No safe haven left for Obama


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
I was nearly in shock earlier this morning as I was getting myself ready for another day of making huge money off the backs of peons, when MSNBC's own MORNING JOE (minus Joe) discussed the world's new favorite deserter and traitor. The entire panel was aghast at what Team Bammy has done with the swap of shit stains and their subsequent comments by both Bammy hisownself and Susan Rice Krispies. I could see the pain in their eyes, even among the most sycophantic in the crowd, such as the ditz Mika and the sissy boy Donnie. :eusa_whistle:

Of course, the realist in me says this may all be a clever ploy, and that these Obama Talking Heads will eventually find an out for the chimp In Chief. But for right now, it seems El Presidente is a friendless french fried faggot. Fer sure. :eusa_clap:
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What should the US have done about Bergdhal?
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Obama's presidency has been horrid

everything with this administration seems to be geared at HURTING us and making us pay for some perceived slight he and the wife who hasn't ever been proud us grew up to have in their radical hateful church.

I've never felt a President was a danger to me before this one
Obama's presidency has been horrid

everything with this administration seems to be geared at HURTING us and making us pay for some perceived slight he and the wife who hasn't ever been proud us grew up to have in their radical hateful church.

I've never felt a President was a danger to me before this one

You should hide under your bed, it is the only safe place
What should the US have done about Berghdal?

Accept that he was a casualty. If we could get him back without giving in to terrorist demands, fine. If not, then we carry on until such time as we can get him back without giving in to terrorist demands. And if that means he ends up dead, then we give him a good funeral.

War is an ugly, brutal, morally uncomfortable business, but you don't give in to terrorist threats because you fear violence.
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

So it's a win on both fronts for you correct?

People who want to attack us are set free and a deserter gets to come back to a hero's welcome.
Well, I think you underestimate the pure ignorance of his left wing constituency that will back him and believe every single last thing the left wing media will report about him.

They still believe every single scandal is a myth. They actually think he has not lied about anything.

You have to be a special type of stupid to believe all of that. That, is of course the category that rightwinger, mamooth, etc etc all belong to.

I do not even think there is a classification or a word in the English language that describes the level of stupidity.

Perhaps there is a word in pashto. I am not kidding either. I mean think about what I am saying. How stupid would one need to be, to actually believe Obama has not lied about anything. Let us consider for a moment that he has indeed lied about EVERYTHING.
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

obama will withdraw from Afghanistan this year, but the war isn't going to end. The war itself will go on. That Afghan theater will end, maybe.
Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

So it's a win on both fronts for you correct?

People who want to attack us are set free and a deserter gets to come back to a hero's welcome.

I believe in the right to a fair trial

If the Taliban have committed war crimes then try them in a court of law
If Bergdhal has committed a crime then try him in a court of law

It used to be called American justice
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.
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Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

obama will withdraw from Afghanistan this year, but the war isn't going to end. The war itself will go on. That Afghan theater will end, maybe.

Then what legal right do we have to hold prisoners?
Rightwinger does not know nor does he care about the war crimes committed by brown people. He thinks and his types will always think they are victims of Bush and white republicans.

Like I said folks, it is that simple.
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

The war against the Taliban and Al Queda is not ending because Barry says it is. Are you really that naive? We're giving the Taliban back it's base of operations and Al Queda is stronger now than when Obama took office. You set these guys free and they are NOT going to go back home and raise goats! They are going to go home and start plotting how to kill infidels. That's YOU in case you haven't gotten the memo, Winger!
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

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