No Songs About Lynchings But Killing Police OK

Look stupid, both offend me. Both should be cancelled (although I don’t have that power)

You however have no problem with lynching it seems
Look stupid, it is rather obvious that you want to cancel songs about lynching while merely being offended about cop killing songs.
Most people live in cities not small towns anymore.

But Heavy Metal has the same type issue

Four years after terrorists attacked an Eagles of Death Metal show in Paris, Hughes' Second Amendment views remain the same.

On Nov. 13, 2015, during the band's show at the Bataclan theater, terrorists with automatic rifles, grenades and suicide vests killed 89 people. It was one of several terrorist attacks across Paris that left 130 dead, leading to a two-year state of emergency in France.

The country has some of the toughest gun restrictions in the world, only allowing ownership for hunting or sportsmanship, and requires constant renewals and psychological evaluations.

"I trusted in (their) gun control and I was in a country where no one can own a gun. It's been that way for 100 years and until someone can explain to me how it stopped the bad guys from being the best armed attackers, then I'm not interested in hearing about that as a solution for what's currently plaguing us," Hughes said. "In Texas, there was just a church shooting that ended because of an armed parishioner. We can't pick and choose the examples we're going to have for this argument because people are dying, and I feel like we're asking, 'Do we really want to stop a problem, or are we saying no matter what, we want to take away guns?'"

Bullshit. He describes and advocates “vigilante Justice” (try that in a small town)

This from a guy who grew up in a city (Macon)

Oh and he filmed his video outside a courthouse where a black man WAS lynched
Lynching and vigilante justice are not synonymous.

He said nothing about lynching and never advocated it
Still trying to figure out why small town America got so pussified that they became terrified by events in cities hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Why is it so hard for you to understand?

Oh I get it, because us small town boys aren't terrified. We're concerned and ready.
Songs about lynchings (not even mentioning race) must be canceled but if you want to sing a song about killing police, that's ok. Our country is going to hell. May God have mercy on our souls. The left are batshit crazy lunatics.

The left is in herd mindset, being directed by those PTB wishing to divide us.
Still trying to figure out why small town America got so pussified that they became terrified by events in cities hundreds or thousands of miles away.
Those BLM/ ANTIFA riots were orchestrated and carried out in all 50 states by design. Which you already know but it bears repeating.
So you defend lynching..

Depends on whose being lynched.

Still trying to figure out why small town America got so pussified that they became terrified by events in cities hundreds or thousands of miles away.
You can’t understand why small town real America is “terrified” of diversity and of urban filth moving out to the country?
Have you ever been to ANY diverse blue shithole in America?
Turns out Hannah Montana and disney filmed a video in featuring the same building. Like we needed another blatant reason to laugh at the uninformed groomed leftists.


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