No safe haven left for Obama

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

obama will withdraw from Afghanistan this year, but the war isn't going to end. The war itself will go on. That Afghan theater will end, maybe.

Then what legal right do we have to hold prisoners?

That's an issue to be determined between the Executive and Legislative and Judicial branches of our government. It is NOT the sole opinion of a megalomaniacal president who has no loyalty to the United States of America.
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

Trying them in a military tribunal as prisoners of war would suit me just fine. Private trials so the Taliban loving liberals don't have an opportunity to spread the anti-American propaganda that would be used in a civilian court.
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

In order to conduct war crimes against a defeated enemy you have to first defeat said enemy. The difference between the Nazis and the Taliban is that Barack Obama just told the Taliban that they won. Those five men are going back to Afghanistan and setting up shop all over again.
What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

There will still be about 10,000 American targets in country until 2016. The Taliban could capture several of them and trade them for the rest of the prisoners in Gitmo.
And anyone in Afghanistan that sided with us AGAINST the Taliban? They better get out now...because they won't last long once the "Fab Five" of terror hits town.
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

We did this after the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. The same does not apply.
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

We did this after the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany. The same does not apply.

How many North Vietnamese prisoners do we now hold?
Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

There will still be about 10,000 American targets in country until 2016. The Taliban could capture several of them and trade them for the rest of the prisoners in Gitmo.

They can do that right now

But I fail to see the political advantage to it. Taliban wants us out of Afghanistan. If they start harboring terrorists or capturing Americans, we will have an excuse to go back in
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

First of all the League of Nations was dissolved because it became irrelevant due to appeasement. The UN was formed and one of the most important objectives of the UN was enforcing resolutions so that no regime would ever get as big as the nazis.

Here is what is reported about the 5 taliban scumbags that were just set free by this fucking liar in chief. In an attempt to make political hay in the middle of the epic failures of the VA and get the press off of the that subject.

Now back to the smelly scumbags that were set free. (do not give me shit how Qatar is going to hold them and watch them)

The U.S. has released five Taliban prisoners kept at Guantanamo Bay — all of them either senior Taliban figures or Taliban officials with connections to Taliban leaders, and all labeled by the Pentagon as highly dangerous to the security of the U.S. and its allies if released. They are:

Mohammad Fazl, the former Taliban defense minister during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, chief of staff of the Taliban army, and commander of its 22nd Division. According to a U.S. Department of Defense document obtained by Wikileaks, Fazl is believed to be an associate of Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar and was

“wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites,” surrendered to the Northern Alliance commander Gen. Dostum in November 2001.

“Detainee is assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies,” his Guantanamo detainee file reads. “If released, detainee would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with ACM [anti-coalition militia] elements participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

Mullah Norullah Noori, a former Taliban military commander and Taliban governor of two Afghan provinces, who led Taliban forces against U.S. and coalition troops and was also “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims” as Fazl was, according to Noori’s Guantanamo prisoner file as obtained and posted by Wikileaks. He is also believed to be associated with Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar.

Noori commanded the Taliban in the northern city of Mazar e-Sharif. Like Fazl, he surrendered to Gen. Dostum in 2001.

Rated a “HIGH” threat to U.S. security interests if released, Noori is or was associated with members of al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin.

Mohammed Nabi, another senior Taliban official with ties to al Qaeda, the Haqqani Network, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, and other anti-U.S., Taliban-allied groups, according to his Guantanamo Bay file as posted by Wikileaks.

Also rated as a “HIGH” security threat if released, Nabi fought with the mujahideen against the Soviets. After that, he told the Americans who captured and detained him, he was an off-and-on Taliban member in the early 2000s, worked for the chief of the Taliban’s Border Department, which controlled smuggling. In early spring of 2002, he left the Taliban to sell used cars in a small village near Khowst and became a CIA informant.

According to his Defense Dept. file, Nabi was involved in attacks against U.S. and coalition forces and facilitated smuggling routes for the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Khairullah Khairkhwa, a direct associate of Osama bin Laden according to his Defense Dept. detainee file obtained by Wikileaks, and a senior Taliban military commander who also served as the Taliban’s minister of Interior and the governor of Herat.

He represented the Taliban at meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support actions against U.S. and coalition forces after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the document. He attended a meeting at the direction of bin Laden, accompanied by members of Hamas, the document says, and is believe to have been one of the major opium lords of western Afghanistan.

In 2002, he sought to negotiate an integration into the new government through Wali Karzai, the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai who has been accused of corruption and drug smuggling, but was arrested by Pakistani border patrol and released by Pakistan into U.S. custody.

He is also deemed a “HIGH” threat if released.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s former deputy minister of intelligence, had direct connections to Taliban leadership and was “central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups” to fight against U.S. and coalition forces, according to his Defense Dept. file obtained by Wikileaks.

