Nobody doubts the M4 is an assault weapon. Are there any material differences between an M4 and an AR15?

The M4 is the main rifle used by the US military, and no one could question that it is an assault rifle. The M4 is capable of full automatic fire, and 3 round burst, and the AR15 is not. Of course, it would be illegal, but the AR15 can easily be converted to allow those types of fire. Other than that difference, what makes an M4 an assault weapon, and an AR15 not?
Another Democrat spewing Hitler's propaganda.

The M4 is a carbine rifle, not an "assault rifle". "Assault rifle" is just a ridiculous term that the Nazi's made up out of thin air when they renamed the MP 43 to make it sound scary for propaganda purposes.

Only Nazis call any rifle an "assault rifle".
Our military and the NRA disagree with you
You didn't read far enough.

  • Assault Rifle
    By U.S. Army definition, a selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power. If applied to any semi-automatic firearm regardless of its cosmetic similarity to a true assault rifle, the term is incorrect.
I read the entire thing. You agree the M4 is an assault rifle though, like I said in the OP --- right?
Yes. But the AR-15 is not. By the definition you cited.

Looks like this thread is over.
I never said the AR was. I did say that other than the multi-fire capability, there were no substantial differences in the two. That is, unless you can name those substantial differences.
Again -- I have no obligation to defend a claim I didn't make.

I don't know what's so hard about that to understand.
OK. Since you can't point out any fault in this OP, I assume we are in agreement.
Are you still trying to hide that you want the AR banned because "there's no substantial differences between the two"?

Because the semi-auto and full-auto thing is a substantial difference.
Yes, it is a substantial difference that everybody is aware of. That's why I excluded it from the discussion. I'm trying to find any other substantial differences that might exist. You know of any?.
Yes. AR-15s are substantially cheaper to own for people who want one. Owning one (or a hundred) isn't regulated like owning a select-fire weapon is.

Thread's over. You need to accept it.
The M4 is the main rifle used by the US military, and no one could question that it is an assault rifle. The M4 is capable of full automatic fire, and 3 round burst, and the AR15 is not. Of course, it would be illegal, but the AR15 can easily be converted to allow those types of fire. Other than that difference, what makes an M4 an assault weapon, and an AR15 not?
Another Democrat spewing Hitler's propaganda.

The M4 is a carbine rifle, not an "assault rifle". "Assault rifle" is just a ridiculous term that the Nazi's made up out of thin air when they renamed the MP 43 to make it sound scary for propaganda purposes.

Only Nazis call any rifle an "assault rifle".
Our military and the NRA disagree with you
You didn't read far enough.

  • Assault Rifle
    By U.S. Army definition, a selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power. If applied to any semi-automatic firearm regardless of its cosmetic similarity to a true assault rifle, the term is incorrect.
I read the entire thing. You agree the M4 is an assault rifle though, like I said in the OP --- right?
Yes. But the AR-15 is not. By the definition you cited.

Looks like this thread is over.
I never said the AR was. I did say that other than the multi-fire capability, there were no substantial differences in the two. That is, unless you can name those substantial differences.
Again -- I have no obligation to defend a claim I didn't make.

I don't know what's so hard about that to understand.
OK. Since you can't point out any fault in this OP, I assume we are in agreement.

Typical progressive, you lose, so you lie.
I'm sorry you think that. I have no intention to lie. Perhaps , if you can show where you or anybody else has shown any substantial difference between how the two rifles are used, except as noted in the OP, I can understand where the confusion might be, and I will understand why you think I am lying. As always, I'm willing to admit that I am wrong when shown proof.
The M4 is the main rifle used by the US military, and no one could question that it is an assault rifle. The M4 is capable of full automatic fire, and 3 round burst, and the AR15 is not. Of course, it would be illegal, but the AR15 can easily be converted to allow those types of fire. Other than that difference, what makes an M4 an assault weapon, and an AR15 not?
Another Democrat spewing Hitler's propaganda.

The M4 is a carbine rifle, not an "assault rifle". "Assault rifle" is just a ridiculous term that the Nazi's made up out of thin air when they renamed the MP 43 to make it sound scary for propaganda purposes.

