Noam Chomsky: "Unvaccinated Should Be ‘Isolated’ from Society"

If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it." - Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky is a senile idiot savant and he needs to go back to his theoretical computer science and stay out of politics.
Just show's you how draconian the American left have become.

These people, are the ones who should be removed from society!!

And I say that as a fully vaccinated American!
The unvaccinated, according to leftists, should be isolated from society. I would be willing to bet there are people on USMB that would agree with this horrific assessment. Isolation is merely the first stage. All the left has to do is create a state of fear that as more and more people come down with COVID....the target will become people who they feel are undesirable. Be it Jews or the unvaccinated or whomever they feel is a threat to socialism. Right now it's the unvaccinated.

FYI, only 25% of blacks are should we start there? No....of course not. Let's start with Trump Supporters.

Joe Biden literally said this during his town hall the other night. "I should have the freedom to kill you with my COVID!!!"

"People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention. Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood. And we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it." - Noam Chomsky​

This has been the plan all along. Isolation....then maybe something worse later on. This is the communist way folks.

The radical transformation of the left is startling. I've read some of his books, and this is not the same person who wrote those books.
I recall a professor at school and a guy I worked years later who both spoke so highly of this guy. I listened to some of his anti-American arguments until I realized that clearly that he wasn't living in the same streets I lived in, nor possessing a balanced view of history.

What he accomplished with this comment was expose his intellectualism as nothing more than a foil for his real impulses: fascism. His own perspective on intolerance. Surely he believes that such views are only acceptable when they arise from such superior minds as his. He would never himself drink from the hemlock if the rest of society deemed it an appropriate punishment.
Darn, I thought Chomsky was dead! He must be well in his nineties.
The unvaccinated, according to leftists, should be isolated from society. I would be willing to bet there are people on USMB that would agree with this horrific assessment. Isolation is merely the first stage. All the left has to do is create a state of fear that as more and more people come down with COVID....the target will become people who they feel are undesirable. Be it Jews or the unvaccinated or whomever they feel is a threat to socialism. Right now it's the unvaccinated.

FYI, only 25% of blacks are should we start there? No....of course not. Let's start with Trump Supporters.

Joe Biden literally said this during his town hall the other night. "I should have the freedom to kill you with my COVID!!!"

"People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention. Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood. And we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it." - Noam Chomsky​

This has been the plan all along. Isolation....then maybe something worse later on. This is the communist way folks.

That’s typical that Chomsky would say thst,he is part of the controlled opposition,I would expect nothing less from a troll who defends the official versions of events of the government that bid laden and 19 Muslims did 9/11 and oswald killed kennedy.
The unvaccinated, according to leftists, should be isolated from society. I would be willing to bet there are people on USMB that would agree with this horrific assessment. Isolation is merely the first stage. All the left has to do is create a state of fear that as more and more people come down with COVID....the target will become people who they feel are undesirable. Be it Jews or the unvaccinated or whomever they feel is a threat to socialism. Right now it's the unvaccinated.

FYI, only 25% of blacks are should we start there? No....of course not. Let's start with Trump Supporters.

Joe Biden literally said this during his town hall the other night. "I should have the freedom to kill you with my COVID!!!"

"People who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide, ‘I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing to vaccinate,’ they should say then, ‘Well, I also have the decency to isolate myself. I don’t want a vaccine, but I don’t have the right to run around harming people.’ That should be a convention. Enforcing is a different question. It should be understood. And we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it." - Noam Chomsky​

This has been the plan all along. Isolation....then maybe something worse later on. This is the communist way folks.

The Menace of Liberal Scholarship - Noam Chomsky
The Noam Chomsky Website. The Menace of Liberal Scholarship Noam Chomsky The New York Review of Books, January 2, 1969. In a recent essay, Conor Cruise O’Brien speaks of the process of “counterrevolutionary subordination,” which poses a threat to scholarly integrity in our own counterrevolutionary society, just as “revolutionary subordination,” a phenomenon often noted and …

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