He also used his position to support al Qaeda, assist Taliban personnel in eluding capture, and arranged for al Qaeda members to train Taliban intelligence staff, according to the file.
He seems to have later turned informant, as his file notes that Wasiq was arrested after a meeting with two Americans and a translator, in which he was supposed to deliver information leading to the capture of Mullah Omar. Shortly after the meeting, U.S. forces arrested him.

What the U.S. Gave Up to Get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Back - ABC News


This president is a criminal. He needs to be in a jumpsuit. This socialist in the white house is a lying fucking scumbag, and blame you and people like you for continuously defending every fucking disgraceful act he is guilty of.
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I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

First of all the League of Nations was dissolved because it became irrelevant due to appeasement. The UN was formed and one of the most important objectives of the UN was enforcing resolutions so that no regime would ever get as big as the nazis.

Here is what is reported about the 5 taliban scumbags that were just set free by this fucking liar in chief. In an attempt to make political hay in the middle of the epic failures of the VA and get the press off of the that subject.

Now back to the smelly scumbags that were set free. (do not give me shit how Qatar is going to hold them and watch them)

The U.S. has released five Taliban prisoners kept at Guantanamo Bay — all of them either senior Taliban figures or Taliban officials with connections to Taliban leaders, and all labeled by the Pentagon as highly dangerous to the security of the U.S. and its allies if released. They are:

Mohammad Fazl, the former Taliban defense minister during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, chief of staff of the Taliban army, and commander of its 22nd Division. According to a U.S. Department of Defense document obtained by Wikileaks, Fazl is believed to be an associate of Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar and was

“wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites,” surrendered to the Northern Alliance commander Gen. Dostum in November 2001.

“Detainee is assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies,” his Guantanamo detainee file reads. “If released, detainee would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with ACM [anti-coalition militia] elements participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

Mullah Norullah Noori, a former Taliban military commander and Taliban governor of two Afghan provinces, who led Taliban forces against U.S. and coalition troops and was also “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims” as Fazl was, according to Noori’s Guantanamo prisoner file as obtained and posted by Wikileaks. He is also believed to be associated with Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar.

Noori commanded the Taliban in the northern city of Mazar e-Sharif. Like Fazl, he surrendered to Gen. Dostum in 2001.

Rated a “HIGH” threat to U.S. security interests if released, Noori is or was associated with members of al Qaeda, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin.

Mohammed Nabi, another senior Taliban official with ties to al Qaeda, the Haqqani Network, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, and other anti-U.S., Taliban-allied groups, according to his Guantanamo Bay file as posted by Wikileaks.

Also rated as a “HIGH” security threat if released, Nabi fought with the mujahideen against the Soviets. After that, he told the Americans who captured and detained him, he was an off-and-on Taliban member in the early 2000s, worked for the chief of the Taliban’s Border Department, which controlled smuggling. In early spring of 2002, he left the Taliban to sell used cars in a small village near Khowst and became a CIA informant.

According to his Defense Dept. file, Nabi was involved in attacks against U.S. and coalition forces and facilitated smuggling routes for the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Khairullah Khairkhwa, a direct associate of Osama bin Laden according to his Defense Dept. detainee file obtained by Wikileaks, and a senior Taliban military commander who also served as the Taliban’s minister of Interior and the governor of Herat.

He represented the Taliban at meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support actions against U.S. and coalition forces after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the document. He attended a meeting at the direction of bin Laden, accompanied by members of Hamas, the document says, and is believe to have been one of the major opium lords of western Afghanistan.

In 2002, he sought to negotiate an integration into the new government through Wali Karzai, the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai who has been accused of corruption and drug smuggling, but was arrested by Pakistani border patrol and released by Pakistan into U.S. custody.

He is also deemed a “HIGH” threat if released.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s former deputy minister of intelligence, had direct connections to Taliban leadership and was “central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups” to fight against U.S. and coalition forces, according to his Defense Dept. file obtained by Wikileaks.

He also used his position to support al Qaeda, assist Taliban personnel in eluding capture, and arranged for al Qaeda members to train Taliban intelligence staff, according to the file.
He seems to have later turned informant, as his file notes that Wasiq was arrested after a meeting with two Americans and a translator, in which he was supposed to deliver information leading to the capture of Mullah Omar. Shortly after the meeting, U.S. forces arrested him.

What the U.S. Gave Up to Get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Back - ABC News


This president is a criminal. He needs to be in a jumpsuit. This socialist in the white house is a lying fucking scumbag, and blame you and people like you for continuously defending every fucking disgraceful act he is guilty of.