Only Nazis call any rifle an "assault rifle".
Our military and the NRA disagree with you
You didn't read far enough.

  • Assault Rifle
    By U.S. Army definition, a selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power. If applied to any semi-automatic firearm regardless of its cosmetic similarity to a true assault rifle, the term is incorrect.
I read the entire thing. You agree the M4 is an assault rifle though, like I said in the OP --- right?
Yes. But the AR-15 is not. By the definition you cited.

Looks like this thread is over.
I never said the AR was. I did say that other than the multi-fire capability, there were no substantial differences in the two. That is, unless you can name those substantial differences.
Again -- I have no obligation to defend a claim I didn't make.

I don't know what's so hard about that to understand.
OK. Since you can't point out any fault in this OP, I assume we are in agreement.

Typical progressive, you lose, so you lie.
I'm sorry you think that. I have no intention to lie. Perhaps , if you can show where you or anybody else has shown any substantial difference between how the two rifles are used, except as noted in the OP, I can understand where the confusion might be, and I will understand why you think I am lying. As always, I'm willing to admit that I am wrong when shown proof.
it's irrelevant they are constitutionally protected
Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.
I've answered your question, you ignorant fuck. You just don't like the answer because your only counter to it is to suggest that the ability to toggle from semi-auto fire (or what liberal dipshits call "multi fire") is a minor one when in fact, it's a monumental difference. I've fired both, little boy. I know the difference. You don't.

Look, it's not my fault that you're ignorant and stupid. I wish you were smarter, I really do. But you're not, so all that's left for intelligent people to do is mock your idiocy...
Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

Here you go dumb ass.

The M16 Trigger, Disconnector, Hammer, Selector, and Bolt Carrier are all readily available, and non regulated. It's still highly illegal to assemble them to produce a fully auto rifle, and the ATF will have a running shit fit. It can be done though.

Readily available? Prove it.

Cause I think we have different definitions of readily available.

Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

No. You couldn't. The fact that you think you could just proves you don't know jack shit about anything especially machining precision parts. That is seriously one of the stupidest claim you could make. I could write a book on the reasons you can't do it. But go ahead and prove me wrong. Make that part.

No need to prove anything to you. Perhaps reading a ruler and grinding along a straight line is an unsurmountable chore for you. Perhaps you have never done any fabrication.

You don't machine precision parts with a grinder and a vice, dumb ass. Not to mention the other components you forgot to mention that are needed for full auto.

The government does not allow receiver designs which can be converted to full auto. If you don't believe me call the ATF.

Don't forget about the BGC you can't use a BCG designed for an AR in an M4 because the AR BGC is not cut for automatic function

but you can use an M16 BCG on an AR15. Not too expensive either.

$300 IF you can find one. Which is a big if. But you still need that $15,000 auto sear that you ain't machining in your garage with a ruler, vise and grinder from drawings/specifications that you don't have.

Bottom line this is not the simple or easy conversion you seem to think it is. But if you diagree you should take it up with ATF as they are the ones tasked with not allowing simple or easy conversions from semi-automatic to full-automatic.

An internet search shows them for as little as $79.00. The hammer, and other parts needed run about $50.00 or less. That shouldn't be a problem for gun nuts who have already spent much more than that preparing for the civil war they so desperately want.
View attachment 490635

What is your point? You can find cheap ones, and some that are not so cheap. Still, $215 wouldn't be so bad if you were a nutbag gearing up for an armed civil war.

and you would be a nutbag to press the war

I'd say him posting that he could build one using a ruler, a vise and a grinder qualifies him for nutbag of the year.

You can say what you want, and I suppose it is partially my fault for letting the thread get misdirected, but the point is that there is very little difference between the use of the two guns.

again there are over 600,000 automatic firearms in the hands of the general public it's irrelevant if you think the AR and m16 have very little difference
It's irrelevant because they are constitutionally protected

So I'll just put you down as not able to come up with any substantial differences, other than multi-fire capability. You realize that even in combat, the military avoids using that multi-fire capability as much as possible, don't you? Thanks for participating.

