No Tickee, No Washee

There will bo no starving...Seattle City leadership sending in food, water, and porta potties. This will go on for months.
This is what Dems want as it shows the inaction of Trump has created deep instability.

Dang, ya gotta read the fine print. Truckers said they would not deliver to cities that defund the police. Seattle is going down that road. Therefore, SEATTLE will have NOTHING to send...idiot.
First off...Seattle has not de funded their police force. Secondly the 'activists' have already been given provisions. type about 'truckers' as if they are some monolithic block.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to anything.

Regarding truckers, WTF, you think everything just magically shows up in stores. Maybe amazon can send in their drones....dumbass.
There will bo no starving...Seattle City leadership sending in food, water, and porta potties. This will go on for months.
This is what Dems want as it shows the inaction of Trump has created deep instability.

Dang, ya gotta read the fine print. Truckers said they would not deliver to cities that defund the police. Seattle is going down that road. Therefore, SEATTLE will have NOTHING to send...idiot.
First off...Seattle has not de funded their police force. Secondly the 'activists' have already been given provisions. type about 'truckers' as if they are some monolithic block.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to anything.

Regarding truckers, WTF, you think everything just magically shows up in stores. Maybe amazon can send in their drones....dumbass.

Where has Seattle stated that they are going to defund their police department? Show me.
Further...where are you seeing that ALL trucking companies in the US are not going to deliver to Seattle?

Let's start with those two...if you cannot prove those two claims...go eat a fucking dick.
There will bo no starving...Seattle City leadership sending in food, water, and porta potties. This will go on for months.
This is what Dems want as it shows the inaction of Trump has created deep instability.

I think they're hoping he takes the bait and goes in with the military, guns ablazin' and leaving corpses left and right. This shit show can't be a positive for the Left come election day, if it drags on that long. It makes the Left look incompetent and impotent IMHO, and that can't be a good thing.

This isn't a shit show. It's a demonstration that police brutality isn't needed to keep the peace. The whole area has fewer problems by having positive interactions, solving problems, instead of using aggression and violence as a "one size sit fits all" solution. The only solution is to attack, subdue or shoot civilians. Calls for the mentally ill, the homeless, petty crimes, family crisis, traffic enforcement, are all handled with violence and brutality. People should not be shot or killed over minor property crimes or traffic stops, or brutalized in breaking up homeless encampments.

Americans have criminalized poverty, and mental illness. Summary capital punishment is being used for minor property offences, or talking back to the cops. And there are no consequences for police who abuse their authority.

How many people were killed by police last year, compared to how many people were killed in violent crimes not by police?
Regretfully there are good hard working American Citizens caught in the middle. Let the cities and these liberal Mayors take care of their own problems. Walk away and let’s see how the voters react, if they re-elect these pathetic pantywaists then let them wallow in their own cesspool.
There will bo no starving...Seattle City leadership sending in food, water, and porta potties. This will go on for months.
This is what Dems want as it shows the inaction of Trump has created deep instability.

Dang, ya gotta read the fine print. Truckers said they would not deliver to cities that defund the police. Seattle is going down that road. Therefore, SEATTLE will have NOTHING to send...idiot.
First off...Seattle has not de funded their police force. Secondly the 'activists' have already been given provisions. type about 'truckers' as if they are some monolithic block.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to anything.

Regarding truckers, WTF, you think everything just magically shows up in stores. Maybe amazon can send in their drones....dumbass.

Where has Seattle stated that they are going to defund their police department? Show me.
Further...where are you seeing that ALL trucking companies in the US are not going to deliver to Seattle?

Let's start with those two...if you cannot prove those two claims...go eat a fucking dick.

In activists’ demands to defund police, calls to fund housing and human services
There will bo no starving...Seattle City leadership sending in food, water, and porta potties. This will go on for months.
This is what Dems want as it shows the inaction of Trump has created deep instability.

Dang, ya gotta read the fine print. Truckers said they would not deliver to cities that defund the police. Seattle is going down that road. Therefore, SEATTLE will have NOTHING to send...idiot.
First off...Seattle has not de funded their police force. Secondly the 'activists' have already been given provisions. type about 'truckers' as if they are some monolithic block.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to anything.

Regarding truckers, WTF, you think everything just magically shows up in stores. Maybe amazon can send in their drones....dumbass.

Where has Seattle stated that they are going to defund their police department? Show me.
Further...where are you seeing that ALL trucking companies in the US are not going to deliver to Seattle?

Let's start with those two...if you cannot prove those two claims...go eat a fucking dick.

In regards to trucking companies, of course ALL trucking companies didn't say that. There are a lot that DO NOT deliver to really are an idiot.
There will bo no starving...Seattle City leadership sending in food, water, and porta potties. This will go on for months.
This is what Dems want as it shows the inaction of Trump has created deep instability.

Dang, ya gotta read the fine print. Truckers said they would not deliver to cities that defund the police. Seattle is going down that road. Therefore, SEATTLE will have NOTHING to send...idiot.
First off...Seattle has not de funded their police force. Secondly the 'activists' have already been given provisions. type about 'truckers' as if they are some monolithic block.

Dang, don't you fricken pay attention to anything.

Regarding truckers, WTF, you think everything just magically shows up in stores. Maybe amazon can send in their drones....dumbass.

Where has Seattle stated that they are going to defund their police department? Show me.
Further...where are you seeing that ALL trucking companies in the US are not going to deliver to Seattle?

Let's start with those two...if you cannot prove those two claims...go eat a fucking dick.

In activists’ demands to defund police, calls to fund housing and human services

Activists....ACTIVISTS...where do you see Seattle government...or the City of Seattle has voted for ...or WILL defund the police?

Have you considered creating another account with another name? Perhaps...'dip shit'...or 'no reading comprehension'?
Thinker...just doesn't seem to fit.
Trucking insurance for the truck/trailer/and load are going to go through the roof.........IF.......the company delivers to areas without police presence. Prices for goods are going to skyrocket in cities without police.

As an aside------------>have you questioned yet why these things are happening mostly/only in states and localities run by far Leftists-)

I agree with other posters that Trump should sit this one out and claim, FEDERALISM. He should also point out while campaigning, that this is the type of chaos you live in if you elect Democrats to any position in your state. Polls, shmolls aside; anyone who thinks that the majority of Americans are going to put up with this crap shows how out of touch the Left really is. The suburban soccer moms and dads with children and a home/business, are taking one look at this and thinking, "oh no you don't!" Watch what happens in November. Americans are tired of the Lefts antics, and those antics are going to be tied to them like an electoral anchor.

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