Nobel Peace Prize Laid on Empty Chair


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Video: The empty chair Hot Air

A grand moment from today’s poignant Nobel ceremony, the first since 1936 where neither the Peace Prize winner nor a close relative was permitted to attend. Choosing Liu Xiaobo was the Nobel committee’s way of testing China: After years of economic liberalization, were they ready to make a small concession to political liberalization too? Or would they prefer to follow the Nazi example and keep Liu locked away? We now have our answer; if the award accomplishes nothing else (which may well be the case), there’s at least a bit of extra clarity in that. The only surprise, in fact, is how sustained China’s tantrum over this has been.

Link to explain "the Nazi example"...
Carl von Ossietzky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Obama's statement...
Statement by the President on the Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize | The White House
Better than giving it to an empty suit.

this is the second time this has happened.

First guy was in Dachau at the time and wasn't free to attend.
you ***** need to be faster on the draw. you are too predictable.

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