So, exactly how ignorant are you?

No one except an ignorant liberal moron bed-wetter would refer to it as "multi-fire".

Just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and we can move on...

Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.

your thread died a long time ago any question you have are irrelevant
But you seem to avoid questions asked of you.

I had hoped at least one of the gun nuts here could come up with at least some example of substantial differences between the two guns, except as noted in the OP. So far, I haven't seen any. If I missed a specific example, then please point it out. I'm sorry if you think I haven't answered any questions relating to the OP. Ask again, and I will try to answer. I'm not going to bother with unrelated questions.
I'm sorry you think that. I have no intention to lie. Perhaps , if you can show where you or anybody else has shown any substantial difference between how the two rifles are used, except as noted in the OP, I can understand where the confusion might be, and I will understand why you think I am lying. As always, I'm willing to admit that I am wrong when shown proof.
This is why you're ignorant. You're apparently too goddamn stupid to comprehend that the substantial difference in the OP is the only substantial difference required.

No further discussion is necessary. The M4 and the AR-15 are drastically different weapons...
Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

Here you go dumb ass.

The M16 Trigger, Disconnector, Hammer, Selector, and Bolt Carrier are all readily available, and non regulated. It's still highly illegal to assemble them to produce a fully auto rifle, and the ATF will have a running shit fit. It can be done though.

Readily available? Prove it.

Cause I think we have different definitions of readily available.

Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

No. You couldn't. The fact that you think you could just proves you don't know jack shit about anything especially machining precision parts. That is seriously one of the stupidest claim you could make. I could write a book on the reasons you can't do it. But go ahead and prove me wrong. Make that part.

No need to prove anything to you. Perhaps reading a ruler and grinding along a straight line is an unsurmountable chore for you. Perhaps you have never done any fabrication.

You don't machine precision parts with a grinder and a vice, dumb ass. Not to mention the other components you forgot to mention that are needed for full auto.

The government does not allow receiver designs which can be converted to full auto. If you don't believe me call the ATF.

Don't forget about the BGC you can't use a BCG designed for an AR in an M4 because the AR BGC is not cut for automatic function

but you can use an M16 BCG on an AR15. Not too expensive either.

$300 IF you can find one. Which is a big if. But you still need that $15,000 auto sear that you ain't machining in your garage with a ruler, vise and grinder from drawings/specifications that you don't have.

Bottom line this is not the simple or easy conversion you seem to think it is. But if you diagree you should take it up with ATF as they are the ones tasked with not allowing simple or easy conversions from semi-automatic to full-automatic.

An internet search shows them for as little as $79.00. The hammer, and other parts needed run about $50.00 or less. That shouldn't be a problem for gun nuts who have already spent much more than that preparing for the civil war they so desperately want.
View attachment 490635

What is your point? You can find cheap ones, and some that are not so cheap. Still, $215 wouldn't be so bad if you were a nutbag gearing up for an armed civil war.

and you would be a nutbag to press the war

I'd say him posting that he could build one using a ruler, a vise and a grinder qualifies him for nutbag of the year.

You can say what you want, and I suppose it is partially my fault for letting the thread get misdirected, but the point is that there is very little difference between the use of the two guns.

again there are over 600,000 automatic firearms in the hands of the general public it's irrelevant if you think the AR and m16 have very little difference
It's irrelevant because they are constitutionally protected

So I'll just put you down as not able to come up with any substantial differences, other than multi-fire capability. You realize that even in combat, the military avoids using that multi-fire capability as much as possible, don't you? Thanks for participating.

So, exactly how ignorant are you?

No one except an ignorant liberal moron bed-wetter would refer to it as "multi-fire".

Just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and we can move on...

Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.

your thread died a long time ago any question you have are irrelevant
But you seem to avoid questions asked of you.

I had hoped at least one of the gun nuts here could come up with at least some example of substantial differences between the two guns, except as noted in the OP. So far, I haven't seen any. If I missed a specific example, then please point it out. I'm sorry if you think I haven't answered any questions relating to the OP. Ask again, and I will try to answer. I'm not going to bother with unrelated questions.

