reason they are overrepresented in the NBA, the NFL, and in many areas of entertainment. It is fundamentally a matter of inclination, availability, skill, and talent.
OH no - say it aint so
Similarly, the reason why we have proportionally more Black people arrested for violent crimes than White people is that Black people commit violent crimes at greater rates than White people. In fact, Black people have by far the highest crime rates of any racial demographic in the United State. Nor is this disproportion a result of some underlying racist policies or practices. It has been repeatedly shown that this situation is largely due to the moral breakdown of the Black community where nearly two-thirds of children now grow up in broken families. Such children are many times more likely to commit violent crimes than children from intact homes. And once this state of affairs becomes established, it often ends up being a vicious circle. According to the Atlantic, “kids have a habit of imitating their parents’ criminal behavior. It’s no wonder, then, that by one measure, 10 percent of families account for two-thirds of criminals.” This is the true reason for high rates of Black incarceration, not racism.
Oh, God damn, this guy needs to be hanged

This represents a truly remarkable state of affairs because it stands as the only known instance in history whereby a racial majority in power has voluntarily agreed to relinquish its standing and allow discrimination against themselves in favor of a racial minority.
If you truly care about racial justice, modern White Americans should be held out and celebrated as an unprecedented example of racial empathy. Never before has any racial group extended such an effort and displayed such a sincere desire to help and elevate another racial group as white Americans have done toward their black fellow citizens.

Rather than being slandered by political opportunists, White America should be praised and celebrated for its unprecedented acts of racial goodwill. No race has, indeed, done more for another race than white Americans have done for their Black compatriots.
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Lincoln could have avoided the carnage of the Civil War by working with the Southern politicians but according to history he seemed paralized by indicision and personal problems. The Confederate battle flag only existed for about four years. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for the better part of 200 years was the Union Jack.

No Race as ever done more for another race than White Americans have done for the colored race aka----- africans in America.​

You know, until now I hadn't known White Americans are a race.
White Europeans generously tried to help the blacks in Africa during the colonial era there. The ungrateful blacks refused to welcome and respect the Europeans.

You should probably check yourself in to the nearest mental hospital for a checkup.
Whites should stop trying to help blacks.

I mean, those well-meaning white people who build clean water wells in Africa should stop.

Blacks should dig their own wells.
I have talked about this before but it needs to be talked about more.

Exactly. Whites have done more for Blacks than any other race.

Does anyone think that the Blacks were whipped mercilessly all by themselves? Who brought them chained on ships to come to our country? Who taught them the value of hard work with no pay? The Whites, of course.

Yup. The Whites have indeed done more for the Black race than vice versa.
I have talked about this before but it needs to be talked about more.

We killed over a half million of each other in a Civil War.

You'd think they'd give us reparations. Or at least be grateful.
being grateful is not something colored folks are known for me....they remind me of 3 wild cats I feed....they eat the food but never say thank you. hehheh

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