No Songs About Lynchings But Killing Police OK

So you defend lynching..


And no I am offended deeply by rap songs that advocate “cop killing”
Aldean's song was not about lynching. That is the fake narrative invented by the Woke Left. This entire attack on his song is another manufactured crisis designed to inflame Libtards and destroy ANOTHER innocent person's career like sportscaster Grant Napear who was ruined by saying "ALL LIVES MATTER". The Left is destroying this country.
Songs about lynchings (not even mentioning race) must be canceled but if you want to sing a song about killing police, that's ok. Our country is going to hell. May God have mercy on our souls. The left are batshit crazy lunatics.

They are the ones profiling
So you defend lynching..


And no I am offended deeply by rap songs that advocate “cop killing”
Which part of "No Songs About Lynchings" is difficult for you to understand...dumbass.
Still trying to figure out why small town America got so pussified that they became terrified by events in cities hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Still wondering why you think car jacking old women gives your life meaning?

Isn’t car jacking old women the definition of a pussy? 🤷‍♂️

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