You're fucking pig-headed.

What's the point of your question? Apparently, you hope to demonstrate that the two weapons share enough characteristics that they can be considered, essentially, the same. But what you really need to wrap your pointed little head around is that the difference noted in the OP is more than sufficient to nullify every single one of the similar characteristics in a comparison of the two guns...
The point was that there is very little difference other than select fire capability.

And that difference is profound.

As for your comments about what is preferable in war, I doubt you've any real-world experience on which to make such a statement...
You are right. I have never had to use a rifle in a combat situation, but I can evaluate what those that have have to say about it. Most say auto fire rarely hits what they want to hit, and it's the best way to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight. Most say they avoid that. I'll take their word for that.

Got a source for that, or are you going to rely on what "most" of "those" have allegedly said to convince others of your uneducated argument?
I assume these people know more about armed combat, and have more access to the best practices than either you or I do.
from your source
can't really see a downside to it. Back in the mid-1980s -- before the shift to the M16A2 and the three-round burst -- active-duty infantry units kept to a strict rule that rifleman only fired their M16A1s on semi auto. Today's combat-experienced infantrymen are even more disciplined.
Yes. More disciplined. Only using that capability in the very few situations called for.
The point was that there is very little difference other than select fire capability.

And that difference is profound.

As for your comments about what is preferable in war, I doubt you've any real-world experience on which to make such a statement...
You are right. I have never had to use a rifle in a combat situation, but I can evaluate what those that have have to say about it. Most say auto fire rarely hits what they want to hit, and it's the best way to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight. Most say they avoid that. I'll take their word for that.

Got a source for that, or are you going to rely on what "most" of "those" have allegedly said to convince others of your uneducated argument?
I assume these people know more about armed combat, and have more access to the best practices than either you or I do.
from your source
can't really see a downside to it. Back in the mid-1980s -- before the shift to the M16A2 and the three-round burst -- active-duty infantry units kept to a strict rule that rifleman only fired their M16A1s on semi auto. Today's combat-experienced infantrymen are even more disciplined.
Yes. More disciplined. Only using that capability in the very few situations called for.

Define "assault weapon"...
The M4 is the main rifle used by the US military, and no one could question that it is an assault rifle. The M4 is capable of full automatic fire, and 3 round burst, and the AR15 is not. Of course, it would be illegal, but the AR15 can easily be converted to allow those types of fire. Other than that difference, what makes an M4 an assault weapon, and an AR15 not?
Another Democrat spewing Hitler's propaganda.

The M4 is a carbine rifle, not an "assault rifle". "Assault rifle" is just a ridiculous term that the Nazi's made up out of thin air when they renamed the MP 43 to make it sound scary for propaganda purposes.

Only Nazis call any rifle an "assault rifle".
Our military and the NRA disagree with you
You didn't read far enough.

  • Assault Rifle
    By U.S. Army definition, a selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power. If applied to any semi-automatic firearm regardless of its cosmetic similarity to a true assault rifle, the term is incorrect.
I read the entire thing. You agree the M4 is an assault rifle though, like I said in the OP --- right?
Yes. But the AR-15 is not. By the definition you cited.

Looks like this thread is over.
I never said the AR was. I did say that other than the multi-fire capability, there were no substantial differences in the two. That is, unless you can name those substantial differences.
Again -- I have no obligation to defend a claim I didn't make.

I don't know what's so hard about that to understand.
OK. Since you can't point out any fault in this OP, I assume we are in agreement.
Are you still trying to hide that you want the AR banned because "there's no substantial differences between the two"?

Because the semi-auto and full-auto thing is a substantial difference.
Yes, it is a substantial difference that everybody is aware of. That's why I excluded it from the discussion. I'm trying to find any other substantial differences that might exist. You know of any?.
Yes. AR-15s are substantially cheaper to own for people who want one. Owning one (or a hundred) isn't regulated like owning a select-fire weapon is.

