Nobody charged Russia with war crimes in Syria? Because US is pathetic and racist

Russian imperialism? If we talk about Russian capitalism as a system, then it is far from the imperialist stage. He's somewhere, where the U.S. was after the Civil War of 1861-65
Yes moron, imperialism, which is not some sort of economic system, but invading other countries and taking their land, thus expanding the empire.

Still don’t understand? Maybe we should use an example: Russia annexing Ukrainian territory.
I believe the President of Syria invited the Russian military. It wasn't an invasion or occupation.
Yes moron, imperialism, which is not some sort of economic system, but invading other countries and taking their land, thus expanding the empire.
Wrong, on this basis you will write down Egypt of the Pharaohs or the Roman Empire as imperialists.
Imperialism in very short it is capitalism at the age of monopolies etc
And, of course, when establishing what imperialism is, it is best to turn to the classics:
Title says it all.

The fact that no one cared about Syria proves that the "war crimes" argument is hollow, and it makes the Western World look racist and hypocritical. Further driving the world to hate the West.
Look at the pathetic Muslim sympathy thread.
If yall quit living like savages the majority of your problems would vanish.
Anyone who just believes anything that US “intelligence” puts out through the media is not recalling how often the “intel community” lies.

I recall when the cult hated the INTEL COMMUNITY FOR LYING ABOUT IRAQ HAVING WMDs.
Wrong, on this basis you will write down Egypt of the Pharaohs or the Roman Empire as imperialists.
Imperialism in very short it is capitalism at the age of monopolies etc
And, of course, when establishing what imperialism is, it is best to turn to the classics:

Dumbass, words have meanings.

Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and peoples.

Dumbass, words have meanings.
Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and peoples.
Yeah, there are also several versions of what IS is... So, I gave you a scientific definition of the term Imperialism, but you can use what you like.
Yeah, there are also several versions of what IS is... So, I gave you a scientific definition of the term Imperialism, but you can use what you like.
I've just linked you to a fucking dictionary, you know, those books that wriote down official meanings of words. You've linked to some marxist tripe.

Invading foreign countries and taking over land is CERTAINLY imperialism by any definition, found in any dictionary.

You look like a total idiot when you deny the obvious.
Anyone who just believes anything that US “intelligence” puts out through the media is not recalling how often the “intel community” lies.

I recall when the cult hated the INTEL COMMUNITY FOR LYING ABOUT IRAQ HAVING WMDs.
The intelligence community didn't lie about WMDs in Iraq. Cheney did. All intelligence went through him. The plan came from Clean Break Strategy in 1994 and from the dual citizens signatories of the PNAC in 1998.
Title says it all.

The fact that no one cared about Syria proves that the "war crimes" argument is hollow, and it makes the Western World look racist and hypocritical. Further driving the world to hate the West.

the chem used on the Syrians came from ISRAELI fighter jets...
Then go ahead and link to a DICTIONARY definition. Not some marxist rag.
Why do we need a dictionary? Gentlemen should trust each other's word, isn't it?
So you can trust me, you're a dumb, stubborn cretin.
At least as far as politics is concerned. So you better do what you do best - gay porn.
Why do we need a dictionary?


Because words have meanings dumbass and dictionaries is where those meanings are written down.

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