If they are guilty of crimes we should try and convict them

If they are not, we should set them free

We used to call it the American Way
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I was nearly in shock earlier this morning as I was getting myself ready for another day of making huge money off the backs of peons,


How was work today, playah?
You have to be a special type of stupid to believe all of that. That, is of course the category that rightwinger, mamooth, etc etc all belong to.
You have to be a special type of stupid to believe Republicans and right wingers are any better. Republicans are just as good as racking in debt and running the country into the ground, the Reagan years were bad enough.

Have to accept one premise Ayn Rand made, even though I don't like the woman, that Reagan and his ilk will destroy capitalism. The more you fight against so-called 'socialism' and 'communism' while corrupting capitalism, the weaker the faith in capitalism becomes and the easier it is for anti-capitalist ideology to spread.
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What should the US have done about Berghdhal?

Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

War criminals after WWII were tried in Nuremberg, found guilty and executed without undue delays. Shortly after that the traitors who enabled the Soviets and gave the world the Cold War (the Rosenberg's) were similarly dealt with.

Nothing demonstrates the moral decay of the Democratic Party more than the fact that those who swiftly dispatched the Nazi war criminals and those who make humiliating 'deals' with terrorists were/are both Democrats.
I mean people like rightwinger actually have compassion for the taliban. Here I thought he cared about the poor, the oppressed, the tortured, and I also thought he would fight for womens rights or gay rights.

Like I have said, and maintain. The left stand for absolutely nothing, other than finding clever and new ways to put a thumb in the eye of what they perceive as the right wing white Christian. If that means setting butchers that will gladly kill of those groups when they get the chance, well so be it.

Really no sense in even trying to respond to them with logic everyone. He will shift like the sands of Egypt to hold on to whatever bogus point he is trying to make.

In this case, he is pretending to care about the poor brown prisoners, that he thinks are victims of Bush and white Americans.

It is pretty basic with these people. They are that dense.

There are no crimes in modern history as bad as those committed by the Nazis. Yet we conducted the Nuremburg trials within six months of the end of the war. Those who were found guilty of war crimes were imprisoned or executed. Many Nazis were set free
We did not hold them forever just because they were Nazis

Same applies to the Taliban

The crimes committed by Stalin and the Soviet communists were far, far worse than those committed by Hitler and the Nazis.

They are not considered as such, because FDR had great admiration for "Uncle Joe" Stalin and endorsed and encouraged the 40+ years of Cold War.

The crimes committed by Mao Tse Tung are worse than those committed by Stalin, but they are forgiven by the Left, because they would love to do the same to Republicans/conservatives.

Proportionately, the crimes committed by Fidel Castro and Che Guerrera are worse than those of Mao's, but heck, their image makes such lovely tee shirt lovingly worn by Democrats.

The five Taliban terrorists are NOT prisoners of war. Prisoners of war are soldiers wearing the uniform of their country, which is signatory of the Geneva Convention. If these terrorist criminals are given the benefit of the Geneva Convention, might as well bestow those benefits on criminals captured by police on the streets of Chicago and Detroit, because they are no better and no worse than these so-called prisoners of war.

The REAL sad part is that the welcome home of alleged traitor and deserter will be just as enthusiastic by the Left, as was the welcome home of the terrorists in Qatar by their fellow terrorists.
Tried to get him back without giving the Taliban such a large victory. Barring that, the President should have followed the law that he signed.

5 major Taliban leaders for one deserter? I just don't get how anyone thinks this is a win.

The war in Afghanistan will end this year. We have no right to keep Taliban as prisoners. If they have committed war crimes we need to try them in a court of law. The rest need to be set free

War criminals after WWII were tried in Nuremberg, found guilty and executed without undue delays. Shortly after that the traitors who enabled the Soviets and gave the world the Cold War (the Rosenberg's) were similarly dealt with.

Nothing demonstrates the moral decay of the Democratic Party more than the fact that those who swiftly dispatched the Nazi war criminals and those who make humiliating 'deals' with terrorists were/are both Democrats.

What crimes were those Taliban convicted of? Being on the wrong side?

In this country, we operate under a Constitution. That Constitution gives the accused certain rights

When we capture someone on the battlefield they are classified as either POWs or terrorist/criminal

If they are POWs we release them after the war is over
If they are terrorist or war criminals we present charges and try them in a court of law

Which is it with these guys?
Our Mad Magazine POTUS. That's the level he has slithered down to. No sane person can take this faculty lounge reject seriously anymore.

No safe haven left for Obama

BHO is fine, while pennywise bags groceries down at Krogers
What should the US have done about Bergdhal?

Offer to swap in kind. One of our grunts for one, maybe even two or more of your grunts. We've also got those types locked up in Gitmo. But to swap a grunt for 5 top command types is unconscionable IMO.

There was only one grunt....Bergdhal

The five Taliban would have been released with the rest by the end of the year anyway

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