Thread's over. You need to accept it.
Yes. Do you have anything other than auto-fire capability, which was noted in the OP (post #1) to add?
Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.
I've answered your question, you ignorant fuck. You just don't like the answer because your only counter to it is to suggest that the ability to toggle from semi-auto fire (or what liberal dipshits call "multi fire") is a minor one when in fact, it's a monumental difference. I've fired both, little boy. I know the difference. You don't.

Look, it's not my fault that you're ignorant and stupid. I wish you were smarter, I really do. But you're not, so all that's left for intelligent people to do is mock your idiocy...
Of course it is a notable difference. That's why it was addressed in the OP, and excluded from the thread. I'm looking for differences other than the one main one. If you don't know of any other differences, then you are like every other poster here who had nothing else to add.
Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.
I've answered your question, you ignorant fuck. You just don't like the answer because your only counter to it is to suggest that the ability to toggle from semi-auto fire (or what liberal dipshits call "multi fire") is a minor one when in fact, it's a monumental difference. I've fired both, little boy. I know the difference. You don't.

Look, it's not my fault that you're ignorant and stupid. I wish you were smarter, I really do. But you're not, so all that's left for intelligent people to do is mock your idiocy...
Of course it is a notable difference. That's why it was addressed in the OP, and excluded from the thread. I'm looking for differences other than the one main one. If you don't know of any other differences, then you are like every other poster here who had nothing else to add.
why does it matter??
I'm sorry you think that. I have no intention to lie. Perhaps , if you can show where you or anybody else has shown any substantial difference between how the two rifles are used, except as noted in the OP, I can understand where the confusion might be, and I will understand why you think I am lying. As always, I'm willing to admit that I am wrong when shown proof.
This is why you're ignorant. You're apparently too goddamn stupid to comprehend that the substantial difference in the OP is the only substantial difference required.

No further discussion is necessary. The M4 and the AR-15 are drastically different weapons...
Good. Now we are getting somewhere. Please list those drastic differences. What ways are those two rifles substantially different, other than the one difference noted in the OP?
I'm sorry you think that. I have no intention to lie. Perhaps , if you can show where you or anybody else has shown any substantial difference between how the two rifles are used, except as noted in the OP, I can understand where the confusion might be, and I will understand why you think I am lying. As always, I'm willing to admit that I am wrong when shown proof.
This is why you're ignorant. You're apparently too goddamn stupid to comprehend that the substantial difference in the OP is the only substantial difference required.

No further discussion is necessary. The M4 and the AR-15 are drastically different weapons...
Good. Now we are getting somewhere. Please list those drastic differences. What ways are those two rifles substantially different, other than the one difference noted in the OP?
why does it matter???
Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

Here you go dumb ass.

The M16 Trigger, Disconnector, Hammer, Selector, and Bolt Carrier are all readily available, and non regulated. It's still highly illegal to assemble them to produce a fully auto rifle, and the ATF will have a running shit fit. It can be done though.

Readily available? Prove it.

Cause I think we have different definitions of readily available.

Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

No. You couldn't. The fact that you think you could just proves you don't know jack shit about anything especially machining precision parts. That is seriously one of the stupidest claim you could make. I could write a book on the reasons you can't do it. But go ahead and prove me wrong. Make that part.

No need to prove anything to you. Perhaps reading a ruler and grinding along a straight line is an unsurmountable chore for you. Perhaps you have never done any fabrication.

You don't machine precision parts with a grinder and a vice, dumb ass. Not to mention the other components you forgot to mention that are needed for full auto.

The government does not allow receiver designs which can be converted to full auto. If you don't believe me call the ATF.

Don't forget about the BGC you can't use a BCG designed for an AR in an M4 because the AR BGC is not cut for automatic function

but you can use an M16 BCG on an AR15. Not too expensive either.

$300 IF you can find one. Which is a big if. But you still need that $15,000 auto sear that you ain't machining in your garage with a ruler, vise and grinder from drawings/specifications that you don't have.

Bottom line this is not the simple or easy conversion you seem to think it is. But if you diagree you should take it up with ATF as they are the ones tasked with not allowing simple or easy conversions from semi-automatic to full-automatic.

