NOAA/GISS Caught lying AGAIN.....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014

Figure 2

" So, according to NOAA, the chance that 2014 was the warmest on record was 48.0% and based on their table, the global surface temperature anomalies in 2014 appear in the range of “more unlikely than likely”.

Curiously, the NOAA omitted that all-important “more unlikely than likely” language from its main 2014 State of the Climate report webpage. You have to click on the Supplemental Information links to discover that 2014 was “more unlikely than likely” the warmest on record.

Therefore, NOAA has biased the “Global Highlights” of their State of the Climate report by failing to note the likelihood, actually unlikelihood, that 2014 had the highest global surface temperatures on record.

Just WOW... talk about misleading and abject lying...NOAA's state of the climate report is purposefully inaccurate.. In their own words and estimation the hottest year ev'a was Unlikely at a below a 50% confidence rate.... Can You Say AGENDA DRIVEN? At least they admit that the Margin of Error was so great that their calculations are most likely GARBAGE, but you had to look closely to figure it out.

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" NOAA never stated specifically that 2014’s record high surface temperatures were a result of human-induced global warming, but they implied it…thus all the hoopla. NOAA has omitted key discussions within that report, which biases it toward human-induced global warming. In other words, the NOAA State of the Climate report was misleading. NOAA has once again shown it is a political entity, not a scientific one. And that’s a damn shame. The public needs openness from NOAA about climate; we do not need to be misled by politically motivated misdirection and misinformation. "

No agenda driven deception going on here is there?

I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.

Tisdale pointed out the lies by omission made by NOAA. Why do so many people think it is OK for govt agencies to purposely misdirect the public? and then call people cranks or worse when they use the govt agencies like NOAA's own words to show that they are being less than honest?
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.

Tisdale pointed out the lies by omission made by NOAA. Why do so many people think it is OK for govt agencies to purposely misdirect the public? and then call people cranks or worse when they use the govt agencies like NOAA's own words to show that they are being less than honest?

What the fuck is a "Tisdale"?

I'm simply ridiculing the OP for his desperation hair-on-fire chicken-little babble and his absurd stance that purports to know the entire history, past, present and future, of the earth. If that ain't mockable I don't know what is.

Simple enough for ya?
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.

Tisdale pointed out the lies by omission made by NOAA. Why do so many people think it is OK for govt agencies to purposely misdirect the public? and then call people cranks or worse when they use the govt agencies like NOAA's own words to show that they are being less than honest?

What the fuck is a "Tisdale"?

I'm simply ridiculing the OP for his desperation hair-on-fire chicken-little babble and his absurd stance that purports to know the entire history, past, present and future, of the earth. If that ain't mockable I don't know what is.

Simple enough for ya?

Gotcha. You know nothing, and couldn't care less about the subject. You just dropped by to insult someone. Carry on then
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.

Tisdale pointed out the lies by omission made by NOAA. Why do so many people think it is OK for govt agencies to purposely misdirect the public? and then call people cranks or worse when they use the govt agencies like NOAA's own words to show that they are being less than honest?

What the fuck is a "Tisdale"?

I'm simply ridiculing the OP for his desperation hair-on-fire chicken-little babble and his absurd stance that purports to know the entire history, past, present and future, of the earth. If that ain't mockable I don't know what is.

Simple enough for ya?

Gotcha. You know nothing, and couldn't care less about the subject. You just dropped by to insult someone. Carry on then

His ranting has an IQ of a peanut... Standard procedure for Alarmist wackos.. All Shell and Very Little Substance..
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.

Tisdale pointed out the lies by omission made by NOAA. Why do so many people think it is OK for govt agencies to purposely misdirect the public? and then call people cranks or worse when they use the govt agencies like NOAA's own words to show that they are being less than honest?

What the fuck is a "Tisdale"?

I'm simply ridiculing the OP for his desperation hair-on-fire chicken-little babble and his absurd stance that purports to know the entire history, past, present and future, of the earth. If that ain't mockable I don't know what is.

Simple enough for ya?

Gotcha. You know nothing, and couldn't care less about the subject. You just dropped by to insult someone. Carry on then

Thank you, I intend to, because such arrogance deserves to be mocked and I'm happy to do my part.
Now get off your knees. It's embarrassing.
I'm not the one creating butthurt desperation threads imagining hair-on-fire gummint conspiracies about "just WOW lying can you say agenda-driven" from an obviously scientific site called "", am I?

Pure entertainment this is.

Tisdale pointed out the lies by omission made by NOAA. Why do so many people think it is OK for govt agencies to purposely misdirect the public? and then call people cranks or worse when they use the govt agencies like NOAA's own words to show that they are being less than honest?

What the fuck is a "Tisdale"?

I'm simply ridiculing the OP for his desperation hair-on-fire chicken-little babble and his absurd stance that purports to know the entire history, past, present and future, of the earth. If that ain't mockable I don't know what is.

Simple enough for ya?

Gotcha. You know nothing, and couldn't care less about the subject. You just dropped by to insult someone. Carry on then

Thank you, I intend to, because such arrogance deserves to be mocked and I'm happy to do my part.
Now get off your knees. It's embarrassing.

I realize that engaging with a denizen from the wrong side of the bell curve is likely to be fruitless but I am curious. Who or what do you think I am 'on my knees' to? Perhaps that insult is just one of your standard replies when you have nothing worthwhile to say?

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