No safe haven left for Obama

So it's a win on both fronts for you correct?

People who want to attack us are set free and a deserter gets to come back to a hero's welcome.

I believe in the right to a fair trial

If the Taliban have committed war crimes then try them in a court of law
If Bergdhal has committed a crime then try him in a court of law

It used to be called American justice

All of those islimists are war criminals but the Obama doctrine is that there is no 'war'. They are all civil criminals deserving of civil due process. He ran for president on that premise. Remember? Or is it not convenient? Suddenly they've become POWs to exchange for a POW. The hack wants it both ways.

If they are war criminals then the burden of proof is on us to prove it in a court of law. That is the way civilized societies operate
Obama care is working and the economy is doing well

2014 election in five months.....If the economy were collapsing or Obamacare was a disaster, would republicans be swiftboating this kid?

Dude, major parts of ObamaCare have been unlawfully delayed because this Administration doesn't want the American people to grasp how badly it's going to fuck them until AFTER this coming mid-term election.

The economy is doing well? Really? The last three months economic growth has slowed to a crawl, Winger and job creation is limping along at around 175,000 a month. That ISN'T an economy that is doing well...that's an economy that is struggling badly and you hear NOTHING from this Administration about what their plans are to fix things.

The truth is...the Obama Administration is running out the clock on their second term. They ran out of ideas to fix the economy and create jobs after the first stimulus came and went with a whimper rather than a bang and now simply point fingers and accuse others of not working with them.

Swiftboating? You honestly think this kid's a hero...don't you Winger? He walks away from his post...put's his fellow soldiers in harms way trying to find him...but you think he's getting ganged up on because the guys he served with think he's a piece of shit?

Over ten million people now have Obamacare well ahead of projections. In spite of repeated projections of impending gloom and doom by Republicansit has not materialized. Obamacare will only get stronger as more people sign up.........Not going to win Republicans any votes

The economy is doing well, Unemployment on the low 6%, Stock market at record highs. Once again showing Republicans predictions of gloom and doom to be in error

Swiftboating? The kid has spent five years in hell and I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until the facts are in

That people have signed up for ObamaCare shouldn't surprise anyone...when you require people to sign up or threaten them with fines by the IRS if they don't...then what choice do they really have? What's important is that despite the threat of fines...the people they need to sign up are NOT. They have to have the young and the healthy sign up in order to make the numbers work and that's not happening. What they DO have signed up are the aged, people who are in bad health and people who had preexisting conditions which means the entire thing is going to collapse on itself. In case you hadn't noticed, Sparky...we're on the hook to pay the insurance companies if their costs go up and MAN ARE THEIR COSTS GOING UP! ObamaCare is a train wreck that Barry and his minions are doing their best to hide for as long as they can.

The economy sucks right now. Have you seen the latest numbers? Unemployment is only down because so many millions of Americans have simply given up looking for jobs that don't exist and dropped out of being counted. The stock market is high because non-stop quantitative easing by the Fed has given the wealthy interest free money to invest. What's amusing is watching the very same people who made that possible then turn around and whine about income inequality!

The Obama people thought getting this soldier back would be great PR at a time when they DESPERATELY needed to change the narrative from the debacle at the VA so they went ahead with this highly questionable deal, pushing it through quickly and without alerting Congress.
SO you have the audacity to claim that the only reason the POW was exchanged was for political purposes? Did you forget that their have been ongoing negotiations over this soldier for many years and since it looked as if his health was failing and the decision was made you think it was timed to coincide with the VA problem? Since the VA has had a long history of poor performance, not all but some...
SO you have the audacity to claim that the only reason the POW was exchanged was for political purposes? Did you forget that their have been ongoing negotiations over this soldier for many years and since it looked as if his health was failing and the decision was made you think it was timed to coincide with the VA problem? Since the VA has had a long history of poor performance, not all but some...

According to many sources, his health is just fine.

He may not understand English anymore.

If you like your plan you can keep it.

It was because of a video.

He served with honor.

You fucking squishpots are so easy to lie to.
No safe haven left for Obama

BHO is fine, while pennywise bags groceries down at Krogers

Unfortunately, Jake...this latest controversy is just one in a string of "issues" that Barry is dealing with. In case you hadn't noticed, the frequency seems to be accelerating. The general level of incompetence in the Obama White House is leading to a snowballing effect, with one fuck up being followed by yet another and then another. It's going to be a long two years...

Or less if obama's nightsoil vault of scandals keeps filling at this rate.
Obama's presidency has been horrid

everything with this administration seems to be geared at HURTING us and making us pay for some perceived slight he and the wife who hasn't ever been proud us grew up to have in their radical hateful church.

I've never felt a President was a danger to me before this one

Po' Staph, the President is big and black. A large danger to her. In her dreams only.:badgrin:
Maybe you should ask Mika and the rest of the leftist media that is throwing Obama to the wolves.

I asked you. You started the thread. They didn't

My thread is not about my thoughts on the traitor, it's about the potential that Obama may finally face the music for his sick views of America and his subversive acts as president. :eusa_clap:

I hope and pray for that day! May Obama and all that he holds dear to his heart be damned!!!
The press may have finally had enough. The Bergdahl matter requires so many lies and such major lies that their ability to be credulous may have been surpassed.
The press may have finally had enough. The Bergdahl matter requires so many lies and such major lies that their ability to be credulous may have been surpassed.

We can only hope, Katzndogz..... we can only hope!
The press may have finally had enough. The Bergdahl matter requires so many lies and such major lies that their ability to be credulous may have been surpassed.

Let's all be happy that an American is home after five years of horrific captivity. Let's let all the facts come out before we condemn a soldier who has been through hell
My thread is not about my thoughts on the traitor, it's about the potential that Obama may finally face the music for his sick views of America and his subversive acts as president. :eusa_clap:

I hope and pray for that day! May Obama and all that he holds dear to his heart be damned!!!

I hope and pray the same:eusa_pray:

Damned how? You hope and pray that those who have different political views than you spend eternity in hell?

How Christian of you
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

Bush released over 500, yes, either try them, or free them. No other option if we wish to maintain our Constitution.
Obama's presidency has been horrid

everything with this administration seems to be geared at HURTING us and making us pay for some perceived slight he and the wife who hasn't ever been proud us grew up to have in their radical hateful church.

I've never felt a President was a danger to me before this one

Why then didn't Republican work harder to elect McCain and Romney?
Obama's presidency has been horrid

everything with this administration seems to be geared at HURTING us and making us pay for some perceived slight he and the wife who hasn't ever been proud us grew up to have in their radical hateful church.

I've never felt a President was a danger to me before this one

And just how has the president made your life worse?

Before President Obama took office you were uneducated and living in a trailer, after President Obama took office you are still uneducated and living in a trailer. Seems like you are blaming your betters for your lack of education and lack of initiative.:eusa_whistle:

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