An internet search shows them for as little as $79.00. The hammer, and other parts needed run about $50.00 or less. That shouldn't be a problem for gun nuts who have already spent much more than that preparing for the civil war they so desperately want.
View attachment 490635

What is your point? You can find cheap ones, and some that are not so cheap. Still, $215 wouldn't be so bad if you were a nutbag gearing up for an armed civil war.

and you would be a nutbag to press the war

I'd say him posting that he could build one using a ruler, a vise and a grinder qualifies him for nutbag of the year.

You can say what you want, and I suppose it is partially my fault for letting the thread get misdirected, but the point is that there is very little difference between the use of the two guns.

again there are over 600,000 automatic firearms in the hands of the general public it's irrelevant if you think the AR and m16 have very little difference
It's irrelevant because they are constitutionally protected

So I'll just put you down as not able to come up with any substantial differences, other than multi-fire capability. You realize that even in combat, the military avoids using that multi-fire capability as much as possible, don't you? Thanks for participating.

So, exactly how ignorant are you?

No one except an ignorant liberal moron bed-wetter would refer to it as "multi-fire".

Just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and we can move on...

Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.

your thread died a long time ago any question you have are irrelevant
But you seem to avoid questions asked of you.

I had hoped at least one of the gun nuts here could come up with at least some example of substantial differences between the two guns, except as noted in the OP. So far, I haven't seen any. If I missed a specific example, then please point it out. I'm sorry if you think I haven't answered any questions relating to the OP. Ask again, and I will try to answer. I'm not going to bother with unrelated questions.

You're fucking pig-headed.

What's the point of your question? Apparently, you hope to demonstrate that the two weapons share enough characteristics that they can be considered, essentially, the same. But what you really need to wrap your pointed little head around is that the difference noted in the OP is more than sufficient to nullify every single one of the similar characteristics in a comparison of the two guns...

So you have no differences to add other than the one main one listed in the OP?
The M4 is the main rifle used by the US military, and no one could question that it is an assault rifle. The M4 is capable of full automatic fire, and 3 round burst, and the AR15 is not. Of course, it would be illegal, but the AR15 can easily be converted to allow those types of fire. Other than that difference, what makes an M4 an assault weapon, and an AR15 not?
Another Democrat spewing Hitler's propaganda.

The M4 is a carbine rifle, not an "assault rifle". "Assault rifle" is just a ridiculous term that the Nazi's made up out of thin air when they renamed the MP 43 to make it sound scary for propaganda purposes.

Only Nazis call any rifle an "assault rifle".
Our military and the NRA disagree with you
You didn't read far enough.

  • Assault Rifle
    By U.S. Army definition, a selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power. If applied to any semi-automatic firearm regardless of its cosmetic similarity to a true assault rifle, the term is incorrect.
I read the entire thing. You agree the M4 is an assault rifle though, like I said in the OP --- right?
Yes. But the AR-15 is not. By the definition you cited.

Looks like this thread is over.
I never said the AR was. I did say that other than the multi-fire capability, there were no substantial differences in the two. That is, unless you can name those substantial differences.
Again -- I have no obligation to defend a claim I didn't make.

I don't know what's so hard about that to understand.
OK. Since you can't point out any fault in this OP, I assume we are in agreement.

Typical progressive, you lose, so you lie.
I'm sorry you think that. I have no intention to lie. Perhaps , if you can show where you or anybody else has shown any substantial difference between how the two rifles are used, except as noted in the OP, I can understand where the confusion might be, and I will understand why you think I am lying. As always, I'm willing to admit that I am wrong when shown proof.

Yes, you did have intent to lie. You couldn't make the point that you wanted, because it is erroneous, so you misrepresented what another poster said. That is called a LIE. You might be an unethical, lying piece of crap, but we aren't.
Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

Here you go dumb ass.

The M16 Trigger, Disconnector, Hammer, Selector, and Bolt Carrier are all readily available, and non regulated. It's still highly illegal to assemble them to produce a fully auto rifle, and the ATF will have a running shit fit. It can be done though.

Readily available? Prove it.

Cause I think we have different definitions of readily available.

Well, no, it cannot be "easily" converted-the receiver is different.
Most people could make an auto sear in their garage with a grinder and a vice. It wouldn't be legal, but it could be done pretty easily. However, the question was other than full auto, what are the material differences between the two rifles.

That's a machined part. You think you can manufacture a machined part in your garage with a grinder and a vice? Seriously?

Of course I could. It wouldn't be nearly as pretty, but it doesn't have to be pretty to work. It just has to make contact in the right places at the right time. Doesn't take pretty to do that

No. You couldn't. The fact that you think you could just proves you don't know jack shit about anything especially machining precision parts. That is seriously one of the stupidest claim you could make. I could write a book on the reasons you can't do it. But go ahead and prove me wrong. Make that part.

No need to prove anything to you. Perhaps reading a ruler and grinding along a straight line is an unsurmountable chore for you. Perhaps you have never done any fabrication.

You don't machine precision parts with a grinder and a vice, dumb ass. Not to mention the other components you forgot to mention that are needed for full auto.

The government does not allow receiver designs which can be converted to full auto. If you don't believe me call the ATF.

Don't forget about the BGC you can't use a BCG designed for an AR in an M4 because the AR BGC is not cut for automatic function

but you can use an M16 BCG on an AR15. Not too expensive either.

$300 IF you can find one. Which is a big if. But you still need that $15,000 auto sear that you ain't machining in your garage with a ruler, vise and grinder from drawings/specifications that you don't have.

Bottom line this is not the simple or easy conversion you seem to think it is. But if you diagree you should take it up with ATF as they are the ones tasked with not allowing simple or easy conversions from semi-automatic to full-automatic.

An internet search shows them for as little as $79.00. The hammer, and other parts needed run about $50.00 or less. That shouldn't be a problem for gun nuts who have already spent much more than that preparing for the civil war they so desperately want.
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What is your point? You can find cheap ones, and some that are not so cheap. Still, $215 wouldn't be so bad if you were a nutbag gearing up for an armed civil war.

and you would be a nutbag to press the war

I'd say him posting that he could build one using a ruler, a vise and a grinder qualifies him for nutbag of the year.

You can say what you want, and I suppose it is partially my fault for letting the thread get misdirected, but the point is that there is very little difference between the use of the two guns.

again there are over 600,000 automatic firearms in the hands of the general public it's irrelevant if you think the AR and m16 have very little difference
It's irrelevant because they are constitutionally protected

So I'll just put you down as not able to come up with any substantial differences, other than multi-fire capability. You realize that even in combat, the military avoids using that multi-fire capability as much as possible, don't you? Thanks for participating.

So, exactly how ignorant are you?

No one except an ignorant liberal moron bed-wetter would refer to it as "multi-fire".

Just admit that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and we can move on...

Really? That's the only thing you can think of? Unless you can come up with something else, I'll put you on the same list as that other idiot who has no answers to the question.

your thread died a long time ago any question you have are irrelevant
But you seem to avoid questions asked of you.

I had hoped at least one of the gun nuts here could come up with at least some example of substantial differences between the two guns, except as noted in the OP. So far, I haven't seen any. If I missed a specific example, then please point it out. I'm sorry if you think I haven't answered any questions relating to the OP. Ask again, and I will try to answer. I'm not going to bother with unrelated questions.

You're fucking pig-headed.

What's the point of your question? Apparently, you hope to demonstrate that the two weapons share enough characteristics that they can be considered, essentially, the same. But what you really need to wrap your pointed little head around is that the difference noted in the OP is more than sufficient to nullify every single one of the similar characteristics in a comparison of the two guns...

So you have no differences to add other than the one main one listed in the OP?

Why does it matter?
Auto fire from rifleman is for final fire in an emergency usually when being assaulted and the enemy has closed to danger close, as in in threat of being over run.
Yes. Rarely used.
which has nothing to do with the fact it has the ability and the AR15 does not making them critically different, there is no difference between an AR15 and any other semi automatic rifle especially those with detachable magazines.

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